Chapter 45 - Epiphany

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Warning: Probably swearing, gayness, technically plans for stalkery.

A/N: Hallo, everyone! I have had an interesting time with life for the past year, and at long last, I have time to write again! I would rather die than create a whip, so I hope you can all forgive me for the wait and enjoy the future chapters I plan on writing.

I plan on sticking to around 1500-2000 words per chapter so that I can make more frequent updates!

'I thought things would be back to normal...' Thought Sayori after seeing Monika distance herself again, coming up with a variety of excuses to be away from her, Yuri and Natsuki. After the phone call she had with Monika, Sayori assumed things would get better, but they only got worse.

She sat quietly in the clubroom at the end of the day with Natsuki and Yuri. Monika ofcourse was running late and nowhere in sight. Suddenly, there was a loud thump at the table as Natsuki angrily stood up and slammed her hands on the table.


"W-What??" Responded Yuri and Saypri in sync, confused at Natsukis outburst.

"I said, FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT!!! What's happened to us?? Why the fuck isn't Monika here??? WHATS THAT STUPID BITCH HIDING THAT SHE CANT JUST OH I DUNNO, TALK TO US ABOUT IT??" Shouted Natsuki furiously.

"Don't call Monika that Natsuki!!" Snapped Sayori as she stood up and stared down angrily at Natsuki.

"Oh I'm soooooooo sorry for calling out her bullshit behavior, she's been SUCH a fucking angel, ya know, not like she's been treating us all like shit lately or anything." Glared Natsuki before crossing her arms.

Sayori was about to yell and scream Natsukis head off before she noticed the sad expression befalling her friends face.

"Doesn't she realise...that she can just talk to us..?" said Natsuki in a quieter voice, clearly close to tears.

Yuri stood now and slowly bought both Natsuki and Sayori into a hug.

"T-There m-must be more to this girls. M-Monika isn't the type of person to do such a thing without a good reason..." calmly stated Yuri. Sayori slowly moved out of the hug and nodded, agreeing with Yuris' point, Natsuki stayed in Yuris arms to try and hide her tears.

W-What should we do?" Asked Yuri, looking at Sayori.

"Whay are you asking me?" Questioned Sayori pointing to herself.

"W-Well, with Monika gone, the vice president of the club, you, are in charge." Said Yuri as she began running her fingers through Natsukis hair like she was cat, gently calming her down. Natsuki berried herself inside Yuris chest even more at the comfortable sensation.

"Oh...well, you're right! What...should we do..?" said Sayori, sitting back down in her chair to ponder.

"Well, for starters, we need to figure out what the heck has been going on with Monika. It doesn't help MC's been completely ghosting me. I know he's involved in a lot of different clubs and friend circles. He'd probably have very good insight into these types of dramaful situations." Said Sayori, pulling out her notebook and making a not of MC.

"Personally, I find it reeeaaally fucking suspicious he just up and disapeared whenever any crap happened, including recently, with everything thats happened with Monika." Said Natsuki as she moved away from Yuri, her eyes and cheeks a little red, trying to act like nothing happened.

Yuri then sat down and pulled Natsuki into her lap, sitting her down gently and holding her there with an iron grip so she couldn't wiggle away.

"T-That's a good point Natsuki, its too much of a coincidence. If he truly is as well connected as you say Sayori, the likelyhood of him being an informer are high." Said Monika.

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