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Jennie already on her way to follow Lisa when Bambam stops her.

"don't. let her breathe" Bambam said and fake a smile. Jennie shed a tear but understand the situation.

"she needs a company" Jennie begged.

"This is not the first time Doctor Kim. Trust me. Trust us. She needs to be alone" Sorn said then proceed to Ten's side who is now talking to Bobby.

"annyeong. naneun lisaui suhoja"
"hi. I'm Lisa's guardian"  Ten said to Bobby.

"Hi sir. I'm Bobby" Bobby shake Ten's hand.

"Good thing you can speak English fluently. Anyway, here's my card. Call me for the damages or problems that my sister caused"

"sister?" Bobby chuckled a bit after whispering that question to himself because he knows that Ten is lying.

"Let me settle this Ten." Jennie intervene.

"I'm sorry for all the damage. It's because of me so let me settle this" Jenni explained to Bobby.

"I'm hi I'm Doctor Kim. Here's my card and-"

"No Jennie everything's okay with me. Lisa caused this and she is my obligatio-"

"stop the both of you. Sir Ten and Doctor Kim. Everything's okay and let the bar handle the situation".

Both Ten, Jennie and Sorn got curious about the known owner's comment.

"wait Sir. If you don't mind, I just want to ask. I am just wondering. Why are you just chillin' after these whole commotion?" Sorn can't help but asked Bobby.

Bobby smirked after realizing that these Lisa's friends totally have zero knowledge about their friend's business.

"Well sir and ma'am. Lisa is really a good friend of mine. She's a regular and a VIP here. And to let you all know, I owe her a lot. Like a lot so there's no big deal about this little situation here"

"would you mind If I asked you what help she did to you to make you deal with all of her mess?" Ten added.

"I am so sorry but you know Miss Manoban sir, of all people. And you know how mysterious she is when it comes on helping people.. But you know what? I don't see all of this as a mess..It's.." Bobby chuckled and looked at the man taking out of the bar laying on an ambulance stretcher.

"a little bit of dirt I guess" He laughed and Bobby bow down and left them when he saw that Lisa's other friends already approaching.

"it's a little odd but maybe Lisa saved his life too" Bambam chuckled as they got where the other three is standing with Jisoo and Rose.

"are you okay?" He added referring to Jennie. The latter nods and combed her brown wavy hair using her own hands.

"and you two? everything okay?" Sorn asked as Jisoo nods and Rose smile at them for a second.

"Is Lisa going to be okay?" Jisoo emotionally asked. Ten put a hand on Jisoo's shoulder then nods.

"Please don't take it in a wrong impression. You may see it as an anger management, but trust me she knows who deserves those kind of beating and she never did it to anyone she loves.." Ten looks at Jennie and meet her puffy eyes then continue.. "She was just so angry that she forgot how to calm down" 

"there's nothing to worry okay? Lisa's fine. she's a strong woman" Bambam assure Jennie by caressing her back and Jennie fake a smile at him.

"anyway.. This is Jisoo my cousin and Rose' her girlfriend. Meet Ten, Lisa's friend and Sorn his girlfriend" Jennie introduce them to each other except Bambam who already met the girls. 


It's been 10 years. 10 fucking years since I had the same situation like this where I can't control my anger everyone someone I love is in danger. I met Mina when I was in my high school days. The very first time my parents allowed me to go out with Bambam and Ten along with my 2 body guards.. It was Bambam's birthday and I promised to treat him all things and foods he wanted.

I didn't knew then that Bambam will bring another friend of him and it was MIna. Like Bambam and Ten, MIna was also lacking in financial status. My best friend Bam asked her to teach him some lessons about Math because of their upcoming exams and in return, Bam brought her with us. It was okay to me because Bambam is my best friend and at the same time, Mina is a very sweet and bubbly girl. She was fun to be with and can tell us stories 24/7 non-stop.

Mina never knew that I was the only daughter of my royal parents. It wasn't intentional but It just happened that we never talked about it and I have no plan to tell her to not make her feel awkward towards me. We hang out thru face time almost everyday and the thought of calling her when I woke up, updating me of her whereabouts and I did the same thing and letting our face time still on until we fell asleep made me feel that special feelings towards her. It has been three months since we started calling, messaging each other and the feelings were mutual until we decided to step up our status from being friend into special someone but not yet in a relationship because we were still both 15 years old.

But indeed I knew. She was my first love.

For the 15 years of living, Mina let made me feel loved, trusted and my existence was more than enough to be treated as the best person she wanted me to feel.

The times that my parents allowed me to went out with my friends, Mina will always come.

After almost a year of special relationship we had, one Friday morning, Mina didn't left me a single message. I keep thinking that maybe she was that busy  to review from their upcoming final exams because Bambam and Ten also didn't came that day. but after three days of no calls and messages in all my SNS, finally Bam and Ten showed in the castle with their puffy eyes.

My heart begins to beats like it will gonna explode but I ignored it and asked the question I've been dying to know three days ago.

"Hey guys! have you seen Mina? she's been quiet for the last three days and I'm getting worried. Please tell her -" I've been on my phone while talking to them to see any updates on Mina's SNS when a bad news from my friend's lips took my soul away.

"she's in comma Pran" Bambam said. My heart's in race but still I gave him the benefit of a doubt that he must be kidding. But a part of me tells me that even if my friends are naughty, they will never joke about those kind of stuffs.

"wh- hey! you asshole don't ever joke like that! Is Mina outside? She's there right Bam? she's going to  surprise me right? right?" My tears started to dropped as soon as my friends started to cry.

"This isn't funny please! stop it right now!" I shouted at them while pushing them but my knees started to got weak and I found myself kneeling down and sobbing.

"Mina caught in an accident where a car hit her while she was crossing the street because of that stupid drunk driver!"  Bambam cursed while crying. I felt both cold hands touch my shoulders from behind.

"let's go Pran, there's .. there's no more time." With that, I quickly went to the hospital with Bam and Ten.

It is my first time inside a hospital without any body guards nor my parents but it is the time that I needed them most when I saw Mina on her bed with many tubes attached to her body. The beeping sound of the machine that tells us that she was still breathing. 

My body froze as soon as I saw her on her state with the doctor in between that I believed her crying parents. She was badly wounded that her pretty and innocent face are swollen and bruised. Around her forehead was a white  gauze dressing indicated that she undergone a procedure.

Even in the most heartbreaking situation, her parents and the doctor bow down at me as soon as they see me enter.

"She.. she was Mina's best friend. Pran" I heard Ten introduced me but still my eyes were focused on her.

"All her internal organs are slowly dying and in anytime soon, your daughter will no longer take it anymore.  Only the machine can make her alive but in an hour or two, let us expect the worst to come. I'm sorry there's nothing we can do." As soon as I heard the doctor's last statement before going out, my heart sunk and i burst out all the tears in me.

I sit beside her and hold her free hand and start questioning her things that I badly want an answers.

"i-if you need to rest, don't mind me or your parents. I promise I will take care of them just rest my love." I sniff then looked at her parents on the couch still crying.

"Just remember that I love you my love." With those final words, I saw Mina's tear drop from her closed eyes and the beeping machine run flat.


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