Chapter 2 - What?

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Trigger Warning: Gay thoughts again, swearing, yelling and probably bad spelling.

Yuri quickly dashed to her friend on the floor kneeling down next to Natsuki and held her gently so she could see Natsukis face and barely knew what was going on.

"MONIKA! SAYORI! GET HERE QUICK! NATSUKI FAINTED SHE NEEDS HELP!" Begged Yuri at the top of her lungs afraid the pink girl was dead. She pulled Natsukis body up so she was hugging her and gently started to stroke the back of Natsukis head. "Please, please be ok Natsuki... Come back to me..." whispered Yuri almost in tears.
Then when the other club members came to see Natsuki Monika instantly took action stopping anyone from panicking too much and helped them carry Natsuki to the nurses office. They all had to carry her because Natsuki was surprisingly heavy.

|-------|Time Skip to the nurse|-------|

"N-Nurse w-will s-she b-b-be a-alright?" asked Sayori in a shaky voice from panicking about her friend.

"We found her like that passed out on the floor, do you know what happened to her?" Asked Monika with a calm voice but shaky emerald eyes. Yuri just stayed quiet.

"She will be fine, don't worry she will regain concious soon. As for what happened this was just a simple panic attack. Do any of you know anything that could have caused a trigger?" Asked the nurse seriously.

"I-It was my fault." Said Yuri, everyone turned around to look at her with confusion. "I-I accidentally c-closed the door behind me when I left the closet and the lights weren't working, s-so when I did it must have been pitch black in there. I swear it was only for a second! I-I d-didn't m-mean t-to, I-I d-didn't k-know!" Said Yuri putting both hands on her face as she cried into them.

"I-Its n-not y-your f-fault Y-Yuri!" Said Sayori trying to cheer her up, but since she was already a crying mess it came out slow and distorted, which was actually a little funny to see.

"Yes, Sayori is right. You had no way of knowing that this would happen." Said Monika walking so she was next to Yuri and rubbed circles on her back, to comfort her crying friend.

"She is right, the best thing we can do now is wait for her to regain conciousness." Said the nurse.

" Guess I'm staying for overtime, gosh the things you make me do Natsuki." Smiled the nurse leaning back into her chair in a comedic way.

"Wait, how often do you have Natsuki here?" Asked Monika curiously. The nurse took her time to answer, looking at the three girls intently, losing her smile and clearly deep in thought.

"Well since you seem to be good friends of hers, I guess it couldn't hurt to tell you."

"T-Tell us w-what?" Asked Yuri now looking up from her hands.

"Natsuki is a regular here, she comes every morning and if she can't make it in the morning I garantee she will come in the evening". Said the nurse with a small sigh.

"WHAT?!" The all shouted at the same time.

"She only comes to get a few small bruises checked, but what worries me is that they're constant and to make it worse, the school overlooks this because of how minor they are." The nurse sighed before looking away from them.

"I mean, I knew Natsuki got into fights, but every day?" Questioned Sayori.

"To be honest, legally, I shouldn't even be telling you this. So don't tell anyone and if you do, you didn't get it from me. Just keep an eye on her." Said the nurse seriously.

"Ok." Said the dokis in unison.


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