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Lalisa Manoban .. No it can't be..

Those eyes.. Those sad eyes that makes my heart in pain everytime I stare at them through her pictures on my wall and around internet. I know those eyes and even her fashion styles and harstyle change, there's no way that the Princess and her are not the same.

The way she knew Hangul makes me believe that the language genius is her; The missing Thai Princess.


Jennie groan the nth time she roll her body on top of her bed. As much as she loves the Thai Princess, she can't deny to herself that the new version of Panpriya Bruischwelleir or Lalisa Manoban makes her giggle more.

The huskiness on the tall girl makes her bite her lips in an instant. Lisa's manly aura makes her wonder how her plum lips taste on her own.

She take a glance once more on the flower she put inside a vase on her window and a smile formed on her while biting her lips.

She can't help but to reminisce the day she first saw her meter away fighting for her against two big scumbags. And that's the second list that makes her believe that she is the missing Princess.

"i know the Princess learned self defense and Mhuai Thai" she smirked making herself proud with her thoughts.

Jennie immediately push her half body to sit when a realization came inside her mind.

She holds her phone figuring out if she will call or message Lisa since they both exchange their number and SNS account during dinner but the clock says 11:15 pm and she is doubting if the Thai girl is still awake in this very hour.

With her final sigh she tried to message the lady that keeps on bothering her mind.



Bambam asked as soon as Lisa entered the apartment after meeting the Kim's. He is still on the living room watching some RomCom movie while munching a home made popcorn when his best friend went home.

"so? what so?" Lisa answered back while removing her shoes and run to flopped herself down on the couch beside Bambam and grab the popcorn.

"come on! what happened to your meet the fam with your girl?!" Bambam pause the movie and moved to the side to face Lisa and wait for her to talk.

Lisa did the same. She lay her back on the armrest of the other side of the couch to face her best friend while grinning.

"Oh my ghad Lisa! Are you giggling?" Bambam scoffed and throw a square pillow and exactly landed on Lisa's side.

"what?!" Lisa asked and throw back the square pillow a little lighter that Bambam caught it and embrace it while intently waiting for Lisa's response.

"fine! it turns out good! I enjoyed it! happy?" She said while her best friend hang low his lips.

"you're grinning because it is just good? you think I was born yesterday Lisa?! come on! I did not wait for you for nothing!"

I don't know how long I am staring on my room ceiling while keeps on throwing and catching my soccer ball pillow that I bought when I went for the first time in Hongdae. The vulnerable Jennie when I first met her and when I saw her in her simple dress with almost no make-up look makes me giggle inside.

MEETING THE THAI PRINCESSWhere stories live. Discover now