Chapter 27 - Right

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Warning: swearing

A/N: a song that perfectly sums up why I haven't uploaded in ages:

If your schools a giant drag clap your hands! 👏👏

If your schools a giant drag clap your hands! 👏👏

If your schools a giant drag and your too gay to give a damn,

If your schools a giant drag clap your hands! 👏👏

|*****|At Monika's Mansion|*****|

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR MOVING?!!" Screamed Sayori as she grabbed Monika's shoulders, shaking her like a maraca.

"Sayori stop!" Said Monika as she freed herself form Sayori's iron grip.
"Look I'm just moving to another part of town, I won't be that far, but I just won't live opposite you anymore." Said Monika with a sad smile.

"B-But-I-No! Y-You can't just leave like that!" Whined Sayori as she began to cry.
"H-How f-far are you even moving?" Asked Sayori rubbing her face.

"My parents got hold of a house even bigger then this one in K2 street." Said Monika quietly as she rubbed her arm feeling horrible for making sayori feel this way.

"B-But that's ages away!" Said Sayori as she burst into tears, engulfing Monika into a tight hug, afraid to let go. Monika instantly hugged her back, not wanting to let go either.

"No it's not Sayori, half an hours walk, half that time if you take a car or buss or go by bike." Said Monika as she gently stroked Sayori delicate hair, letting Sayori berry her face in Monika's shoulder.

"But I need you here!" Said Sayori in a barely audible way because of her sobs.

"I-I know, I know Sayori...what if every day after school I come to your house for a few hours? And then leave when you feel like not keeping me captive?" Joked Monika making Sayori instantly chuckle like a child.

"Hey! I only threatened to do that once! And it's not like I'd make you do anything against you will!" Said Sayori wiping away her tears.

"Suuuurreeee you wouldn't." Said Monika sarcastically.

"See! I'm glad you agree!" Said Sayori.

"That right, I forgot you can't tell when people are being sarcastic. Oh you sweet little bean!" Said Monika a she hugged Sayori tightly.

"Moni you have to promise you'll be there for me every single day! And the weekends! I need you badly!"said Sayori as she squeezed the life out if Monika.

"S-Sayori... can't...breath...!" Said Monika.

"Only if you promise! Promise you won't disappear!" Ordered Sayori only hugging Monika tighter.

"Alright...I...promise!" Said Monika, gasping for air when Sayori finally let her go.

Sayori looked down at the floor with a sad smile while Monika was looking away gasping for air, all the bad thoughts were swirling in her head, all the bad possibilities. But to her surprise she was taken into the fermiliar warm and soft embrace of Monika, the back of her head being lightly stroked making her almost purr as she burried her face in Monika's chest, nuzzling into the warmth.

"Its all going to be ok Sayori. I promise this won't change anything, I'll still be there every time you need me." Said Monika in a kind voice.

"Even if I'm half way around the world? In a desert?" Asked Sayori wrapping her arms around Monikas waist.

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