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I found her with Bam's help and I am thankful.

Bambam is right. Lisa's been coming back to this rooftop when she can't handle her own frustrations anymore. I saw her big bike in front of the building door. The building is just a 7-storey building apartment and it looks older than me.

How come a bar owner like Bobby lives here?

I waved goodbye to Lisa's good friend Bambam as he thumb's up and he speed up. I greeted the security but he just smile then continue reading his comic book and didn't manage to ask me if I am one of the tenants.

I walk fast than my normal and made my way to the rooftop door. There's a little room on this rooftop and laundry is an evidence that someone is living but at the back of my mind wonders, if Bobby is a bar owner, how come that his apartment is like cheaper than a driver's own? 

but I will deal to that later.

And there she is.. laying on the cold floor like a kid on a park and talking to a ... moon?  I chuckled at how a strong masculine woman who fight like a pro is now a childish cute human being now? 

"what have I done?!" I heard her say that made me stop my tracks going towards her. 

Even they told me that Lisa's anger can make her a beast, I am seeing different. Far different. I am seeing a sad, lost and fragile human being. I don't know what on earth brought me to be this in love with her.


i am fucking in love with he. Hoping that my instincts were right. Praying that Lisa and Princess Pranpriya are not the same person I think they are because complications will follow if I end up falling in love deeper with the Princess.

"He deserves that beating right? He's a drunk maniac!" She shouted again. i swear, this cute human being makes me giggle and shake my head at her cuteness. Before she shouted anything stupid to the moon, I decided to approached her.

I stood up beside her as she is closing her eyes and blubbering something that made my heart aches a little when I heard her crack a voice.

" Am I too much? Am I wrong? Am I"  i saw a tear run down her cheeks with her eyes closed. I saw dripped of bloods and her wrist is the culprit. The way she mercilessly punch the guy an hour ago made me clench my fist seeing in her fragile state.

It is because of me.

"Aren't you gonna take care of your wounds? or you're planning to jump over?" I said before my own tears betrays me.

She opened her eyes then closed it again tightly that made me widen my eyes.

"fuck! i am hallucinating! I even seeing Jennie!" I want to let out a loud laugh with her actions but I planned something that will made her realize that I am really in front of her.

"ouch!" I heard her grant that made me chuckle when I throw down the first aid bag on her stomach and sit down beside her.

"J-jennie? I mean Doctor Kim?" She scratch her nape shyly like a teenage boy in front of her crush. 


"w-what are you doing here? w-why are you here? How did you know I'm here?" 

"calm down Manoban. Are you numb? look at your wrist! aishh!" Jennie knitted her brows at her and roll her eyes as Lisa was surprised at the doctor's attitude towards her but the latter can see that Lisa is stopping herself from smiling. 

She is stopping herself from smiling as she felt Jennie's hands on hers and the way she casually
talk to her like nothing happened.

Jennie starts to treat Lisa's wounds in silence and no one dares to speak which make Lisa got a chance to look at the doctor in almost half a meter distance while the doctor is busy putting a gauze around her wrist. She immediately looked away pretending not looking at Jennie when the doctor starts to dip a cotton to an alcohol and wipe it to her wounds near her lips.

"ahh." Lisa winced

"don't move!" Jennie widen her eyes to command the Thai Princess which she immediately obey and find a chance to look at the doctor's features again with much nearer distance.

Jennie's long lashes, cat-like brown eyes, her  perfect nose and heart-shape lips.

"you know it's rude to stare"  Jennie said while focusing on her wounds.

Lisa swallow a lump and felt her cheeks hot as she looks away.

"I'm just kidding Lisa" Jennie said while arranging the medical kit and closed it.

"all done" she said and looked at Lisa who is now staring at her and confusions oblivious on her eyes which made Jennie froze a bit.

"aren't you afraid of me?" Lisa straightforwardly said to the other lady. Jennie release a deep sigh and shake her head.

"why would I? Are you going to kill me?" She chuckled and fix her sitting position in front of Lisa with her head on top of her arm crossing above her knee.

Lisa fake a smile and release a relief sigh as she lay again to look at the moon again but she flinched when she felt Jennie did the same and lay beside her.

"does Bambam knew you're here?" Lisa asked.

"what if he didn't?" Jennie answered.

"you must tell him"  Lisa added.

"why would I?" Jennie responded.

Silence engulfs them and in minutes no one dares to talk again. But it is the silence that they needed.

"Lisa?" Jennie called and looked at the Thai lady who is now closing her eyes.

"Hmm?" Lisa hummed in response.

"can...can I ask you something?" Jennie hesitated at first but decided to let it go.

"as long as it's not about math, I have no problem answering it" Jennie chuckled at her silliness that made Lisa smiled while still closing her eyes.  Jennie inhale lots of guts to asked a question that make her awake many nights.

"why did you let Bambam court me?" Lisa was caught off-guard that made her opened her eyes and find Jennie staring at her while waiting for her response.

"because he likes you" Lisa answered seriously.

"and you did not?" Lisa's eyes twitch a little and she swallowed a lump on her throat. She pull her half body to sit and Jennie did the same slowly.

"I think we need to go home" Lisa stood up as she immediately walk faster and Jennie follows.

Throughout their drive to Jennie's home, Lisa never say a thing and Jennie respected that. The arms around Lisa's tummy from behind while she is driving making her emotional knowing that the lady that she wants, has already been tied up with another man.

The question Jennie brought up from the rooftop still lingers on Lisa's mind. She didn't answer not because she was trying to escape her. it is because even herself didn't know the answer.

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