Chapter 6 - Not you

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Trigger Warning: Swearing and maybe some incorrect spelling. Idk you should know this by now.

FUCK! ALRIGHT!ALRIGHT!" Yelled the small pink girl moving from her warm and perfect comfy spot, to turn off her phones alarm...which was on the other side of the cold room... On the barricade...

"Fuck me and my life..." Said Natsuki while rubbing her tiers eyes, groggily getting up from her warm and soft bed to walk across her the hard and ice cold floor.

'I need a shower and since dad's home I won't be able to exercise, shame...' Though Natsuki as she was calmly yawned and stretched carefully in hopes of not irritating her injuries, before scratching an itchy spot on her shoulder. Getting ready for school took Natsuki just over thirty minutes and she liked to pack some of her secret stash of food in her bag, so she wouldn't have to starve throughout the day. Unfortunately, it was still a small amount of food, literally just a few different flavoured protein and breakfast bars. What can I say, Natsuki liked to save her money. After she brushed her teeth and hair Natsuki hopped down the stairs but was frozen stiff with wide eyes wide open when she saw her dad in the living room, staring right back at her.

'What... The hell.. is HE still doing here?! I-I though he was gone! He didn't make any noise! Oh my he mad about yesterday?!' she questioned in her head, growing a clod sweat and started to physically tremble. Her dad just stared at her with dead eyes, filled with a mixture of frustration, sadness, pitty and guilt. They both stayed still, both unmoving and kept on staring at each other. After she realised her dad wasn't going to beat her, Natsuki calmed down and walked towards the door but stopped just as she was about to leave.

"Bye papa, h-have a nice day..." Faintly stuttered Natsuki opened and closing the door behind her, making a Fucking run for it as soon as she was out.

'WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! HE ALWAYS BEATS ME IF HE SEES ME IN THE MORNING!' Mentally screamed Natsuki, rattling around every inch of her brain, looking for any kind of explanation. Just then an old memory popped back into Natsukis mind, she slowed down and took out her phone to look at the time and date.

"...oh... It's that day already... It would explain why he's acting weird..." Said Natsuki her eyes and face becoming blank and melancholy, almost as if a shadow was cast over her, the pink girl just slowly and calmly walked to school, no longer feeling any kind of adrenaline, only a low and sense of irony. Just as she was walking down the street, her eyes glued to the pavement, Natsuki felt something large crashed into my back and almost immediately bounce off and hit the flaw. Natsuki was still standing some how, but was beyond comfused as to what just happened.

'Holy shit, what has Daisy been feeding me?' Thought the tsundere, knowing a few years ago she would have been crushed by that force. Natsuki then turned around only too see a weird looking boy on the floor and to anyone who didn't watch anime, he would have looked like a regular dude. But in Natsukis eyes he resembled a male protagonist from any hentai. He had chestnut brown hair, a regular cut but his fringe was overgrown and slightly covering his obviously brown eyes.

"Watch where your going!" He shouted pointing at Natsuki accusingly.

"Me?! Oh I'm soooo sorry that i didn't see you coming up from behind me!!!" Yelled Natsuki in retaliation.

"Well are you gonna help me up or not?!" He asked in a demanding and angry tone.

"Fuck no! I have no idea where you've been!" Said Natsuki in a cold tone, scrunching up her face in disgust.

"Don't talk as if I'm some kind of turd on the side of the street!" He yelled.

"Well, from this angle, there isn't much of a difference." Smirked Natsuki realising this is what happens in every harem anime ever, only difference is that this is 'real life' and she doesn't like guys. He started to say something else but Natsuki just started to walk away, now ignoring him, giving absolutely no fucks.

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