Chapter 50 - Shelter

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You all deserve so much for making it this far, I hope none of you feel its rushed because this is how I always imagined it happening. 

Warning - Sayonica, kissing, swearing

"Holy shit...!" said Natsuki

"Holy hell..." Whispered Yuri

"Holy smokes!!" Shouted Sayori

"I know, pretty cool, right?" Smirked Daisy after showcasing a folder so chock full of all the evidence they they'd gathered over the coming weeks that it surpassed the thickness of a thesaurus.

"So... does this mean we can..." started Sayori, eyes piercing hopefully into Daisy's.

"If Monika manages to get the bank statements from Rosaline, that'll tie her to all these events you've all graciously researched, then we will have her dead to rights." Stated Daisy, her fingers tapping on the file.

"And your fancy pants lawyer's agree?" Pressed Natsuki.


Sayori felt the whole world quiet down. This was really happening. She could see and feel her friends celebrating beside her, screaming from job and hugging, but everything felt so out of touch.

"I still think it's a rash to do anything too soon. We don't even know how your parents will react girls." Said Nurse Danny, pulling up a chair to sit next to Daisy, intertwined their fingers together tightly.

"Baby, I promise, it's gunna to be fine. What is all my money for if not to defend the people I care about?" Comforted Daisy, gently pulling up Danny's hand to kiss it, reassuring her she knew what she was doing.

"Hey Doc... won't you get in trouble for testifying..? Ya patient confidentiality and stuff with how you looked after my wounds and what if they make you out as a bad guy and take your license??" Spiraled Natsuki.

"I am happy to help testify that these documents aren't false, as long as it's you willingly sharing this information  with the signed approval from your guardian, then all will be fine."

"Do I...Do I have to..?" asked Natsuki nervously. Yuri held Natsukis hand in hers.

"We will figure this out together, Natsuki." Whispered Yuri, running her thumb along the back of Natsuki's hand. All Natsuki could do was nod, the dread of having to contact her  father restricting her ability to speak.

"S-Sayori, has Monika contacted you at all this week..?" Asked Yuri, gently placing her hand on Sayoris shoulder.

"Yeah! Crazy bitch Rose has been extra clingy she okay?" Added Natsuki.

"Oh-! Uh, no. Nothing yet..." Said Sayori almost too deep in thought to answer. Once again the room fell silent to Sayoris ears and she found herself falling deeply into her thoughts. 

(----------------( FLASHBACK )----------------)

The vivid remembrance of her hearts restlessness that night haunted Sayori. The constant tossing and turning, recalling every moment of her and Monikas accidental embrace earlier that day... the warmth, the fragrance...Sayori missed Monika so much it felt like part of her was lost, forever in yearning. Natsuki reassured her their plan had worked, and that Monika was truly on their side, but the worries and doubts...they brewed powerful storm clouds.

But if fate was truly an entity, it showed it's teeth that night quite clearly, for an unexpected message appeared on Sayoris home screen, an unknown number. She was sure it must have been a spam, as it usually was, and all Sayori wished to do was sleep, but something deep inside persuaded her with neither rime or reason to open the message and see what it was.  

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