Chapter 55 - Where is Sayori?

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Warning: Violence, kidnapping, swearing

A/N: It has been hard to update every week while balancing my other life stuff, so hopefully now that things have died down a little I will be able to be a bit more consistent, but I make no promises. I can't control when I get sick, or have to suddenly move out of where I was living while being sick af. (;-_-)

Sayori had noticed something strange, something unnerving about her family and how they seemed to act around her. It started a little before the police and trials with rose, Sayori was busy and in contact with some officers for statements on all the accusations... Her family had acted like this before, almost every time her sister lied about something she did, if her grades weren't what they wanted, but especially when they felt she embarrassed her. She couldn't think of what she did to cause all of them to give her the cold shoulder, blatantly ignoring her until they needed her to do chores, not until everything somewhat died down from the end of the trial.

It was a Friday evening and she got home from school  to a rather disturbing sight of her family waiting for her at the dinner table with nasty scowls on their faces. She had expected something like this would happen, just not the reason for their hostility towards her.

They revealed a picture, to her horror, of her and Monikas first kiss in the rain. They screamed and berated her, claiming someone from the church had spotted them, took the photo and told her family privately at their church. She was frozen in shock and fear. What happened next felt like a blur, their yelling, the shoving...the strangers pulling her away with all their might as she screamed to stay, that she was sorry, and to not send her back to that place. The place they sent her last time. That prison like camp where the adults just beat each kid in a false sense of holy service to god. There was nothing holy about it. She could see her sister filming as she got dragged away with a few bags of belongings, even some other neighbors left their homes to see what was going on, and soon she was on her way back to that conversion camp.  

(-----------------(9 Days Later)-----------------)

Natsuki, Yuri and especially Monika were panicked. Sayori hadn't been responding to any messages or calls for over a week, like she had disappeared. When they went to deliver her home work, her parents seemed incredibly hostile at the sight of them before snatching Sayoris homework from them and claiming she said she didn't want to see any of them anymore and that she wanted to stay away from devils like Monika, before slamming the door shut in their faces. 

"This the actual fuck!?!??" Shouted Natsuki as she began loudly banging on their door front door. 

"If you kids don't leave my property I will call the police!!" Threatened Sayoris mother from an upstairs window. Reluctantly, with both Yuri and Monika pulling Natsuki away, the girls left and began walking aimlessly through the town streets.

"This is absurd!" Snapped Yuri.

"Yeah!! Why wouldn't they let us see her??" Agreed Natsuki. Monika was too startled by that all too knowing look she saw on Sayoris parents faces, and then it just clicked.

 "...What if they found about me and Sayori..?" Said Monika, causing all of them to stop in their tracks.

"There's no way. Sayori and you were super careful."

"Correct. We were all very informed on that situation."

"I know, we all know they're homophobic pieces of shit, but what if somehow, they know? Why else would they call me specifically the devil?" Said Monika, biting her lip in nervousness. 

" they're what? Trying to keep her away from us? Transferred her to another school??" Said Natsuki.

"Unlikely, I would have heard something from one of the teachers, they love to gossip about such things." Stated Yuri.

A small pit fell into Monikas stomach as she remembered what Sayori told her about what her parents did before, and a cold, slithering shiver ran up spine.

"Guys...what if they sent her to a conversion camp..?" Said Monika.

"They wouldn't s something that crazy...would they..?" Asked Natsuki.

"You didn't hear it from me, but they've done it before." Said Monika as both Natsuki and Yuri gasped.

"Holy shit...what do we do!? Should we call the police??" Asked Natsuki, Yuri already getting her phone out and began typing something and Monika just shook her head.

"No, they aren't illegal here, and Sayori isn't 18, she can't exactly say no to he parents sending her to a camp, no matter how fucked up it is." Said Monika in a quivering voice, shakily running her hands through her hair. Yuri and Natsuki looked at Monika softly.

"Monika...we will find her..." Said Yuri, gently resting her hand on Monikas shoulder, Monika looked almost pleadingly at Yuri as tears fell down her cheeks.

"What if we can't find her..? What if I'll never be able to kiss her again or hug her again because these sickos torture her to stay away from me like how Rose tortured me to stay away from her..?" Said Monika as she covered her hands over the face and wept tears of fear and worry.

"Don't say stupid shit like that Monika!!" Said Natsuki as she tightly wrapped her arms around Monika and hugged her.

"She was there for me and I couldn't do the same!!" Cried Monika, slowly wrapping her arms around Natsuki, tightly gripping her friends blazer.

"We will find her, we will rescue Sayori, we will all go to group therapy and shit alright? We will MAKE everything okay, no matter how long it takes for us to find Sayo-" "I found Sayori." Said Yuri, coldly interrupting Natsuki. Both Monika and Natsuki snapped their heads to look at Yuri who held up her phone to show the disturbing video of Sayori being taken away. 

  "what-how-?" "Her sister Sarah's 'anonymous' accounts were easy to find given she has the same friends and mutual's on them, I never suspected she'd be dumb enough to have a public a public account." Said Yuri. Monika slowly wiped away her tears, letting go of Natsuki and holding onto Yuri's phone, looking in horror at her girlfriend screaming to be let go. Anger flowing through her veins and boiling her blood.   

"Okay babe you are freakishly good at that..." Said Natsuki.

"Agreed, but more importantly the van in the video has a visible licence plate and business logo on it, so finding where Sayori could have possibly been taken too won't be difficult...but the question is, what do we do when we get there? If we even can get there? How exactly are we supposed to help her get out of there?" Asked Yuri.

"I don't know..." Said Natsuki.

"I have an idea...but we need more information." Said Monika with eyes so ferocious they could tell there was no reasoning with whatever Monika had in store.

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