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"mom!" I squeak as soon as I got inside our apartment. Mom stood up and reached out to embrace me. She is still stunning as ever. I wonder why my father trade her with some younger chick that obviously my mom looks prettier even if she's older than that bitch for five years.

It took me a second to surpassed a sigh when I realized that I should have insist more  of letting Lisa inside even just for a coffee but she keeps on saying that she will have a VIP on the bar that's why she needed to come back quick after giving me a ride home.

"so how's the prettiest doctor in Seoul?" I complimented her then wink and let her sit down again.

"Of course I'm still pretty but my pretty face still needs a rest. So I took a week leave from the hospital to make sure my baby girl is still doing okay" She looks at me from head to foot twice with a narrowed brows while I raised both my eyebrows up as she scan my whole figure.

"oh my ghad!" She said covering her mouth with her hands.

"what mom?" I asked confusedly

"you look very different from the last time I saw you." She said as I roll my eyes and lean my back with cross legs and arms.

"It's still me mom.. come on!" I slightly slap her crossed legs at my side.

"No kidding baby! wait-!" She scan me with her kinky eyes and widen it after a second.

"I know the difference baby girl!" I chuckled at her silliness but waited for her next words.

"you look happier darling. anything you want to share with your mom?" She smirked as soon as she combed her hair.

"mom? I'm just happy cause you're --"

"cause your daughter is in love auntie!" Jisoo came holding a cup of coffee and gave it to my mom.  I looked at her with wide eyes as she laugh at my action.

"for real?! Oh my ghad baby finally!"  Mom squeaks in excitement as I roll my eyes at my cousin when my mom gave me a hug.

"I'm so happy for you baby! Finally! It's been what? 4 years?" She asked blowing and sipping her coffee.

"almost 4 years mom." I answered in a low voice. There's a pang on my chest remembering my ex-boyfriend's death anniversary next month. I sadly smile at them as my mom hold my hand and squeezed it before placing her cup on the table with her free hand.

"I'm glad you've finally moved on honey..Where is this lucky guy! I want to meet him while-"

"It's a her mom. Not a he" I swallowed a lump on my throat for my revelation. It's not that my mom will get mad because my parents are the most understanding people in the world. Being in a same sex relationship is not new to her since she met Rose'. But still, witnessing her reaction in person gives me a shivering feeling inside. It feels like my stomach flips down as I am searching any reactions on my poker face mom after giving me an "oh" answer.

She let out a deep sigh and my cousin Jisoo felt the tension between us and excused herself to give us a privacy. She left me a weak smile then mouthed me "sorry". She may felt guilty for revealing my own secret to my mom but it's fine with me because as a daughter with a close relationship to my parents, I never hide anything from them to gain their trust.

"I..I'm sorry for not letting you know first mom. It's just that.. Jisoo said it too soon when--" I stop in the middle of my line as soon as I saw mom's hand holds mine. I slowly looked up and saw her genuine smile. I tried very hard to stop myself from crying but with my mom's smile, my tears betrayed me and flow on it's own.

"You know I will support you in every decisions you make honey. I know you have thought it first before giving in a situation that you are not sure. But.. I still want to meet her" I pull my mom for a tight embrace and took the opportunity to discuss to her with the problem I've been into.

"But there's something I need to tell you mom" She slowly pull away then looked at me with full curiosity.

"remember the story you always told me before going to sleep?" She nods as she sips her coffee.

"And you are also aware how I am so obsessed with that Princess right?" 

"Hmm. I know that honey. You even locked up yourself inside your room until I bought you that collector items pictures of her" She chuckled as she keeps blowing her coffee.  I pull out my phone and search her picture to give it to mom.

"I think it's her. She's the missing Princess!" She choked on her coffee and laughed at me.

"mom lower your voice. no one knows that I knew Lisa's secret" I favored my mom which she mouthed sorry in return.  She slowly grab my phone on my hands while wiping her lips with table napkin. I saw her eyes twitch a little when she saw Lisa's picture but she quickly blinked rapidly and return my phone and gives me a serious reaction.

"So her name's Lisa? How sure are you that Lisa and Pranpriya is the same person?" Mom's seriousness gives me creeps

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"So her name's Lisa? How sure are you that Lisa and Pranpriya is the same person?" Mom's seriousness gives me creeps. I never saw her this serious again since she got separated with my dad.

"A-are you okay mom?" I asked her to fulfill my curiosity. Her condition is still my priority above all else.

"O-of course darling! I'm better!" She stutter. My mom stutter and it is also the first time. She is a perfectionist even with the words she says but looking at her right now with her shaky hands as she sips her coffee and blinking rapidly then gulp even is she's not taking her sip on her coffee as many times as I can count while she looks straight but her mind is somewhere else makes me feel uneasy.

Something isn't right.

"Forget it mom maybe I'm just too obsessed with the Princess and Lisa's resemblance at her got me insane" I fake a laugh but I know she didn't buy it. Her silence makes me chill and the awkward silent ambience kills me.

"auntie!" Rose' saved us from the awkwardness.

"Rosie Posie!"  My mom excitedly hugged her and I saw how Rose winked at me. I don't know why she did that but I am thanking her for saving me.

Okay! all people here are weird!

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