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"I don't know what did I do to deserve you" Lisa and her words always makes my knees weak and my heart almost explode in her unintentional cheesiness.  There's something in her words that makes me fall in love with her deeper.  Sincerity 

She may not be the sweetest girlfriend anyone wished for, but the sincerity and innocent words will surely capture anyone's heart. 

wait! Did I say girlfriend? fuck! That's the topic I want to discuss with her right now. It's now or never. Maybe Chu is right. She must trust me more than she loves me. But the other side of my mind wants to back out. What if that something she hides from me makes me scared? makes me mad? 

Then I remember the girl on the bar. The night when I saw the other side of Lisa. The beast Lisa. 
The girl who stared at her like she likes to devour Lisa. Like Lisa is a piece of meat she wants to eat. Those eyes and smirked that makes my heart boiled every time I remember how she flirtatiously looks at Lisa. 

Fuck! don't ruin the day! I slapped my both cheeks to get away with the thought. I pull over in front of the apartment building.  I looked at myself in my rearview mirror and winked at myself. 

"she might me pretty but I'm prettier!" I said to myself to boost my confidence but before I picked up the lunch bag and coffee on the passenger seat, a knock on my window door caused me to jump in surprised. I hold my chest and deeply sigh when I saw her. My knight in shining armor. Lisa

I'm still in awe every time I see her. She is really gorgeous. Her Barbie-like face with masculine long body added beauty to her. 

She quickly open the driver seat door as she get the things on my hand. Like a gentle woman she is. 

"It's cold outside. You should have wait me inside" I said as soon as I got out of my car. 

"It cause you trouble by coming over here, I don't want you to get up to the rooftop by yourself. Like you said, It's cold outside. I thought you might need some warm hugs from me first thing in the morning" I rolled my eye and chuckled as she smirked feeling proud on her statement. But as soon as we got inside th elevator, I can't help but to embrace her. I felt her stiffen a bit but slowly, her muscles are getting comfortable with my touch and her free hand hug me that made me pull closer to her. 

We made it to rooftop with holding our hands side by side. I'm still new with this kind of relationship but with Lisa, everything seems perfect. All she says and does makes me feel loved and wanted. But one thing is lacking.. 

The thing she did not want to tell me that makes us hold our relationship onto another level. 


Jennie inside our apartment is so new to me. Every weekends, I used to be alone at home or make myself go out and explore South Korea. But ever since me and Jennie has this whatever we are  now makes me feel more human in a way that 

But today, to be honest it makes me nervous as hell. Cause everytime me and Jennie will have a serious conversation, personal or SNS, she will direct me to the question that I always get away with. 

But I know she won't let pass it today. She will insist of knowing the real reason why I keep our relationship on hold. 

I don't want to hide anything with Jennie. That's the least thing she deserves. But knowing that Jennie's fascination to the Thai Princess she knows and if letting her know that she is dating the princess, will lead us to end all of this. It fears me. It scares me. 

But I don't have any idea how to make her at ease with all of my secrets. 

I honestly don't know what to do. 

A peck to my lips brought me back to my senses and a grinning Jennie welcomed me when I got back to my senses. Since our  kiss and make-up, we never kiss again and to be honest, I am always looking forward for the next kiss. And even she gave me a quick peck on my lips, it makes me aroused that I want to pull her and sit again on my lap. But no. We still have a serious conversation to do. 

"you're out of yourself again."  Jennie said in a concern  tone that can melt my heart with the gesture. She hold my hand and gave it a squeezed with a concern looks on her eyes. 

"I'm okay.. I'm--" 

"Lisa please. You know you can tell me everything" She gave me an assurance by making herself sit nearer. 

'get yourself together Lisa' I said to myself. 

 I looked at Jennie and my whole body tensed with the gaze she is giving me. She is giving me this intense look that so new to me. She looks worried and sad at the same time. Do i make you sad Nini? 

Nini. The nickname I told her that only me can used and she used the nickname Lili for me. 

I hate it when she's sad especially because of me. Ghad! of all people, Jennie deserves all the best and happiness in the world. And making her sad with my deals makes my heart shattered into pieces. 

With my final deepest sigh that I will make today, I closed my eyes and let it out before turning my gaze into her deep hazelnut cat-like eyes. 

"ahmmm..Nini.."  With a fidgeting fingers, I can't help my shaky hands but grab hers. 

"I am not the person you think I am" I started that make her brow knitted. 

"what do you mean?"  I scratched my nape and sigh again. 

"Well,.. my parents are not just some normal know" I continued as I stutter to find words that will fit my statement. My heart is beating so fast that any moment it will gonna explode. 

"Lisa please.. It's just me.. if we want this relationship to make it to the next level, we must trust each other right?" I saw pain on her eyes like she was pleading and begging for my honesty and it makes me feel like I am going to pass out with her intense stares. 

"i  belong to a not so ordinary family.. you know.. My parents are well respected and very known in my country.. My life is not simple..and I--"  I didn't noticed that I said that in a wuick pace that I almost lost a breath when Jennie interrupted me that made me shocked.

"Lisa I know.."  My eyes widen from her revelation as the lump on my throat suddenly stops in the middle and I am having a hard time to breathe. 

" know?" I asked almost a whisper and she nods. Oh no. She know? how? 

"I.. ahmmm.. I mean Ten.. yes Ten and Bam told us that your parents are very famous businessman in your country.. yeah.." She combed her hair as I sigh in relief. At least she still didn't know that I am the Thai Princess. 

MEETING THE THAI PRINCESSWhere stories live. Discover now