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"For the last time Lisa I know you're a Princess but this is Seoul! it's dinner not a  Celine fashion show! Will you pick up a not so formal but not too casual clothes?!"

I am already on my 6th clothes and I know I am getting into their nerves not knowing what to wear and it is only an hour left before 7 pm. It is a Sunday evening when the Kim's invited me for dinner for the nth time to pay back for what I did to helped Jennie. I rejected their offer many times but maybe being so pushy is in their bloods and I have a friend who don't know the word "privacy" who picked up the call and accepted the offer.

"fine! this is the last one or else let's just cancel this!" I rolled my eyes at them and go inside my room and let out a deep sigh. This dinner makes me stressed out.

"okay self! Not too formal, they might recognize you as a Princess not Lisa the photographer!"

I picked up and wear the best clothes near not too formal but not too casual attire they want me to wear,

 "okay self! Not too formal, they might recognize you as a Princess not Lisa the photographer!"I picked up and wear the best clothes near not too formal but not too casual attire they want me to wear,

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"alright guys! take it or leave it or I will just cancel this-hey!" I shouted at them when I noticed their silence as I saw them with mouth hang open to catch their attention.

"you're so hot!" Sorn said but quickly pursed her lips in a thin line when Tenten nudge her by the elbow.

"My ghad Lisa! it's --It's so fucking perfect!"  Bambam said after standing up with a slow clap while shaking his head slow for exaggeration like a mother being proud to her son.

"stop it dummy!" I said slapping his shoulder.

"Seriously Lisa. You look so good in that outfit! You can borrow my big-bike if you like!" Tenten said which made me widen my eyes in surprise. They all knew how I wanted big-bikes and he even taught me to drive a motorbike  in Thailand. But my mom will immediately  call me to stop us from riding a motor bike.

"Oh my ghad! Thank you bro!" I pull them into a group hug and get my wallet and phone .

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                                                                                  The Kim's place.

The Kim's house is around Bunchok Hanok Village, a city where  in a long history is located on the top of a hill between , and Royal Shrine. The traditional village is composed of many alleys, and is preserved to show a 600-year-old urban environment. But not all the neighborhood follows the traditional clothes or traditional rituals especially the Kim's. Being together without any adult people with them, the cousin's together with Rose' maintain the modern style of 20's which didn't mind with the people who still follows the old tradition. 

"Is everything ready?" Jisoo asked Rose' which nodded smiling.

"where's Jennie?" Rose' asked back and both of them looked at Jennie with her foot steps oblivious along the corridors.


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" there goes your little red riding without hood" Rose' chuckle at her statement.

"I'm not too casual am I?" I asked at them and spin around to make them know I'm pretty comfortable with my dress which I bought earlier at Hongdae. I  earned a nod from Jisoo and a thumb's up from her girlfriend.  I checked out the time and we still have 10 minutes before seven.

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I drive as fast as I can hitting the road. I will be late if I will drive slower than my speed limit. I stopped for a while to buy three sunflower bouquet, roses and daisies for them and tied them at the unoccupied sit at my back.

I entered left as per the security's instruction. Their place is quite an old tradition that I only watched in Korean traditional dramas like "jewel in the palace" I took the last aisle and turned right as i read Southern Gate above the wooden arch entrance.. #24, #22,  #20, #18 and #16 ..

The numbers on my left are even and on right are odds which took me to the right number 16.
I step on the break and left the big bike on the side as i scan myself feeling under dress, thinking that maybe the Kim's and Rose' are wearing traditional clothes like what they called, Hanbok.

"Here comes to whatever" I let out my finally sigh and pressed the doorbell.

It didn't took two minutes when I finally heard a closed of the entrance door and a feet getting near the gate. The squeaking sounds of the gate finally make my face look at the person from her feet to her red and white dress, thanking all the saints she's not wearing a Hanbok up to her face that left me speechless.


Her sparkling cat-eyes captivated me along with her gummy smile. I automatically smiled the moment her lips curved upward.

She looks far different from the day I saw her very vulnerable but still pretty. But now, she is glowing.

She is stunning.

"Hi" I said almost whispering as I blink my eyes from the beautiful sight and reached the bouquet of sunflower to her.

"Hi. This is not necessary but thanks. This is my favorite flower by the way" she answered shyly.

"R-really? Maybe I'm a psychic in my past life" I stuttered but quickly recovered as she open the gate widely while laughing as soon as she saw the big bike.

"thank you" I said and she lead me into their home.

The house is so classic like I'm in ancient days but bigger than our apartment in rooftop that I thought there's more people inside but I was wrong. Only her and Jisoo and sometimes rose' will come for an overnight,

"you know what, If I didn't know your name, I might wrongly mistaken you as the Thai Princess like the first time I saw you" My smile fades and turned into a nervous smile as I scratch my nape and quickly think of a valid answer.

"Don't worry I get  that comment often!"  I answered just to let the topic slide.

"She's here guys!" Jennie said getting in their house.

"The hero is here finally!" Rose' approached me and welcomed me with a hug as I gave her the red  roses.

"Someone told me that this is your favorite" I said jokingly as she grin.

"Or maybe my name made you picked that!" I chuckled and scratched my nape .

"Yah monkey! where's mine?!" Jisoo said and I immediately gave her the daisies.

"This is for the might Turtle-rabbit Kim" Everyone laughed.

"Monkey?" Jennie asked as we sat down on our respective seat.

Jisoo and I sat beside each other while Jennie sits across me having my perfect view throughout the dinner.

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