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"good morning to the beautiful Princess of Thailand and good morning South Korea!"

Don't get me wrong. I. AM. NOT. CRAZY.

It is just my morning routine to greet the long blonde woman in the picture on my wall that I am crazy to meet since I was a kid. I have three of her printed pictures I saw online since she was a kid, teenager and on her 24th birthday. It is all in the internet. I mean all about her is in the internet being the most gorgeous princess all over the world according to the survey and I do agree. who wouldn't? or I will punch them dead!  Just kidding! I don't even know how to fight. (chuckles!)

I just too drowned at her beauty especially her eyes. Her doe brown hazelnut eyes that even on pictures, you will see something that I can't explain what it is. There's something in her eyes that I am too curious about. Out of all Princesses all over the world, her gorgeous eyes are the saddest eyes I've seen despite of being perfect of it.

Living in a mid-class family  where my divorced medicine field parents and being an only child is still convenient for me as they treated me like a princess but still far from being a real life Princess. I am sure that 80% of  girls have this dream on becoming a princess and I am one of them.

Since I was a kid, I used to call my mom to read me my favorite book entitled: "The Sad Princess" before I go to sleep so I can see her and be friends with her inside my dreams which is really effective.

I grew up having half of my day searching and even watching fan-made clips of the Thai Princess Pranpriya Bruishweller online as I was in awe whenever I see her. Out of all the Princesses I've researched, The Thailand Princess seemed to have the similarity on my favorite book that she really caught my attention with how her gorgeous barbie-like face and perfect life makes her sad or- is it just me?

"hey Jendeukie! I told you to stop screaming in the morning or I will tear those pictures of  your barbie princess! gosh! you're not a kid anymore!"

- and that loud voice from outside came from my not so pretty cousin Jisoo. Fine! she's pretty but I'm prettier (eye roll)  Despite her being crazy about her long-time girlfriend Rosie and being a 4D personality, she is my favorite cousin!

"sorry favorite cousin!" I shouted back at her which I received a heart attack replied from  her.

"I'm your only cousin stupid!"  I laughed at how we shared greetings like this.

Jisoo is living with me in an apartment because of our jobs. Our families live at Busan and our work is around Hongdae.

Call me Jen and Jendeukie is a nickname that my cousin who is a fan of chicken created for me because of my puffy round cheeks and FYI- she is the only person who has the right to call me that and no one else-period!

"how's Dalgom?" I asked my assistant and best friend  Irene as soon as I enter my veterinary clinic and Dalgom is my cousin's White Maltese-fur baby.

My mom and dad wanted me to follow their footsteps in medical field. They are both doctors and here I am! A gorgeous and sexy veterinarian. Well, it is still a medical-field related isn't it?

As far as I know veterinary in Korea is a smart choice. The experts say that this is a career that can bring great potential. Salary for veterinary graduates is quite high. Moreover, Korean qualifications are recognized worldwide and respected by many other countries. Who am I to resist? (Smirk)

As a lucky perfect human being, I got the most understanding parents everyone wish to have.

"He is already stable and maybe a day or two, Chu will finally reconcile with her precious little boy!"

I chuckled at my assistant's sarcasm.

Like my cousin Jisoo, Irene also has a girlfriend name Seulgi. Maybe a girl with a girlfriend is a trend nowadays don't you think?

But to be honest, seeing them both with their own partners makes me envy as how they all look so happy and contented yet the kind of relationship they both have is still unrecognizable here in South Korea.

"What's up bitches?!" And speaking of one of the devils, here she is..

Kang Seulgi, Irene's 2 years and counting partner in crime.

"Words Kang.." Seulgi formed her lips in a thin line when her lovely girlfriend gives her a death glare.

"Iced Macchiato for you doc and Americano for my wifey" She kissed Irene's side head as a greeting that she always do whenever she will come by.

Being a witness from their cheesiness and seeing Rose' and Chu when their at home, makes me feel sad at the moment for I question life why I still haven't had a boyfriend or maybe a girlfriend but it is still questionable inside me.

.. but we'll see what life will bring me.

I had three serious relationships and a fling before but none of them brought butterflies inside my stomach and I am too desperate to have that kind of feeling. My past relationships were the type of commitment that is out of desperation and curiosity  more than love.

"You're spacing out doc. Are you okay?"

Irene broke my trance as I am spacing out.

"Better find your prince charming doc or you will marry one of your dogs. Your choice" Seulgi teased me as I tried to throw her my pen but she quickly catch it while her girlfriend is laughing from her partner's joke.

"Maybe a Thai Princess?" I look at Irene with mouth hanging from her words hearing that name again.

"She's a Princess in a Royal family and trust me. All of the Royals are homophobic assholes" Seulgi sip her hot coffee with a serious expression which makes me think of what she actually said.

"Alright I better go, I'm gonna be late for work. Goodbye Doc Kim." I nod at her and mouthed 'thank you'

Seulgi waved goodbye and left the clinic which Irene make her move to sit on her usual spot.

It's my everyday routine to have a teasing game in the morning with my cousin, a little conversation with the couple and Seulgi leaving after then go home after the work or have a dinner with one of them as I am a picker in choosing my friends.

But I will never be picky when it comes to Pranpriya.

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