Chapter 36 - More Competition

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The next few weeks were filled with unwanted competitions against other clubs, but each time literature club won.

First off was an art research club and the bet was settled by a still life drawing competition, where one person from each club would have to draw whatever object was placed in front of them withing a certain amount of time and Sayori was chosen for this one. Theyre competitor used paint and wasn't able to finish their painting, but to everyone's shock (except for monika) Sayori created a beautiful drawring filled with detail and emaculate blends of colours even though she only used her own colouring pencils.

Surprisingly enough MC went to the club more often and kept other sports clubs at bay since he was awfully chummy with them, however neither Yuri or Monika appreciated his flirtation gestures towards them and Sayori always though he was just being friendly.

Yuri had to write a small essay about a book to keep another literature type club away from their club room and since Yuris vocabulary skills far surpassed the norm she passed with flying colours like she did in every exam.

Monika managed to hold off a maths club just by a few points, but enough none the less and when they tried to disagree Monika would simply smile and make such unthinkable horrible and vivid threats that made Yuri thankful she covered Sayoris ears each time.

The closest times they lost were against puzzle clubs and other more nerdy after school activities. Since Natsuki was still in hospital they had no proper guidance in any of the games they played.

All these losses and bribes going down the drain made one particular student council president enraged.

"FOR FUCK SAKE!!!! YOU USELESS PIECES OF TRASH!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK AM I EVEN PAYING YOU FOR?!???" Growled Rose as she threw a chair towards the latest club members that failed to take the room from Monika.

The poor student narrowly managed to dodge the flying chair towards them before shaking in fear and slowly backing towards the door.

"I-I tried!!! Even after I stole and broke they're shit I got caught and suspended!! What yhe fuck was I supposed to do about that?? Magically know about the fricken hidden camera??!? Fuck this and fuck you, you psycho bitch!!!" Said the student as they quickly ran out of the room as fast as they could.

Rose angrily ran her fingers through her hair, pulling it in all different directions out of rage.

"USELESS FUCKING PIGS!!!!" Screamed the council president, finally ready for the last resort.

On the other side of school in the literature club, after sharing their poems the girls and MC started packing to finally leave school.

"W-Would you or Sayori l-like a lift?" Asked Yuri as she put her books away.

"No need, me and Sayori can make out own way. Besides, you should go visit Natsuki at the hospital, I'm sure she misses you." Smiled Monika.

"Y-Yeah your right, s-she probably does~" Smiled Yuri with a small giggle as she hid behind her hair.

"You going to see Natsuki?" Said MC out of no where, stepping towards the both of them with a confident smile.

"Y-Yes, why d-do you ask?" Politely inquired Yuri.

"Well I haven't visited her at all since she got into the hospital and I feel bad about that! So I'd like to go check in on my precious club mate y'know?" Said MC with the best sad smile he could muster.

'Well maybe you'd have done that by now if you actually showed up to the fucking club.' Thought monika as she hid her clenching jaw with a gently smile.
"Well your a little late, Natsuki is due to be released this weekend." Said Monika holding a hand in her hip. MC scratched the back of his head.

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