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Lisa step backed away then chuckles.

"Is that a reason from a desperate person who wants to get away with all the shits you've done?!"

She looked at Bobby who keeps on shedding tears and the sight of a friend hurts her inside as she looks away facing her back at Bobby and her friends in front. The supposed to be memorable night is happening in an unplanned way.  The looks on his friends faces are in shocked while sitting on different places that they can sit on.

"My mom worked at a club as a stripper where she met the your father." Lisa scoffs and looked at him sideways with her both hands on her both waist.

"you think a King will go to a cheap place like that just to get a cheap lady?!"

"words Lisa. She still his mom." Ten interrupts that made Bobby bow his head thanking Ten.

"your dad became a regular and my mom became his favorite..side chick" Bobby continues.

"stop this bullshit Bobby! I will never buy your stupid story!"

"your dad is not as perfect the way you see him" Lisa's anger range high as she looks at Bobby and gave him a punch that stumbles Bobby down.

"Lisa!" Jennie quickly move closer to stops Lisa but angry Lisa is a strong Lisa and she can't stop her lifting Bobby with his collar. Lisa and Bobby's face almost an inch apart when Bobby continues.

"I am the first child Lisa. But I accepted the fact that it was all a mistake. My mom and her boyfriend that time planned to drugged your father and gave him  a child so they would blackmail him and gave them all the money they will get just to make them shut up and never told everything to the media like your dad made the mistake. And it worked! I was made from an evil plan."

"this is all bullshit!" Lisa pinned Bobby on the wall and dropped her hands. All the frustrations are coming inside her as she keeps on brushing her hair with her own hands.

"Life was hard and I grew up seeing my own father on television with you on his arms. I grew up envying the life you have that must be on me too but all I could do was to accept the fact that I was not a legal child. Your dad knew the plan my mom did when I was 5 years old and he was about to put her in jail where I interrupted. My mom is the only thing I have when we escaped from my demon step-father who did nothing but to physically abused us. That's when the King started to treated me like his own. Gave me a good school, monthly allowances, gave me and mom a car, a good but simple life in return of keeping us quiet and never tell anyone that I am his own flesh and blood. But life sucks. My mom died and I have nothing left. I was too fucked up and the pain I felt lead me to blame all to your father."

Lisa's attention caught with another revelation from his  half-brother as she lifted her head waiting for him to continue while still standing in front of Bobby with Jennie on her side.

"I went to your mansion the day after the news came out about the missing Princess with my anger inside my chest. I planned to kill your parents"

Lisa's eyes widen in shocked and she landed a fist on Bobby's side  face making the wall meet her fist but still Bobby continue with his eyes closed.

"I swear to stab your sleeping parents that night inside their room but I couldn't. I was ready to kill them but I couldn't. But before I even got away and backed out to my plan, one of his bodyguard shot me on my wrist causing the knife I am holding to dropped"

All the information are too much to handle to Lisa's mind. Many emotions are engulfing her with too much revelations but Jennie and her friends presence helps her to somehow calm down.

"I knew that night, the king will throw me on a dungeon or even let me killed by his men but you have a good parents Lisa--"

"how about mom?" Lisa whispered at him in a crack voice.

"she knew ever since. That night I pleaded for my life and that's when the deal happened in exchange of sparing my life and start again with their support. Making the people know that the king has a son is only part of my wishes that I know will never come true." 

"what's the offer?" Lisa's voice softens.

"Find you and make you safe at all cost. Even if my life is on the line. My ego couldn't accept it at first. Seeing you in person makes me hate my life so much. But when I met you, you made me changed my heart. Even without the King's order, I will still protect you at all cost. Being a brother to a genuine person like you is one of the greatest memories I will bring until my last breath"

"you are still an asshole!" Lisa said as she wiped away her last tear and made Bobby chuckled.

Everyone inside the office is shedding tears except Ten and Bambam who gave Lisa a quick smile. Bobby's story made Lisa's heart melts.  Lisa walked around and sit on her swivel chair. She pull out the black folder on the top of her desk and read it for the third time before writing down something, signed it and sealed it with her personal notary.

"here" Lisa slide the black folder to Bobby's way and the man sit in front of Lisa's desk.

"I'm hoping this isn't a termination contract" Bobby said. His widen eyes looks made everyone curious on what's written on the paper. Jennie who saw what Lisa did on that paper is smiling proudly to Lisa who's giving her girlfriend's fingers a little massage.

"I can not accept this Lisa" Bobby said which made Lisa stop from her thing and lean her half body and looked at her brother.

"before all of this drama happened, I already made a plan on giving you this bar. I'm going home Bobby and I needed my most trusted man to handle this but.." She leaned back again.

"promise me one thing Bobby" Lisa's intimate gaze made Bobby swallowed hard. She lean forward again and holds Bobby's hand.

"I need you to study in a university again and make sure to graduate to fulfill your dreams. Let me take care of you now brother." Bobby sob like a young kid embracing her sister.

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