Chapter 7 - Why?

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Trigger Warning: Self harm, abuse and swearing

Yuri was smiling to herself all the way home, wondering what her little pink friend would be up to round about now and if they could ever talk like that again. She was so happy to finally be able to talk to someone, that she didn't realise the lights were already on in her house. She walked into her mansion of a home, put away her school bag and went into the kitchen to look for something to eat, but what she found instead made her blood turn cold. She saw her older sibling Kate casually eating some biscuits. Now in Yuri's family of giants she was actually the shortest, the highest being her mum and dad, second highest was the eldest daughter Kate, the third tallest Brian the middle child and lastly, Yuri the youngest and shortest. Kate smiled at Yuri as if they were good friends, Yuri just started to shake as she nervously smiled back.

"Yuri! How's my favourite little sister doing?" Exclaimed Kate crashing Yuri in a hug. Yuri just froze with a shocked expression on her face, all she could do was tense up her whole body, closing her eyes, trying not to cry.

"P-Please d-don't h-h-hurt m-me..." Whispered Yuri so quiet it was almost inaudible.

"Now, now Yuri don't be like that! Come on, you know nothing bad will happen if you behaved." Said Kate, keeping her very friendly and just as friendly smile, while she slightly tightened the hug, making Yuri start to shake out of fear.

"Well I'll be going now, it was great to see you again sis! I'll be back tomorrow~ oh I can't wait to catch up with you!" Happily said Kate releasing Yuri from her grasp and wiping away yuris tears before walking past her and disappearing.

Yuri couldn't move, she just stood there clenching her jaw in a mixture of negative emotions. After Yuri was 100% sure her sister was long gone, she slowly made her way to her room, no longer feeling hungry. Yuri had an emotionless face the hole way there, the silence was twice as deathning as usual. She got to her room, locked the door behind her and fell to the floor in an emotional defeat.

'Why the hell is she here?! What does she want? Oh god! What do I do?! AM I REALLY GOING TO BE ALL ALONE WITH HER AGAIN!!?' Mentally panicked Yuri, clawing both sides of her head in distress.

Her thoughts only got worse and we're going to be a lot worse if she hadn't felt her phone vibrate from the inside of her blasour pocket. Now snapped out of her thoughts, Yuri wiped her tears away, stood up from the ground and took a few deep breaths.

"I'll just had to try and stay clear of her, or at least not be home alone with her." Said Yuri trying to reassure herself. She decided to get changed before messaging back whoever texted her, it was usually Sayori anyway.

After showering and getting changed into an oversized black shirt and some matching black shorts, Yuri flopped on her king sized bed, belly first and dragged her phone up to her face to see who texted her. To her joy she quickly sat up, mainly out of shock, now knowing the little pink tsundere was the one who called her.

Hey Yuri, I don't know if you'll help or only make things worse, but I'm bored. Entertain me. Also I saw my names changed, I have no idea what to even think about you guys anymore.

Purple Bookworm:
Yeah we figured you'd love it, and I'll only entertain you, if you say please~

Natsuki also shot up from the sofa in the lazy room realising Yuri actually responded. "Huh, I-I didn't expect her to actually respond..." She quickly calmed down and decided to just play the same game as Yuri.

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