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I literally wants to laugh how my mom and dad approached me side by side and we looked like a family who will going to have a family picture. They are both wearing same black outfit and I chose to wear white outfit like I am getting married. I chuckled secretly as my mind interrupted my thoughts. How can I get married when my supposed to be groom is busy taking care of Thailand?

"Is this really necessary?" I asked chuckling referring to my parents who walks with me side by side in slow steps but they only exchange looks which made me curious. My mom looks so emotional as my dad looks proud.

Without looking at my front, the black curtain already opened meeting a man in suit with his white mask on. My parents push me a little at my back while they followed. My mouth went agape seeing people in their black outfit wearing also their white masks and it's creeping me out and weird things started entering my mind.

"mom, dad are you in a cult?" I asked them but they just smiled at me. Hello? I'm joking you must be laughing! I said inside my mind. The man wearing the same with his white mask too on his piano started to play a soft melodic song which caught my attention.

( ) >> (this is the song}

For you I give a lifetime of stablility
Anything you want of me
Nothing is impossible
For you there are no words or ways to show my love
Or all the thoughts I'm thinking of

My parents guide me to walk into the front. I resist a little but with them, I know I'm not literally in a cult and then an idea popped inside my mind that maybe this is a birthday surprise of my dad as I pull my arms at them when they stopped in front. I even saw .. a baby? who is sleeping peacefully. "Poor baby dragging into this" my mind thought while smirking.

'Cause this life is no good alone
Since we've become one I've made a change
Everything I do now makes sense
All roads end, all I do is for you

"alright! alright! I get it guys! come on! pull out your masks! Dad, Mom I know this is your birthday surprise for me I get it!" My back is facing the audience as I talked with my parents who are in front of me.

For you I share the cup of love that overflows
And anyone who knows us knows
That I would change all faults I have for you
There is no low or high or in between
Of my heart that you haven't seen

Mom's eyes become watery as she holds my both hands.

"I am beyond happy for you Ruby Jane" she said crying holding my hands that made me confused. I looked at Dad that's been stopping himself to get emotional but his reddish eyes says the other wise. He holds my shoulder with one hand as his other hand over my mom's.

'Cause I share all I have and am
Nothing I've said is hard to understand
All I feel, I feel deeper still
And always will, all this love is for you

"It's not from us baby" He said that made my mind confused more.

"wh-what?" I whispered as my heart begun to  pound really hard. He suddenly tilted his chin telling me to look back when everything is getting clearer.  All of the people in black are standing in front of me in four lines. Suddenly, they started to slowly removing their masks that made me surprise.

Every note that I play, every word I might say
Every melody I feel are only for you and your appeal
Every page that I write, everyday of my life
Would not be filled without the things
That my love for you now brings

"Jisoo? Irene? Seulgi? Chaeng? Bamabm? Oh my gish you are all here?!"  I am happy seeing them all here but my happiness fades when they didn't even  move from where they are standing. Some at the back are maybe some crews working here because I have no idea who they were.

"If this is all one of your pranks Chu, I swear to kill Dalgom!" I said but they just keep on standing while smiling and some of the girls, having tears ready to flow down. I saw in my peripheral view that my mom and dad, walk and approach the back of the people and that caught my attention as one of the people that my mom and dad went to side by side is still not pulling out her mask. My heart beats madly as my eyes went wide. I tried myself to stop my tears nut it betrays me.

It can't be.

I don't want to have false hope but the way she dress, her body built, the length of her hair, the long legs that's carved so perfect.

It can't be.

The people in front of me are cut in half. Some of them went to the right and some at the left leaving the only person I wish and pray I knew  holding a bouquet with my parents beside her.

Slowly the world stops when she remove her masks.

My longing nights. The pain I've been hiding for a year finally ends here. The person I prayed for every night is finally here. The tears I've been holding is now flowing non-stop. The Queen of my life. The person I love.




This is it! My tears are ready to flow down seeing Jennie in front with her back facing me laughing at the idea that her parents made this surprise for her. I lift my free hand to gesture the people to come in front of me while Jennie is busy arguing with her emotional parents. As the people are ready standing in front of me, her dad tilt his chin to make Jennie looked back and I saw how her eyes surprised when she finally recognized the people behind each mask but she can't notice me as I turn my head looking at the floor. When I saw some foot beside me and I know it's Jennie's parents, that's when I lift up my head and slowly remove my masks. I saw the cat-eye beauty who's in state of shock but quickly change in an instant.

Her beautiful orbs says different emotions when tears started to flows out her eyes. Pain, sadness, happiness, etc. All in one person's eyes.

Weakly, she starts to step forward as I did. I want to run and embrace her but the thought of us together, those memories stops me to rush. In the middle we met as I wipe my tear away.

"Happy Birthday Jennie" I gave her the bouquet as she stare at me crying looking at the flowers I am holding. Without getting the flowers, she looks up and stare into my eyes. I was surprised when her palm landed on my cheeks making a squealing sound that made everyone gasp.

"That is for making me sad!" she said and another slap made everyone stunned.

"That's for making me cry every fucking night!"

"That's for making me worried" *slap*

"That's for making me wait without  any communications!"  her slap is getting lighter but I let her. I deserve it anyway. I just looked at her smiling after getting my head sway from her slaps.


"That's for  missing you and this--" The moment become slow-mo as she pull me by my collar and my eyes went wide when her lips landed on mine.

After seconds, she pull away without letting go of my collar to gather some air.

"that is for coming back" she said and pull me again for another kiss.

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