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Lisa and Bobby spend hours inside her private office while drinking Lisa's favorite wine while catching up. Although Lisa is sitting on her swivel chair, she can still hear and see few people enjoying downstairs. Bobby assigned a bouncer to look out from afar for the three girls and call his attention in case of emergency.

"so you choose to marry the girl your parents didn't want for you instead of the Mayor's daughter then they throw you out?" 

Bobby nods at her and drink his wine.

"that's the time I've been struggling to find a job for myself because my parents didn't give me any penny after throwing away and our bills begun to piled up but it was a very lucky day because I met the most generous and perfect boss" He raised his glass and drink the half of it.

Lisa got shy at his statement but eventually let it passed and drink her own liquor. they are both tipsy but they remain sober.

"any ways can I ask you a little serious question?" Lisa started and made Bobby put down his glass and look at Lisa straight into her eyes.

"you can even punch me on the face and i will be thankful man!" The two laugh at Bobby's answer but eventually get serious again after Lisa pour a wine to their both glasses.

"how did you know that it was  Hyo-rin and not the other girl?" Lisa asked curiously as she swallowed a lump on her throat praying to all the saints that Bobby not got curious why is she asking these questions. Because all of her employees and even right-hand man Bobby met any girl that Lisa brought in the bar except those girls she got flings to but they did know that all of them are just all for a one night stand.

"wait wait man let me clear your question.. You are asking if how would I know that I'm in love with my wife and not the girl that my parents want mo to marry right? in short how would i know if--"

"shh.. okay never mind just leave it. It fact-" Lisa defense.

"no no. let me  answer that with questions." Lisa act like she is not interested playing her glass with wine but her mind  remain focus at Bobby's revealing questions that will eventually help her with what she really feels.

"Okay Lis first question." Bobby put aside his glass as he lean forward his boss.

"does your heart beats rapidly whenever she's near? or just by hearing her name makes your mood lift up?" Lisa didn't notice that she stops her hand from playing her glass with Bobby's first question.

"second.. do you feel this pain inside your chest when she's with someone and not you?" Lisa shake her head slowly when she remembered the picture she saw on SNS of Jennie hugging another man.

"third. do you prioritize her feelings first before yours?" she swallowed a lump and look down as she remember backing out to her own invitation of a lunch date when Jennie rejected her and remembers she has a boyfriend.

"fourth.. are you looking forward on seeing her everyday?" She didn't know that a smile plastered on her lips as she always pray on seeing Jennie everywhere even driving down Hongdae just to see even just the clinic.

"and last.. do you see her in the future with you?" Lisa looked at Bobby in shocked. Her eyes widen and her body automatically leaned closer to her assistant.

"If you will answer yes in all my questions, trust me man, You're in love"

"Even if we met just  a couple of days?" Lisa curiously asked.

"Man.. you will get curious at first but curiosity leads you to question me today right?" Bobby drank another shot while looking curiously at his boss. Lisa stays quiet looking through her glass but her mind is out of nowhere.

"To be honest man, by looking at how you look at those girls downstairs, I think you are --"

"Sir Bob. I think  one of the girls is in trouble" The bouncer said in a walkie-talkie which made Bobby stop from his statement and Lisa  quickly stood up.

"shit!" Bobby heard from Lisa. He stood up beside his boss to look out what's really happening.

A guy is pulling on her arm to stood up. By the view of it, the man is drunk and wants Jennie to accompany him. The scared look on Jennie's face makes Lisa's heart on fire and her hand on fist. If a stare can kill, that guy already lying on the ground dead.

"What do you want me to instruct our men?" Bobby asked the firing angry Lisa.

"let me deal with that guy. Don't let my men intrude." Lisa left as Bobby follows her from afar. He never saw an angry Lisa and his curiosity lead him to stop meter away from his Boss and signal the men to stop their tracks  who tries to get near as soon as they saw their pretty boss getting near the commotion.

The people started to gather  around  the commotion but Lisa didn't mind and her anger rise up even more when she saw Jisoo trying to save Jennie from the man but the other guy push her away which made Jisoo stumble down  and Rose' in panic. Lisa did what her angry heart wants. She hold a tight grip on the man's wrist and slowly pulling out of Jennie's arm.

The guy got a bit shock that the tight and painful grip came from a woman with a petite and slender body. The pain is evident on the man's face which the other guy got alert on and hold Lisa on her both arms to help his friend.

"I think the lady already said no." Lisa tighten her grip more making the guy winced in pain not minding the other drunk guy who she keeps on pushing  away with her free hand.

"Lisa" Jennie said in a crack voice almost in whisper.

"what are you doing asshole?! get up and help me here!" The guy begged his friend.

Lisa removed her hand and pushed hard the man in front of her and do a spin to kick the other guy and focused again on the man who made her furiously angry.

The man got angry with all the people gossiping and cheering for Lisa.

"Miss Rose', please bring them out" Lisa said to Rose who got shocked beside Jisoo and take Jennie's hand and offered it to Jisoo's girlfriend. But time run fast and a punch landed on Lisa's cheeks that cause her to lips to bleed and the crowd screams in different curses. Lisa saw in he peripheral view that her men will approach her but she gesture no by shaking her head which they obliged.

"Lisa!" Jennie said and about to run but stops from her tracks when Lisa lift her hand to stop her.

"you want it this way, fine I will give you what you want." The man said while smirking. The other guy lift Lisa up by her both arms from behind and the man approach them.

"Oh! look at your pretty girlfriend here. My punch kinda hard right? if you didn't  intervene with my business here, you're pretty face won't  hurt " The man teased Lisa.

The man lean his face on Lisa ears and whispered; "watch later how your pretty little girlfriend screamed for help as I lay her on my bed and there's nothing you can do." The man face again Lisa and in that moment Lisa can't take it anymore.

"you little--fuck!" The man winced in pain when Lisa gave him a head butt the man in front of her and in a split second, the guy at her back is now laying his back on the ground. She  gave another punch to the man and quickly sit on top of the man  and begin punching his face. The man beg for his life but it is like anger covers Lisa's ear which made her not to stop until the man almost dropped dead but Lisa can't stop herself from punching his face. The other guy run out of the bar from what he is witnessing.

Lisa is like an angry demon and no one can stop her. Crowd starts to call for the bouncers but no one dares to approached the angry Lisa.

"Where's the security?!'

"Someone stop her! That man is going to die!"

"security please.

People screamed until Lisa suddenly stops when someone held her arm before giving the man another punch on his face. Lisa blinks and got shocked from the damage she did on the man. She looks up and saw Ten holding her wrist with Bambam and Sorn on the side.

"stop it Lisa" Ten said smiling weakly at his friend. Lisa looks at the man on the floor with his face can't be known because of all the blood and wound he received.

She slowly gets up with Ten and Bam's help and look around as she saw the crowd whispering with one another. She saw the people, her friends, Bobby and her men.But what caught her eyes is  Jennie's scared looks.

She steps backwards and gave the man a final look with guilt then runaway.

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