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Time runs so fast and getting into a 7pm meet up with a creepy stranger somehow makes my sleep disturbed last night and my whole day ruined. It's already 5 in the afternoon and I parked my motorbike in front of Jennie's clinic. I owe her a date and being late will ruin my promise. I started to walk in when someone grab the doorknob at the same time with my hands.

"hey!" I greeted as soon as I saw the hand's owner.  We both pull away from the sudden contact as both got surprised.

"Oh! Lisa! You're here to picked up Dr. Kim?" She asks and I nod in response.

"I think they still have a client inside"

"I see. that's why she's not picking up her phone.Shall we get inside?" I asked that made Seulgi chuckled.

"of course! but wait- can I ask you something?" I gulped automatically. Every time someone will asked me that question makes me nervous thinking that maybe she will asked me about being the Princess or am I related to. Because I know as time goes by, even if the news already fade, they will soon noticed may resemblance to the missing Princess.

"are you somehow.. I mean do you have a fight in these past few days? Jennie's a bit down and she was really worried about you.. are you okay?"

I sigh in relief inside my mind. I almost faint with the intense minute of her question.

"no. no.. making Jennie worried is the least thing I will give her but my work became busy these past few days  but with Jennie's understanding, man! I don't think I deserve her so I promise a date so here I am!" She nods slowly in understanding. Seulgi is a type of a person that don't judge a person from how she talks and acts.

Jennie is lucky to have friends like them.

"anyways, let's go.. Irene and Jennie might be on something serious" I smiled at her and nod a little to agree. She opened the door and we are welcomed with our lovely girlfriends together with a visitor who's back is facing at me while holding a puppy that I believed her own.

Both girls are having a good time with their laughs almost filled the whole places as their attention caught by our presence.

"Hi baby! remember nurse Somi?" Jennie asked and that name absolutely ring a bell and gives me a feeling of kneeling down and pray for my life.

The lady in front of them with a slender body, long blonde hair and taller than the two makes her face to be known when she looks at our way. Both of our eyes widen in shocked but in a different way.

The client obliviously got excited and happy at the same time while I am nervous for my life.

Oh no no no no...

"Babe?" Somi said excitedly as she put down her puppy and run to my way and trying to embrace me that made everyone shocked.

"I will pray for you" Seulgi whispered before walking towards Irene. 


Nurse Somi visited my clinic and to her surprised, she didn't have an idea that I run the veterinary clinic with my best friend Irene. Her Pomeranian fur baby needs some medical attention.  It is already 4:30 pm and Lisa will pick me up after office hours which is exactly 5 pm. I got sad a little thinking I needed to extend my duty hours. It's my profession tho.

But the fact that it's nurse Somi who took care of me when Lisa brought me to hospital made me agree to check up on her puppy. To my luck, Nurse Somi's fur baby is not in a critical condition and it just took me almost 20 minutes to do some treatment.

I introduce my bestfriend Irene and Nurse Somi to each other as we catch up a little while waiting for our girlfriends.

"So how are you? I didn't know that this is your clinic!" Nurse Somi's excitement lingers in our office as her voice quite loud but I find it entertaining.

"Well.. still alive and breathing.. " I chuckle but return the same question.

"You? how's life? you look prettier than the last time we saw each other. Someone making you happy?" I tapped her shoulder slightly as she picked up her puppy.

"you mean boyfriend? nah.."  She adjusted her dog on her arms while answering me without looking.

"Let me say.. I 'm in the a complicated situation where I fell in love with someone but she didn't see me the same way" I opened my mouth to say something but I can't find words to express my pity that won't offend her and I thank Irene for intervening us to spare us from awkwardness.

"well.. it's his lost Nurse Somi! Oh my ghad! If I were him I will not let you out of my sight! You look so perfect with a nice career!"

I smiled at my bestfriend but both of us got surprised from Nurse Somi's revelation.

"It's a she.." She sadly smile but I admire her braveness. Irene and I looked at each other then laugh that made Somi creased her brows.

"I.. I'm sorry Nurse Somi we are not laughing to discriminate but.. welcome to the club!" her eyes change into surprised and she gave us both high fives.

"for real? Oh my ghad! I came to the right place! " Nurse Somi told us the story of that certain someone she fell in love with. She met the girl in the hospital where she assist and she got love at first sight. They hang out for quite some time but she already felt that the girl only see her as a fuck buddy the after a while, she stops seeing Somi.

I pity her for letting herself into that kind of circumstances where the other one can't reciprocate her genuine love for her.

She laughed it all even she still admits that she can't still get the girl out of her head.

Nurse Somi's puppy keeps on talking as we can't stop the giggle at his cuteness when the door opens revealing our gorgeous partners. My smile instantly formed seeing the love of my life.

"Hi baby! remember nurse Somi?" I asked because I knew that Somi and Lisa knew each other when Lisa brought me to the hospital the first time we met. And it brings back memories.

"Babe!" My trance interrupted with her sudden shout.

Somi put down her precious puppy and the excitement on her voice.

babe? who is she calling wait!- I remember how she giggled the time she was describing Lisa to me when I woke up in the hospital. Is she the person she fell in love with? her fuck buddy?

I saw how Lisa wide her eyes and Seulgi whispered something to her and exit the scene to greet my best friend that made her stiffen. When Somi placed a tight hug on my Lisa!, made my blood boil!

Yesterday was Niki.. Today is Somi? How many girls do you have MANOBAN?!!!

What the actual fuck?!

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