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We made it to the restaurant for my promised date without talking with each other. Yes! Jennie's upset! She even decided to use her car instead of my big bike which was the first plan and got out of the passenger's seat without waiting for me to open up.  i always say that I don't want Jennie to feel upset because of me but it keeps on coming unintentionally! I don't want to hide even small things with her but for me, it's nothing. My past with Somi are literally over. and there's no story to starts with.

I tried to grab Jennie's hand but she keeps on rejecting it. I respected her decision to keep the environment silent but it creeps me out. I'm not an emotional person but thinking of the time that keeps on running fast until it reach 7 pm, wants me to cry because of the thought of losing Jennie once I exposed myself by that caller gives me pain.

"Jennie" I reached out again but she pull away her hand and call the waiter trying to ignore my presence. She didn't even ask me what food I want but decided for herself and mine. It is fine with me but ignoring me makes me lose my appetite. This date already ruined and walking away crossed my mind. Yes. I'm too emotional because the time is ticking and I have no idea who will I meet or the person will be the reason for me to go back home already.  My heart is slowly crushing maybe if she only knows what's inside my head, maybe she will never act this way. But I really understand her antics at the moment. It's my fault anyways for not telling her in the first place.

She keeps herself busy on her phone as I stared at the most beautiful girl in the world, The thought of having her for the last time and never see her again tomorrow slowly killing me. My gaze  interrupted with  the liquid fell on my hand on top of the table. I quickly wiped it out hoping Jennie didn't see that.

I hate how my mind is too advance to what's coming. I glanced at my wrist watch and it is already 5:45 pm. I still have an hour and 15 minutes to be with the grumpy Jennie. My mind is out of nowhere while I am looking down when I realized that Jennie is the one who is staring at me now and her phone is on the side when the food placed in front of me.

I quickly looked away and focus on my food but in a split second of seeing her gaze, Jennie's upset feeling are gone and worry replaced her. My peripheral view saw her sigh in silent.

"I ordered for you I hope you don't mind"  She said in a low tone while slicing her steak.

"it's fine" i answered with the same tone. She glanced at me for a second as I looked down again.

"Mom came home yesterday, she wants to meet you" I choked at my food that made her shocked a little. She pushed her glass with water to me as I take a sip of it.

"Don't worry she's very supportive with me but still she wants to meet you in person. I will just tell you if she already have the date" her talking while looking down at her food makes me feel that whatever I do, she will be upset until the end of the night. It hurts my heart that my plan on giving us some time disappoint her.

"you didn't like your food?" She asked but when I am about to answer I saw her looking down again. it's not that I don't like the food, but i lost my appetite the moment she never looked at my way or  talk to me like we always do. Added the fact of my 7 pm problem.

Without answering her question, Jennie stops eating and put down on the side her cutlers then wipe her lips with the table napkin. I secretly glanced again at my wrist watch for the third time. I don't want to let Jennie see that gesture of mine but her cat-liked eyes failed my hopes. She throw the table napkin on the table and walked out the restaurant. I put some cash on the table and followed her.


The scene get on my nerves instantly! My blood boils but still I tried to continue our date that Lisa owed me. She tried her best to reached out for my hand many times during our ride but my nerves won't calm me down.  Somi explained to me all before she left and she didn't realized that Lisa is the partner I am telling her. She apologized but the thought of Lisa keeps on hiding secrets to me makes me cry in anger.

Yesterday was Niki and today is Somi. It's too much for me to think that maybe there were other girls that I will soon encounter while I'm with her and instead of reaching out for my hand, she must tell me the other girls she fucked before! I know her intentions to me is very clear and genuine. Should I accept the fact that having the hottest girlfriend comes with many flings and problems about other girls she dealt with?

I deep sigh so many times during the drive but when I saw her eye shed a tear and she wiped it secretly while we're in the middle of our dining, my anger melts and it replaced with worries. Lisa is a strong woman and she will only have tears  fall if she can't handle a situation anymore. Her eyes reminds me the sad eyes that I always see on her when she was in Thailand obeying her role as a Thailand Princess. It all came back and it crushes me inside.   It makes me feel that something is really bothering her as she glances at her wrist watch for the third time secretly. Maybe our little argument now just added the heavy luggage she has on her shoulder.

Do I need to ask? Is she gonna tell me in the first place? 

I tried to put away my anger when I saw her tear by asking simple questions but she chose to answer it by just nodding or a simple answer which really hits me hard. This supposed to be our date but her mind is out of nowhere and I felt ignored and neglected.

I tried to change the subject and told her my mom went home and she wanted to meet her. Finally! I saw a human reaction from her. She choked on her own food as I pushed my water to her because Lisa never want any water when having a meal but instead, red wine is her respective drink. She looked at me then drink it without

"Don't worry she's very supportive with me but still she wants to meet you in person. I will just tell you if she already have the date" I sliced my meat to not make her feel the awkwardness.

It's already 15 minutes had passed but still Lisa kept her silence. I glanced at her again but she just playing on her fork as I noticed her food only sliced with such a little amount compared to mine.

I can't take it anymore. Seeing her like she doesn't care if we go home like this makes me want to screamed! It's been almost 2 weeks and here we are fighting!  I can't stand the tension and stress for now so I decide to just go home and let her do whatever she wants!

I dropped the table napkin with all my anger and walked out. She's calling me but I didn't look back as my eyes wants to burst out. She followed me but I can't let her see me like this. If she has something to do for keep glancing at her watch, then enjoy herself alone! Or is she really going to be alone?

Without thinking that Lisa left her big bike in front of my clinic, I drive my way back home and left her standing in front of the restaurant.

what a lovely date!

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