Chapter 12 - Sorry

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WARNING: Disappointment for anyone who thinks Yuri and Natsuki will kiss this early in the story, swearing, some fluff,

Yuri licked her lips seductively, looking Natsuki dead in her magenta eyes, causing the pink haired girl to blush even more.

'Since when is Yuri a dominatrix!?' thought Natsuki now unable to look away from Yuri's plump pink lips. Yuri moved them closer to Natsuki's, clearly going for a kiss, but Natsuki couldn't bring herself to. Not like this, it's wasn't right.

As much as Natsuki wanted to kiss her, Natsuki wanted to kiss Yuri, not whoever this was. So she turned her head to the side, avoiding the kiss completely. Yuri frowned deeply towards this action.

"Who are you..." Said Natsuki looking to the side frowning.
"The Yuri I know would never do something like this. She's too kind. I'll lose my first kiss to her not you." Softly stated Natsuki still looking to the side afraid of to look at Yuri dead in her dark purple eyes.

Yuri's face expression changed from frustrated to flustered and embarrassment. Then out of the blue, she jumped away from Natsuki like a scared cat, with a bright red face that was covered by both hands and curtain like hair.

"O-Oh my gosh! I-Im so so sorry Natsuki!! I-I don't know what came over me!!!" Exclaimed Yuri. Natsuki let out a large sigh of relief while clenching her chest and falling to the floor bending forward like her stomach hurt or something.

"Natsuki?! Oh my god are you alright?!" Said Yuri walking back towards Natsuki and rubbing circles on her back.

"Yep. I'm fine. Just scared shitless. Jesus Christ Yuri! I thought I was gunna die or something! Don't scare me like that!" Said Natsuki before punching Yuri on the arm, but couldn't stop herself from laughing at what just happened.

Yuri rubbed her arm and looked at Natsuki in confusion, before everythjng that just happened sunk into Yuri's and before they knew it they both burst into laughter and Yuri had to take a seat on the floor next to Natsuki to steady herself.

"Oh gosh I need to stop laughing before I die!" Said Yuri out of breath.

"I thought I was gunna die!" Smiled Natsuki leaning on the wall clenching he stomach in agony from laughing too much.

"Come on! Surely I wasn't that scary!" Said Yuri also leaning on the wall, but hiding her embarrassed face behind her hair.

"You bet your ass you were! What even was that?!" Laughed Natsuki.

"Sorry, it happens sometimes..." Said Yuri, the last few words coming out wobbly  as she moved her knees up to her chest and resting her head on them. Natsuki noticed the drastic change in Yuri's mood and instantly stopped laughing.

"You know you can tell me anything, I don't think anyone would believe me if I told them anyways. I mean, who would listen to a twelve year old am I right?" Said Natsuki gesturing to herself trying to comfort Yuri with a crappy joke. When it didn't work and Yuri began to tremble, Natsuki started to rub circles on Yuri's back in hopes to comfort her physically.

"Your the first..." Whispered Yuri.

"First what..?" Softly whispered Natsuki feeling as if she was dealing with a very delicate ice sculpture.

"The first to know that it wasn't me..." Said Yuri, clenching her knees more tightly. Natsuki sighed.

"Yuri wanna know a fun fact?" Asked Natsuki. Yuri have a small nod.
"People have a lot of sides to them. Some good, some bad and some are just really fucking weird!" Exclaimed Natsuki, thinking about her dad but snapped back to reality once Yuri's angelic giggles echoed around the room.

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