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I twist and turn for the nth time on my bed after the conversation with Lisa. Fuck! I almost spilled it out. In fact, I wanted her to know that I knew all of her secrets and I am just waiting for her to open up. It took me a day to figure out what she is dealing with. 

Yesterday, after the conversation with my cousin Jisoo and Rose', I realized waht they said and I proceed on calling Bambam to ask him. I'm not invading Lisa's privacy but as a concern raw girlfriend, I needed to know and help her with all the things that make her stop herself for loving someone. Yet, Bam never spilled anything to me as a loyal bestfriend to Lisa but after a call with him, someone caught my ears. 

I heard someone on the phone talking to someone she/he called "KING". And to my surprise, my name got involved in the conversation. i froze and goosebumps engulfed my whole body.  Why is she/he has the access to the King? wait-  King? Lisa? Keep an eye on her? Oh my ghad! I almost dropped my phone on the ground when realization hits me. Throughout that day, I didn't get the sleep I need for tomorrow. 

And this morning, I almost spilled it to Lisa or let me say, Princess Pranpriya. It scares me to get involved with the Princess in the first place. But I fall deeper with Lisa as herself and not the Princess. And letting myself be separate to her crashed me inside. Even thinking about it makes me want to cry. 

I knew she is on the way to tell me the truth and it is all I want to just trust and love her more but this time, it is me.. It is now me who have the secret in me. On her way to tell me the truth, I can see her struggles and frustrations. It makes my heart wants to just embrace her and tell her 'it's okay everything will be okay' but the fact that it's me who made her stop in the mid-sentence, make her face at ease and  sigh in relief. 

But first, I need to know the reason of her getting away from Thailand.


"Where are we going?" I asked Lisa while she holds the steering wheel of my car. She insist to drive and left her big bike in front of clinic and bring my car instead. She asked me to come with her after my shift and bring me to wherever she is planning to take me. 

I glanced at her side profile and to my luck, I got the most gorgeous Princess if only I can shout to the world how I love this dummy! The thought of it makes me sad for awhile but when my thought will interrupts me with Lisa's dealings being a princess and getting outof their palace, make me worry more about her. 

"Don't tell me you are fucking me inside your head?" The nasty words of Lisa made me widen my eyes and gulp hard. 

"cute!" she laugh as I stare at her in disbelief. I felt my cheeks heated. 

"Are you like that with all your girls?" I asked. She pressed the brake with her foot when the traffic lights turn red and face me. 

"all girls? how sure are you that I had girls before Doctor Kim?"  She raised an eyebrow and winked after. 

"you stated the obvious Manoban. With that cheesy lines you have, no wonder." I said the lean back as she focused on the road with a serious face. I glanced again at her and Lisa's serious face is even hotter and more gorgeous. Her long lashes that even without using any curler, is so fucking perfect. Her pointed nose and plump-pink lips. Even her jaw is so fucking perfect. 

"Mina is the only girl I loved" She said in a serious tone. In such a short line from Lisa, I felt my heart stabbed me deep.

' ONLY GIRL I LOVED' so you don't love me Lisa?

I looked out the window pretending I didn't hear her. It hurts a bit but Mina's dead and it makes me question myself that I need an answer from her. But my thoughts and sadness disappears when I heard her say something that makes me want to scream in joy. 

"but maybe Mina sacrificed herself so that I can meet you"  I looked at her. Her eyes is too focused on the road as she pullover and glanced at me. Her stares makes me want to pull her nape and kiss her while sitting on her lap like that night. But instead of getting horny and let my hormones calm down, Lisa let out a deep sigh and hold my one hand gently with her both hands. 

"i thought I won't gonna get out in a box where my love for Mina prisoned me enough to just go and fucked some random girls and yet. Here you are. you don't have any idea what you did in my life Jennie" Her words makes me want to cry but before I  open my lips to respond, Lisa got out of the car and opened my door for me to get out. 

A familiar surroundings made me crossed my eyebrows together. Fear engulfs me that I needed to hold on Lisa's toned arms for support. The bad memories of Lisa trying to save me from the drunk maniac came across my mind as I am seeing the same bar where it happened. 

"Lisa.. Wh-what are we doing here?" I didn't know that my voice came out raspy that Lisa's hand caressed mine. 

"I'm here. You'll be safe when I'm beside you. always remember that" She kissed my temple for a few seconds as I remain my hand encircled on her arms that I can feel her biceps caressing my hand. 

I can see from the outside that the bar is still dark inside. it's still 6 in the evening and the bar mostly opens at 9 pm onwards. But I trust Lisa and with her beside me, I feel really safe. 

Before we even knock on the door, Bobby welcomed us and let us in but he remained outside. The bar is still in it's most neat aura when Lisa pressed a switch that opens all the main lights of the bar. 

"why are we here Lili?" Lisa stops in front of the door where I saw her and Bobby entered.  Last time. She is now in front of me holding my both hands as her eyes looks at me lovingly. 

"I want to be honest with you with all and it will starts here. Do you trust me?" I nod in response as she opens the door where a meter long hallway inside and a circled stairs at the end of it. 

"wait! are we allowed inside?" I asked Lisa who pressed another switch that makes the little room in color red. Lisa chuckled as she hold my hands to follow her. 

On top of the stairs, bring us on a single black mirrored door. you can't see what's inside of the room from the outside but I am pretty sure that you can see outside even when you're inside. It is a one way mirror like the ones they use in an interrogating room. 

Lisa pull a card at the back of her pocket and top it on an automatic lock of the door that  beeped after tapping it and the door opens revealing a black and white interior of a big room much looks like a private office. 

I didn't need to ask who owns this big, grand office room because on the top middle of it hangs Lisa's magnificent golden framed picture. Her photo took my breath away. 


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