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Choosing is the hardest part especially when both of your options will going to have a big impact into your life. But in choosing comes a big sacrifice. mind or heart; need or want; happiness or obligation; You can not have both when the two options contrast each other.

Which one is better? No. You need to settle on which one is for the best.

The day that my mind blown away with all the revelations brought up to me, I decided to go back to Thailand and make everything right. Of course Jennie understood. She always understands my situation and it hits me real f*cking hard. She always understand every little thing and I have nothing but a promise on going back at her once everything will be okay in Thailand.

That night, I went to my bar after telling them to be closed for the night cause Jennie wants to have it on our own with our friends  to have my last night in South Korea be memorable. I went first to let Bobby know that he will handle my business while I'm away. He's nothing but a loyal friend to me. I went straight to my office but before I even opened the door I heard my right-hand man's voice inside the room talking with someone that made me questioned myself if thinking of him being loyal to me is the right word after hearing the man's surname on the other line.

"yes Mr. Bruischwelleir. the Princess is fine. When are you coming here so I can fix everything secretly?"

I pushed the door open making Bobby surprised with his wide eyes.


"let me talk to him" With a shaking hands, Bobby give his phone as he scratch his nape.

"please send me a private plane later at 4 am at Incheon."I stared at Bobby's nervous reaction as he keeps swallowing a lump on his throat with my poker face. I didn't let dad answer me instead I quickly turned off his phone.

"since when Bobby?" my hand started to feel numb gripping his IOS phone from the the thought of my most trusted person ruined my trust.

He looks down having a deep sigh and closing his eyes from time to time.

"since when?!" my anger exploded as I throw his phone on wall causing it to break that made him widen his eyes from shocked. This is the first time I got mad to an employee especially with Bobby who I treated as a real brother to me.

He didn't answer but gave me a guilt look. His eyes started to redden as I saw liquid forming through it. his apologetic looks gave me his answer. But thinking that maybe from the very first time we met, the first time he saved me out of the blue while he is looking for a job might be not a coincidence at all and pure act gave me the urge to move forward at him while he is slightly laying his ass on the tray of wine and glass. I grip his collar and met his eyes with my own watery-angered eyes.

"why?!" My voice cracked in a whisper.

"I treated you as my own flesh. why Bobby?! why?!" my anger pushed me to throw him by his collar as he stumble down causing some of my stuffs to crashed down along with him. I picked his collar up with my left hand and I lift up my right fist into a ball ready to punch him down but as I saw his eyes closed, already giving me the opportunity to give him punches, my ball fist started to softens seeing his eyes rolling down tears. Instead of landing my fist into his face, I pushed him and I throw my anger to the center table and lift it up to throw it away. The crashing sound along with my broken trusts from every people I'm close with makes my emotions explodes as the feeling that I've been hiding from betrayals went out and my knees become week and my body dropped down along with my sob.

"what did I do to all of you  to betray me like these?!"

Have you ever feel that most of the people who you value the most and you trust so much that you see them as your own flesh and blood but betrays you all of a sudden not knowing why?

My heart crashed into pieces. Mom & Dad and now Bobby..

"Oh my ghad!" I heard Jennie's voice but I remain sitting down with my back leaning on the couch while Bobby on the other side meters away from me, sitting on the floor.  Footsteps can be heard running when I lifted my face as soon as I heard the door opens and my friends came with their shocked expression seeing my large photo hanging on the wall.

"you own a bar?!" Bambam asked in shocked as soon as he entered the office but his face quickly changed when he saw me on the floor.

"what the hell happened?" Jisoo asked  looking at me then to Bobby and back to me following Jennie. They remain inside my office while Sorn and Ten help to clean up my mess.

"I'm so sorry Lisa" I heard Bobby said. Bambam run towards him and hold him on his collar with an angry face.

"what did you do?!" He was about to punch him but Ten quickly pull him away.

"relax. let's hear him" He suggested in a calm way like he always do.

"I think I know why" Jennie said that made me looked at her in a 'you do?'. She pull me up which I obliged and sit beside me on the couch and gave me a timid smile.

"I heard him once accidentally talking with someone on the phone and called "king" and your name's been told on the other line. I don't want to conclude things but when I decided to follow him again, that's when I heard 'Mr. Bruischweller' and decided to search for the name and it lead me to the King of Thailand. Your father. I was about to tell you today before you fly tomorrow but then this happened" Jennie explained.

"So you've been working with the King to what? Spy on LIsa?!  Since when asshole?!" Bambam angrily asked Bobby with Ten holds him on a tight grip or Bam will lose control.

"Since the very first day we met. Right Bobby? That day..It was all planned am I right?" I asked Bobby without looking that made them looked at me. I heard him sniffed.

"I am so sorry Lisa. I thought of getting out of the contract from your father's deal with me but  I am paying a big debt to him for.. " He stops which made me curious and walk towards him. If dad gave someone a deal and following him like that means it is a very big deal

"for what Bobby? What deal my dad gave you to betrayed my trust?!"  This time he stood up to face me.






" I am your brother."

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