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"what's up with good mood?" I am in the kitchen decided to cook some breakfast for us. It's a winter Saturday night and I got up early despite of having a late-night talk with Lisa. It's been a week after that kiss & make up. 

I am happy, at least. 

But something inside me aches as I realized that we still have no label. Yes. 

No assurance, no strings attached. No commitment. 

Lisa and I wants to take it slow but waiting for the right time is hard for me. After all, It's what we agreed on. I can feel how Lisa is trying her best just to make me feel that I am the best person she has right now and I am lucky for that. But on the other side, I know there's something personal in her that she can't tell me. And that's the reason why she wanted us to keep it low key.  Everytime my plans to go deeper until I reached the topic, Lisa will have the excuse not to answer or even trying to change the topic bur I let her so no more arguments. 

"it will burn you know" A whisper from my side take me back to my senses; Jisoo. 

"I can tell that you are happy Jenduekie but sometimes seeing you like that makes me question myself if you're really okay on the deal you and Lisa set-up" with my weak smile, Jisoo moved to sit on the dining chair shaking her head in disapproval. 

"Let's just wait. Maybe Lisa is struggling into something and by knowing her, she's not the type who wants to talk about her problems and stuffs to other. She doesn't want to be a burden"  I explained further but deep inside me, It hurts not because she didn't tell me what she's dealing but she is struggling it alone and she don't want me to help her but knowing my cousin, she will dig deep into it and leaving it unsolved will bother her mind especially when it affects her loved ones; Lisa is a part of our family now and I can see how my cousin's concern is on fire when it comes to Lisa. 

"Don't get me wrong Mandu.. I know how genuine and sincere Lisa towards her feelings about you. I witnessed how she let out the beast inside her.. But I just pity her on the fact that she's been struggling alone or maybe.. just maybe.. Ten and Bambam might knew about it? Don't you think?" 

The thought of it crossed my mind all of a sudden. Jisoo has a point! How come I never thought about it? 

"i don't want to pry but you're talking too loud and you're forgetting that you have a gorgeous & sexy psychiatrist living with you guys!" Rose' walk towards us giving a side kiss on Jisoo's  cheeks before sitting beside her. 

The scene of Jisoo and Rose' being clingy and sweet in front of me makes me look forward that maybe Lisa and I will get into that scene too. The thought of it makes me smile a bit but for now, I will just be happy for my cousin on the happiness she has right now. 

"anyways guys what's for breakfast? The good smell of your pancakes wakes my deep slumber and I think I deserve a two more today" Even though Rose' have the wealth, I am thanking her humbleness and being down-to-earth attitude. Did I mention she's a fan of my cooking? Well you might see her munching my cooks. 


"yes my King. everything's okay with the Princess don't worry" 

                                                             "good! And one thing. Who's the girl she saved with? Does she                                                                                               know who she is dealing with?" 

"The name is Jennie Kim. She's a Veterinarian and I don't think
 she has any idea about the Princess real identity. The Princess and
her friends keeps it confidential" 

                                                                     "Don't leave your eyes on my daughter. I will
be there 3 months from now. Just keep an eye on her.
Thank you." 

"Absolutely Sir. My pleasure" 


It's funny how easily let myself fall in love with South Korea and how freely I am strolling around and do the things I want to do without making myself known by the people around me. Those black men in suit who keeps on following me wherever I go eventually gone. Did they just give up? The new about me nor let me say, the missing Princess never updated the people again. It is good but it gives me questions somehow. It feels surreal. There's something fishy going on. 

But despite of everything my head keeps on thinking that makes me sigh deep, there's still a reason for me to get up and be happy. Except for my supportive friends and my free life, at least I have Jennie. 

Bambam and I talked about it. He explained to me that in the very beginning Jennie never showed her any affections, just pure concern as a friend. She will never see her in a romantic way which makes him hurt but she let himself fall into it and pushed himself to continue even though he tried his very hard to win her heart. But Jennie's heart are elsewhere. 

"You won without fighting.." Bambam said to me. I don't know if it will make me feel happy but at the same time pity him. But the fact that I gave him a chance to Jennie and forget my own happiness makes our friendship even stronger.

"If you hurt her, I promise to intrude again! So you better be a good man to her my friend!" He warned which made me chuckle.

"But I know she's in good hands. So you better tell her everything Pran before someone else does it for you. Trust her." He patted my shoulder before he winked at me and bid his goodbye for work. 

Should I tell her the truth? 

Before I lost myself again in deep thoughts, my phone vibrated and without looking at the caller, I answered. 

"annyeonghaseyo" "hello?" "Hi Lisa." With just her sweet voice makes my heart trembles in pure joy. My lips formed a smile as soon as I heard her on the other line. "good morning doc" I heard her chuckle. Calling her in her profession makes her scrunch her nose and if we are together in person, she will automatically slap her hand on my shoulder. "so you're my patient?" She teased that made me grin and lay on the couch. Without seeing her face, I know she is grinning too. "I'm not a dog or a cat Doc" I answered and pull my half body up to lean my back."Then don't call me Doc." I lift my free hand up like she can see me as my sign of surrender. "you win.. you win.. so what's so important that a busy Doctor like you is calling me up early in the morning?" I open the fridge and scan something that will make my tummy stops from growling. "wait! are you busy?" She asked. Maybe she noticed my tired voice while I searched for something to cook. " know I always have time for you..I'm just searching for a food to fill my angry tummy" I heard her chuckle and knowing her, she might be biting her lips the way her breath blew out on the other line. "Actually! just wait for me there cause I'm on my way getting us some coffee. I cooked your favorite pancake" "y-you did? wait!-you're driving?!" I slammed the fridge door shut unintentionally that made her stutter. "Y-yeah..I'm actually on my way to you since Bambam told me you're just alone during weekends. Are you.. Are you mad?" She asked nervously as her voice trembles. " I'm not. I'm just.." I deeply sigh when I heard her pull over. "I don't know what did I do to deserve you" I said almost whisper but enough for her to hear. I'm not a romantic person but I always tell what my heart wants to say when it comes to Jennie. I know somehow it made Jennie smile with my words. It's the truth though.

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