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"Lisa wait!" Jennie demanded when Lisa kick off her engine. The growling sounds of her big motorbike somehow scares her as if letting Lisa go without saying a word might bring them to nothing and never see each other again.

"please" she begged with no hesitations even begging makes her feel a little desperate. Lisa sigh but never looked back as if she's waiting for Jennie's next statement. On the other hand, Lisa can't help but feels like crying. But choosing this path for her and her best friend is the last option to maintain her from the pain she already felt from Mina and to keep her identity remain hidden.

do we have to be like this?" Lisa remain silent.

"why do you keep pushing me to Bambam? why Lisa?!" The conversation between them is the most breaking part for her. With Jennie's crack voice, makes Lisa want to just run and embrace her and forget about her friendship with Bambam. It's her weakness. It makes her loose control but still she didn't bother to look at the latter but just look down or it will make her forget about all she planned of getting away from the castle without getting caught.

"I already answered you Doctor Kim." Lisa answered in a low, calm tone that would make Jennie feel that she's nothing for her and make her stop this conversation or she might break down and get back what she said.

"But I don't fucking like him Lisa!" Jennie started to wipe her tears and frustrations engulfs her being. She combed her hair with her hand  and slowly approached Lisa. She was about to hold Lisa's arm when she stops from the Thai beauty's answer.

"i know.."  Lisa looked up and slowly looked at Jennie who is knitting her brows in curiosity.

"you know?" Jennie asked almost whisper which she got a slow nod and a subtle smile from Lisa then looked away again.

"yes Doctor Kim. you have a boyfriend right? but don't get me wrong. If I will be the one to decide, I will never said yes to Bambam in the first place for courting you. It's just that.." Lisa stops and deep sigh.

"he really likes you a lot and he will do everything for you" Lisa looks up to Jennie again who is now have a serious reaction with a sad smile.

"are you a fortune teller Lisa? Where or who the fuck told you that fake info?"  Lisa was taken aback  with Jennie's change of mood. The latter put her arms crossed in front of her chest like inspecting Lisa's answer which made the princess swallowed a lump on her throat.

'WRONG MOVE LISA"  she utter to her mind.  Lisa get back to her big motorbike but before she can move, Jennie already holding her arms.

"running away won't solve anything Lisa. I don't have a boyfriend and for the second time, i don't like Bambam. let's talk....please"  Lisa can't helped but look at Jennie when she cracked a voice and her emotions failed her when she saw tears running down on her cheeks as she slowly nods.

With a familiar surroundings, Lisa crept a smile as she reminisce that dinner night she had with the Kim's. The laughter, Jisoo's silliness, Rose's humbleness and Jennie.. That cat-eyed beauty  who caught her heart in an instant.

"those eyes" Jennie started as she noticed Lisa's gaze at her. The Thai princess blinked rapidly as she realized that she's been staring at the latter. Because of embarrassment, she looked down at her offered coffee from Jennie.

"don't" Jennie pleaded as she put her hand on top of Lisa's that made her flinched a little .

"you looked at me that way when we are having dinner. It changed but at least I've seen it again" Lisa slowly raised her face to face Jennie as she pull away her hands under hers.

"wh-..what are we going to talk about?" she shyly asked and sip her coffee and remain looking down.

Jennie sigh. Deep sigh to be exact.

"Last time at the clinic, why did you suddenly invite me? and please don't lie" Jennie looks at Lisa wit a serious face as she waited for her response.

"because I wanted to" Lisa's short reply.

"You want it because?"  Lisa sigh again but this time she looks at Jennie with a serious face. Jennie got surprised but she likes it. This Lisa is what she is hoping for in a talk and she knows Lisa is ready to open up things she wants to tell her.

Lisa slide her cup of coffee aside using the back of her hand and clasp her both hands on top of the table.

"Look Jennie. I don't know where will this conversation will lead us but please get me straight to the point" Lisa said while caressing her wounded wrist with the other which Jennie's attention diverted to.

Jennie started to get nervous and her throat run dry with Lisa's serious stares. She admit it. This version makes her want her more. She's not afraid or scared of her. She sees it hot and sexy at the same time.

"I like you.. I mean.. I don't know Lisa but  I really want to see you everyday..The moment you distance yourself at me, makes me want to question myself if--"

Lisa's plan failed as soon as Jennie confessed. The doctor's confession gives her all the courage to interrupt the conversation and just kissed her.

With Lisa's soft-plump lips on her, she was surprised but she can't hold herself anymore. Her both hands wrapped around Lisa's nape. The more they control, the heavier the crave they want each other.

Their make-out turns into a hot session as Jennie sit on Lisa's lap and the Thai Princess roam her hands inside Jennie's shirt.

Their hot kiss lasts long as their lips part ways to gather some air. Their foreheads stick together as their eyes locked in each other's gaze. Jennie's hands on Lisa's both cheeks as she crept a smile showing her gummy smile.

"Oh ghad! I missed those smiles"  Lisa said that made them chuckle.

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