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Lisa's ignoring me these past few weeks and it took a moth but still she didn't even left me any messages.

"do I look so desperate?"

Lisa is so fun to talk with. That night my heart felt happy with hours talking non-stop thru face time. Every time she will crack a joke made me laugh so hard. After that day she went to my clinic and asked me out. My heart burst into excitement but she misunderstood what I was trying to tell her. She even mentioned that I have a boyfriend that made me knitted my brows and shut my lips in full curiosity cause as far as I know, I had a boyfriend two years ago but died in an accident.

It hurts every time my mind will cross the fact that she let Bambam court me. I thought after at the cafe', we will be okay but no. She pushed Bambam to court me instead of her. I keep questioning myself if she was that angry towards me just to back out and pushed her friend?

A week the month came and waiting for Lisa's message made me feel sad and frustrated. I don't know what's happening to me and why Lisa's effect on me was that huge that I even shuttered myself from going out, go shopping or groceries and even go have a bond with my cousin and her girlfriend like I usually do. I even forgot that my cousin Jisoo always picks me up every Friday for my plate number is on coding. But that's the time that Jisoo and Rose' decided to take me out. I'm not the mood to say yes but just to make up for being a bitch to the both of them, I didn't argue anymore and let them take me to where they want and at last! They take me to a place where I really wanted since Lisa ignores me at all.

"so spill!" Jisoo started as soon after  we drink our 3rd shot of tequila.

"spill what Chu? are you drunk?" I asked and hoping she will let it passed and drink my another shot of tequila. It's been awhile since my last sip of tequila and with my fourth shot, it got me dizzy.

"you've been isolating yourself for awhile since Bambam started courting you.Be honest Jen, are you pregnant?" I choked at my own shot when Rose' asked me the most impossible thing that I will do.

"are you serious Chaeng? It is all you conclude?" I roll my eyes and drink my 5th shot where I've seen from afar a figure that looks like Lisa or I am just getting drunk. She and a man following her entered a door and I can't see from sit where did they go.

"I'm just kidding mandu! We will not bring you here if  we consider it in the first place" I ignore the figure and I felt of going into a restroom.

My eyes were getting blurry and I felt dizzy. I felt like throwing up so I decided to went on the restroom when  I noticed a man's been  following me is the same man standing and talking to a bartender from the counter but he I don't feel nervous at all cause he always keeps a gap from me and he's been talking to someone on his in-ear  but I ignore him for keeping his distance away at least a meter away from me.

"I-I'm sorry" I apologized to a guy I bumped to but even my mind was crazy enough to make the place moved because of the tequila inside my tummy, I swear I saw the man smirked but I prefer to urgently went to the restroom rather than make a scene.

I don't know how long I've been throwing up but when I got out of the restroom, the same guy with his in-ear, was still standing at the corner of the hallway. The guy widen his eyes when he met my eyes and slowly turn his body facing his back at me. I shook my head and lead my way to our table.

"you okay? you want us to go home?" I shook my head no when my cousin asked me.

"what are you talking about? It's still early Chu! I'm good no need to worry" I assure her. My eyes landed on the same man who's been following me and now on the counter using his walkie-talkie like a private guard.

"is he guarding me?" I asked myself not making it obvious to my cousin and Rose'.

I combed my hair with my hand every time  feel frustrated but before my hand lands on my hair, a man who I bumped into a hallway before I went inside the restroom suddenly appeared and hold my wrist.

"hey!" I heard Jisoo shouted.

"hi Miss! It looks like our encounter awhile ago can't help me enjoy as my mind always think of your gorgeous body" He winked that in a disgusting style that made me almost choke on my own saliva. The man is big with tattooed skin.

"let go of my hand I'm not interested" I said while keep my hands out of his grip but the man gripping it tighter as my arms begin to ache from his grip.

"will you keep your dirty hands away from her?" Rose' stood up but another man push her both shoulder down behind her  to sit again.

"don't make a scene you will not like him when his angry" The other guy whispered at her.

"you will come with us bitch!" My eyes widen with how he called me and my heart starts to gets beat fast and my fear of getting away from my cousin with a creepy man started to  engulfs me. 

"aw! stop it!" I am pulling away even his strong holds keeps on pulling me contrast to my way.

"hey!" Jisoo shouted but the man ignores it and I have no choice but to hold the table with my other hand to nt let the man pull me away. My tears started to come out as fears keeps on getting high inside me.

The worst may come as other customers have no intention in helping me.

My hand's aching from gripping the table and  people started to gather around when I saw a candle like fingers with a porcelain fair skin gripped the wrist of the man who keeps on pulling arm. I saw the girl who can't keep my mind in peace but her eyes are burning in anger as she keeps on doing her best to pull away the man's hand away from me.

"I think the lady already said no" A voice of a woman who stood beside the big man.

"Lisa" I whispered with tears rolling down  my cheeks.

Lisa kept her focus on the man's hand like she can't hear me  at all. With her petite but masculine arms but still far too thin to the man with huge biceps, Lisa can still manage to lift the man's hand away from my arm which already bruised from his tight grip. Lisa's anger was very obvious on her looks. Her brown orbs became darker and her stares can almost kill.

Pain was very evident to the man's face the he needed a help from his friend who was still in shocked from what was happening.  He tried to pull Lisa away by grabbing her on her shoulders but Lisa's reflex were still stronger than the other guy that she pushed him down with one hand.

"what are you doing asshole?! get up and help me!"

Everything went so fast and after knocking down both guys, Lisa looked at me for the first time and in an instant, Lisa's eyes softens a little. She grab my wrist and brought me to Rose'.

"Miss Rose, please bring them out" She begged with low voice . I want to hug her and thank her but my eyes widen in shock when she stumble down after a strong force of a punch from her right side.

I want to run on her side when I saw her bleeding lips but she raised her hand to stop me and Jisoo quickly hold me by the arm.

"Lisa!" I screamed because that's all I can do for her. I felt like my heart's been stabbing as I saw the man pull her up and the bigger man gave her another punch near her eye.

"can someone stop them?" I heard Rose' shouted but no one dares to.

The man was saying something in front of helpless Lisa and lean to her ear to say something to her. Lisa's eyes widen in anger and her teeth begin to clench. She dagger looked at the man in front of her while smirking and in a minute Lisa gave him a head-butt and pull over from behind to the ground the man who's holding her from her arms.

But the crowd got panic and so did I when she sit on top of the bigger guy and begun throwing punches on his face until the man didn't respond anymore. The looks on Lisa made me shiver as her eyes on the edge of killing him. Her lifeless emotion made teared up as if she don't want to stop.

What made her stop made me sit down and trying to analyzed what had happened.

Everything was so fast.

And I just found myself looking at her running out the bar.

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