Surprised Visitor

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"good morning guys!" Jennie shouted holding 3 cups of coffee in a paper bag for Irene and Seulgi.

"this one's for my pretty best friend & this is for my best friend's fuck girl.. I mean wife" she pouted 'sorry' to Seulgi then both of the girls laughed at the joke.

Seulgi broke the happiness of the two when she noticed the Veterinarian's energy.

"can I talk to that Lisa?" Irene suddenly asked with the seriousness oblivious on her face that makes Jennie narrowed her brows at her while her bestfriend stared at her eyes without blinking. 

"cause this Lisa brings out the bloom in you bitch!" Seulgi laughed at Irene's statement while the latter sigh in relief and rolled her eyes. 

She pulled her swivel chair to inside their office  and sit down then  looked at Irene in amusement. 

"you almost dropped my mood there missy and swear that your lips might burn on that coffee" She chuckled a little and continue clearing her table with lots of papers on top. 

"anyways Irene's right Jennie. You look so happy today. I see Lisa's visit last night made you happy" 

She chuckled again and just roll her eyes again but deep inside her, she knew that the couple were right. After a long conversation with Lisa thru a video call made her day extra happy. 

She didn't noticed that she is almost spacing out thinking about their last night's conversation when Seulgi pinched her cheeks. 

"oww! you litlle piece of --"  Jennie caressing her red cheeks. 

"I see the big effect on you doctor! come on spill the tea! what happened last night?" Irene confusedly asked her bestfriend. 

"wait-- don't tell me you and that Lisa did that-- you know?" Seulgi scratch her nape. 

"are you insane?! do you think I'm that kind of girl ?! you stupid moro--" before she continue throwing a pen on Seulgi, they heard the door opened when the door chimes echoed. 

"let me get that!"  Seulgi walked out to see who came. 

"hi! good morning! If I am not mistaken does doctor Jennie Kim here? cause her cousin told me this is the address of her work? " 

With the sound of her deep husky voice made Jennie's eyes widen in surprised even without seeing the person that makes her ears feel hot. She is very familiar with that voice and her fast heart beat make herself convinced that the surprised visitor is none other than, the person making herself confused. 

"If you don't mind Miss?--" 

"Manoban doc." 

"okay Miss Manoban if you don't mind, may I know if you have an appointment with Doctor Kim?" 

Jennie stood up with Irene and go out their office to find the Thai girl holding a bouquet of flowers in her arm.  Her lips automatically made a smile seeing Lisa standing in front of them. 

"I guess this is Lisa" Irene whispered to her wife and sip her cup of coffee. 

"with that smile, positive babe!" the chuckled together and quickly vanished because they saw Jennie widening her eyes at them. 

"-and she's hot" Irene commented that made Seulgi looked at her wife in disbelief. 

"but i love you stop with that look honey" Irene chuckled again. 

Jennie cleared her throat and face Lisa. 

"and what are you doing here?" she said smiling. Lisa gave the flowers to the latter while smiling. 

"good morning too Jennie or Doctor Kim, first, good morning and you are welcome, if you don't mind introducing e to your gorgeous colleagues" she winked and plastered a smile to Jennie's friends. 

"oh yeah! sorry my bad!" She slapped her forehead and rolled her eyes. 

"Ahm. guys  this is Lisa.. My friend" she introduce Lisa with widened eyes telling them to shut up to behave around. 

"Lisa this is Irene my best friend and Seulgi her wife."  She immediately shakes their hands. 

"okay-- I better go cause I'm running late. Bye babe! see later doc and nice meeting you Lisa" Seulgi left a peck kiss on Irene's lips who left the scene when Seulgi bid goodbye and tap Lisa's shoulder while mocking Jennie with a sarcastic smile at her and left. 

Seconds of silence past when Jennie decided to break it by clearing her throat. 

"so what brings you here?" Jennie asked as she lead Lisa into the couch of the the lobby. 

They both sat down end to end of  the only long beige couch the clinic has for customers and the bouquet  is the only thing in their middle.

 "so Seulgi's not working here?" Lisa asked and the other lady nods. 

"Seulgi is a doctor. She works at Incheon International Hospital."  Jennie replied. 

"Wow." Lisa amazingly said and Jennie nods in response. 

"anyways, do you need some drinks? water? coffee? tea? --" Lisa cut her off. 

"I need you" Lisa leaned her back smirking.

"w-what?" Jennie felt a blush on her cheeks. 

"I mean Doctor Kim, I need you to come with me on a lunch." She chuckled. 

"a lunch? " Jennie asked again with a curiosity on her face. 

Lisa leaned forward. Her hands clasps together and slowly looked at Jennie's eyes with a sincerity oblivious through her doe hazelnut eyes. 

"If you will just allow me. I want you to have a date with me Doctor Kim."  Lisa's gaze didn't took a single second away to the doctor who's heart raced a beat for the sudden invitation. 

"B-but Lisa. I don't want to turn you down. It's just that-" Lisa's gaze suddenly dropped on the floor and she fake a chuckled that made Jennie cut her statement. 

"S-sorry Jennie. It might be a little bit fast for me. I.. i just thought we're both on the same line after the long conversation last night. But fault taken. No worries. I concluded things too fast."   Lisa said stuttering. She leaned back again and looked at her eyes for the second time and release a smile before standing up. 

Jennie opened her mouth to speak but closed it again when she can't utter a single word when Lisa stood up. 

"sorry to bother and waste your time Jennie. I must be going."  Lisa started to walk away feeling embarrassed from the rejection Jennie did. 

"Lisa wait! I just want to-" Jennie stopped her that made Lisa turned around again. 

"It's okay Jennie. It's my fault for crossing the line. I forgot you already have a boyfriend. I have to go. Have a nice day"  Lisa bow down and left the latter dumbfounded. 

Irene came out of their office who heard everything and slowly walk towards her best friend. 

"what did I just heard Jen? you have a boyfriend?"  She asked Jennie who is still looking at the closed door where Lisa walked out seconds ago. 

"I don't know" That's all she can utter almost whispered because of the fast things happened between her and the Thai Princess. 

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