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I ended the phone call with a smile on my face. I shake my head as I remember that she is the girl who knew me. The girl with my picture on her wallpaper. No wonder she quickly recognized me as the missing Princess. Her friend with grey-hair Rose' invited me for a dinner but I declined the offer. I'm not rude but I have to. I need to do the plan I have on my sleeves and not getting caught too early. Luckily, Jennie didn't asked questions about me being the Princess and maybe she bought the name Lisa Manoban that I used here in South Korea.

"Hey bro you're spacing out again!" My trance broke when Bambam throw a chicken sandwich at me.

"thanks!" I said and opened the sandwich.

Yes. I am staying at my childhood friends Bambam and Ten's apartment on the rooftop. It is not as big as the palace but enough for the three of us and too calm to ease what negativity is on my mind. The apartment is too refreshing for me despite of it's size with two separated bedrooms, 1 comfort room , a living room and 3 steps to reach the kitchen with dining table good for four people. We discussed about all the expenses we need to share as long as I am here. Bambam helped me change my name and Ten helped me to transfer moneys I saved from my monthly allowance that I never touched since the day they moved out the country on a new account so there's no need for me to rush for a job.

I met Sorn, also Thai and Ten's girlfriend. They met at the job they are both applying in the middle of Hongdae. Sometimes Sorn bring us Thai foods she cooked and spend the night with us. She's a very sweet and funny girl and became really close to me despite of knowing that I'm the missing Princess.  She helped me throughout the day where my friends are busy with their jobs. She's very familiar with each and every places in South Korea because her family left Thailand since she graduated high school.

I guess the three musketeers have a Princess now huh? But all in all, I am lucky to have friends like them.

"Hey Princess!--"

"shut it Sorn! It's Lisa for fuck's sake!"

"alright chill tiger! jeez! I just want to ask how was the Princess Jennie of yours?  She already called again? It's been like what?  three weeks? since her last call right?"

She chopped another onion before Ten and Bambam arrives. I  am starting my freelance job as a photographer to make me safer and less getting out of the apartment. With my perfect written exams and interviews, I got paid well like a professional photographer.

I have a good salary with my dream job, good companies and a comfortable home, what else I could ask for right?

"nah! She doesn't have to! I declined their offer remember? I don't think they will call a--"

My phone rings before I even end my answer and it's fucking Nurse Somi!  We've been seeing and going out for quite sometime but I still afraid of having a romantic relationship that's so new to me. I never had any commitments before and I don't have any idea how to handle one. But Somi gives me some kind of happiness that I can't get with my friends. She can make me agree with things I never experience especially with sex.


Somi and I do it every time we met. Her gorgeous innocent face hides her character of being a horny attitude and to be honest, who doesn't want to fuck a goddess?  A little watch of porn, reading Kama-Sutra books and searching the best positions online and how to cum a girl helps a lot that my tutor never taught me about.Kidding!  I even taught myself to drink and get drunk to have some one night stand with random girls but the idea of our set-up makes me cringe after I do it. There is something inside me that is lacking of.

I'm not happy.

I'm not contented.

And missing my parents and my cats makes me want to go home but I can't.

Another ring makes me wake up from my trance and it's an unknown number.  Seeing an unknown number makes me nervous for the fact that it might be one of  the King's man who keeps on looking for me or it might be one of the girls I had one night stand.

I put down my phone facing the back at me to ignore the call but I forgot that I got some friend inside the apartment and she quickly snatched my phone.

"Sorn! let go! It might be -" Too late.

"hello! oh!-- yeah yeah. No! I'm her friend's girlfriend but not her  girlfriend because she doesn't have one!"  She chuckled as i covered my face with my both hands wishing all the saints that it wasn't  one of my father's  men or some random chicks I banged.

"really? yeah she's here but she's got a sore throat so she can't speak for awhile but yeah- she will come just text the address. okay bye!"  My eyes grew wide hearing her dealing with something she like about.

She walk towards me grinning widely as she tapped my one cheek with her free hand while still holding a  spatula on the other.

"free your schedule tomorrow, you're going to the Kim's-I mean Jennie Kim's house! I told you they will call again!" My brown orbs grew wider hearing the thing she agreed about.

"what the--"

"Oops! chill Princess! you are not allowed to curse! And you're welcome!" Sorn sarcastically said and smirk feeling proud of what she did. I picked up my right cozy bunny slipper to throw at her but landed on Bambam's head as I didn't noticed them entered the house.
"F*ck! what's that for Lis?!"

I mentally slapped my face and death glared at Sorn who is laughing her ass out hiding herself behind Tenten.

I groaned but deep inside me feels the excitement seeing Jennie again and I don't know why. I bite my lower lip as soon as I enter my room thinking of the right clothes to wear just to impressed Jennie- No!  Impressed them!

I twist and turn my body on my bed when my phone beeped.

Hi Lisa, It's Jennie. Thank you for accepting my dinner invitation and we are excited to finally meet you formally. My cousin and her girlfriend been bugging me about this. (chuckles) Anyways, my address is down the last message and please come by 7 pm. See you.

#16 South Gate, Bukchon Hanok Village

I found myself smiling at the message and it creeps me out for smiling every time her name involves!

MEETING THE THAI PRINCESSWhere stories live. Discover now