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"don't tell me you're serious?!" Jennie stood up as she walks back and forth of their living room with her hands on her waist.

"I'm desperate Jennie!"

"of what Lisa?! Of getting married?! Is that what supposed to felt for having a proper marriage?! You will marry me because you definitely need it and not want it?!" She stops and fierce looks masked her.

"Of course not--" I said almost pleading.

"My ghad Jennie! I am so in love with you and wanting you to marry me is on my bucket list! but --" i stop at my verge of crying. Our pitch getting higher and it is not helping my situation on coming out the truth.

"but if it feels like I'm forcing you because I need it, yes I  am so badly need it! But I want it too!"  I said in much calmer tone.

"are you two fighting?! for fuck's sake Jennie! your voice can be heard outside! I told you both to talk not to shout at each other!" Her mom interrupted us in an angry tone for a minute and get the bottle wine on top of the center table and left the two of us again. 

Jennie's back facing me while is looking out the window. her both arms crossed in front of her chest as she keeps on sighing deeply that made me walk to her and hug her from behind. I felt her flinched a little but steady her breathing again. I put my chin on her shoulder and whisper;

"I'm sorry for shouting at you baby.. I just need you to understand things" She sigh again and slowly pull away to face me leaving her both hands on my arms, caressing it.

"you need to understand too that getting married is not that simple Lisa. You have n idea how much I badly want to marry you too but getting this done all of a sudden makes me hurt, it feels like you just need me for your own benefit."  her voice cracks.  I quickly pull her hands and placed it on my chest and slightly bend my knee to meet her height.

" Nini don't ever think that way..look at me please" I begged as I slowly lifts her chin up using my finger.

"I will tell you something but please believe me" I said in a serious tone and it terrifies me how her reactions will be after telling her the most important secret I have. She didn't answer but the curiosity on her eyes says that she's waiting. If she will laugh at me or get angry, I will accept it, what's important is i don't need to hide anything at all.

"Nini.." i swallowed hard for the last time.

"I am the missing Thailand Princess" I quickly close my eyes, afraid that she will laugh at me. A crashed of a glass on the floor disturbed us from the intense moment and our gaze landed to the petite long hair woman who is now standing in shocked with Jisoo on her side who is in shocked too.

"y-your the Princess? You mean? Y-you're Panpriya Bruischweller?"  Rose' said as tears fell on her cheeks that made me released my hands on holding Jennie.

"So Jennie is right all along?" Jisoo said which made me even shocked. I keep glancing from Rose' and Jennie who is now looking straight into my eyes.

"you knew?" I asked almost in whisper. She nods slowly as I close my eyes for a moment from the revelation. So she knew all along? She asked me once but I thought she will just ignore at all.

"what is happening here?" Mrs. Kim interrupted.

"Oh? Do we have a reunion here?" Mrs. Kim said when she got surprised that all of us are in one room. She quickly changed her reaction from being coll into a serious and curiosity in one like mine  when she saw Rose's reaction as well.

"I think you all know by this time"  Mrs. Kim chuckled and take a sit on the single couch at the middle right corner.

"Why did you hide it to us?!" Rose' screamed and all of us knitted our brows from her reaction.

"wait babe.. You're being over-react--" Jisoo said but been cut off when Rose' continues that made us all even more surprised.

"you are the reason why my dad's been sentenced in jail forever! You are the reason why live my whole life alone! and why everything messed up with us!My dad is the only person I have and because of your dumb ex-girlfriend, brought him inside the jail!"

Flashback engulfs me realizing what she was talking about. And everyone's reaction made me realized that they all knew too.

"y-you're.." Jisoo said stuttering.

"yes.. I'm the daughter of the drunk driver Ten and Bam told us Jisoo" My eyes widen and angers filled me in remembering the time that Mina was lying on a hospital bed with a cold body. My fist clenched both sides as my eyes felt liquid drops unnoticed.

"you are what?!" Jisoo's sobbing as she can't believe what she is hearing from her angry girlfriend while both Kim's are both in shocked.

"No.. that can't be! you didn't react when you heard Mina's accident"

"I didn't know what's the name of my father's victim. All I know is that my father is innocent but those royal family did everything to give all the blame to my father! you have no idea of all the hardships it brought me since you put my dad inside that fucking Jail Pranpriya!"


I can't believe what I am witnessing right now. All I know is that the fire on Lisa's teary eyes has no emotion but with her clenched fist, Lisa is mad. It is hard on her part hearing those memories that make her life got miserable but what surprised me even more is that we have no idea that Rose' been hiding all those pain she endures alone.

"i was still a teen that time and nowhere to go just to find a fucking job for me to pay the rent, bills and my school or even feed myself for a day! While you were enjoying all your life with all the money and material things that you can easily achieve! I only have my dad after my mom passed away had you realized that Lisa?! " Rose's anger filled the whole room.

"Did you realized when your parents paid the laboratory just to changed that fucking medical to prove that my dad was drunk that time?!" 

I saw Lisa's eyes flicker from Rose's revelation.

"wh-what do you mean?" Lisa's voice cracks and obviously has no idea on what Rose's been trying to pull out. Rose wiped a tear and sarcastically let out a devil laugh while clapping.

"it looks like you didn't know your majesty! well let me tell you that your fucking parents-"

"watch your mouth Roseanne remember I'm here. Show some respect!" My mom angrily said that made Rose smirk . "respect?" She slowly step closer as Jisoo hold her arm to stop her but she pull away and face Lisa inch away.

"your royal and respected parents bribed the doctors to give a fake testimony and medical records that my father is an alcoholic drunk driver!" Rose' wiped her tears away while Jisoo and I can't help but to sob not knowing what to do.

Lisa's angry reaction melted and pain is evident on her eyes. Rose' pull her on the round neck collar with both hands but she didn't reacted and let Rose' let out her anger as Lisa's clenched fist slowly softens.

"For fuck's sake Lisa! My father's allergic with alcohol! He can die with just a small amount of it!" Lisa's eyes been releasing too much tears but her gaze in shocked looking nowhere but in a blank space.

What Rose' did left us sob more. She kneel down that made Lisa's attention driven to her and softens her features. This is the first time I witnessed Lisa this low and sad that makes my heart breaks slowly. No one deserves this.Jisoo keeps on holding Rose's clothes at the back while sobbing and my mom just can't believe what she's hearing looking and pitying Rose and Lisa.

Lisa keeps on shaking her head helping Rose to stand up and prevent her from kneeling down but Rose' tightly embrace Lisa's leg and beg.

"please Princess.. I know you have a good heart.. Please help my father.. he's innocent"

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