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"Hey hon!" Jisoo planted a kiss on her girlfriend's lips as soon as she arrived home. Like her girlfriend's routine is to cook for her after a long day at work. Rose' decided to live with the cousin's flat so they don't need to be back and forth to her hometown miles away from her lover when she is needed to be picked up.

"I went to Jennie's clinic before going directly here and Irene said she left early. Is she already here?" Jisoo asked her girlfriend while sitting on a dining chair.

"what's new hon? as usual. Jennie went straight to her room. You know what? I think we need to take her out. Since that boy... what's his name agai-"


"yes that Bambam! Ever since she's been hanging out with that guy, she became more distant to everyone and we must do something don't you think?"  Rose' exclaimed while holding a spatula.

She take a sit across her lover and hold her clasped hands on top of the table.

"I hate it when you're getting stressed because of your cousin. I know you're worried just trust me with this okay?"  Jisoo slowly look up and meet her girlfriend's eyes and slowly nod.

"you know how to make me calm don't you?" Jisoo stated.

"I know right? that's why you love me asshole!"  Rose' stood up and continue cooking.

Her idea gives Jisoo a hope that her bubbly cousin will be back because seeing Jennie with her new character makes her worried so much but thanks to her understanding girlfriend who always sets her mood high and helps her every step of the way.

After an hour of cooking, eating, cleaning while discussing their plan to bring back Jennie to her own self,, Rose and Jisoo are ready to go out to have a drink and loosen up with Jennie. They both went to her room and thankfully, the door is unlock. Jisoo slowly opens the door to find her cousin in front of her laptop while typing something.

"knock knock" Jisoo said instead of literally doing it.

"you know you can actually knock with your hands than telling me that" Jennie commented without looking who it was that made her cousin chuckles. Rose waited outside for them and let Jisoo do the invite.

"I went to your clinic at 5' and you're not there. Irene said-" Jisoo has been cut off with her cousin.

"why?" Jennie intervene.

"Why? It's Friday Jen. You forgot? I've been doing it for many years"  Jisoo explained. Every Friday, Jisoo always picked up Jennie at her clinic because of the number coding of her plate number.

"Sorry I'm kind of busy and I forgot . anything else?" Jennie still focused on her laptop but her heart beats rapidly. She knew Jisoo. She knew how her cousin will never buy her reasons and she will investigate deeper. She has no escape when it comes to her observations. She knew that this day of interrogating her like a criminal will come and she doesn't want to talk about it because even herself doesn't know the answer of all her pain when it comes with Lisa.

It hurts her every time that name ring on her ears.

She knew to herself that hating what Lisa did made her question herself even more. in the first place she rejected her because of insisting that Lisa is the Thai Princess and the scary part of it is that the Thai people will go after her when they will know that she is dating Thailand's most precious Princess.

But what makes her angry at herself is the fact that Irene; her bestfriend is right. The Princess and Lisa are two opposite person and she hates to admit that she likes Lisa  in a romantic way rather than thinking of the complicated situation of her being the Princess. But in a short period of time, she admit it. She likes Lisa . But when she realized it after a conversation with her best friend, she likes to try taking the risk and that's when Bambam entered the picture.

Although Bambam is a funny good-looking , gentleman, straightforward and humble guy that  every girl wants, Jennie didn't see him that way. She already told him that but Bambam deicided to pursue it for another month and if Jennie didn't change her mind to remain as friends, he will accept the defeat.

"earth on Jennie?!" Jisoo tap Jennie's cheeks that brought her back to senses.

"ye-yes Chu? what is it again?" 

"I can't take it anymore Jendeukie! come with us whether you like it or not!" Jisoo irritably pull Jennie by her arms which the latter didn't argue anymore or Jisoo will just get angry at her and to stop her from questioning more.

Rose drive the car and lead them to the famous bar hopping in the middle of Hongdae with a where most of the customers are in the middle class family.  They arrived  at the exact ambience they want. Not so many customers but just right to have their own bond. Since it is friday night, the couple planned to drink and let Jennie get drunk. Indeed, drunk Jennie is an honest and straightforward Jennie and it is a good opportunity to let her out all the frustrations she has.

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