Chapter 30 - Private Moment

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Warning: kissing (finally), swearing, shouting and true love. I shouldn't have to say it's gunna be GxG but just in case some of you don't get the memo, it's GxG.

During her long wait for Natsuki in the waiting room, Yuri managed to fall into a dreamless sleep, she didn't even remember passing out until she was shaken on the shoulder by a firm hand. When she came too Yuri saw a happy looking dazy had woken her up.

"Yuri, Yuri, get your ass out of the couds! Natsukis awake! The doctors gave us permission to go her!" Said Daisy relieved but clearly exhausted, which was evident in the dark bags under her eyes. Yuri shot up, not looking any better herself.

"What?! Where!? When!?!" Said Yuri.

"Moments ago and Room 108, you should go see her." Said Daisy.

"Your not coming?" Asked Yuri.

"I think you two will need some alone time, I'll just go get us some coffee and something stupidly sweet for the brat." Said Daisy walking the opposite direction. Yuri nodded and rushed down the hall, all the way to room 108.

She stood there for a while, not sure if she was ready to see Natsuki. But after taking a deep breath she nocked before slowly opening the door and saw Natsuki sitting up in her hospital bed with bandages that went from her neck to her arms and probably down to her legs aswell, Yuri could only assume since natsukis lower half was under the covers, but she remembered all too clearly what her bruised legs looked like. Her left arm however, was covered in a bright pink cast matching Natsukis hair, Yuri wondered if the doctors got permission from natsuki to do that.

"You look like shit Yuri." Laughed Natsuki in a small raspy voice with a small sad smile, her left lip and eye were swollen and bruised.

"Oh like your one to talk Natsuki." Smiled Yuri as she walked up to Natsuki and sat on the side of Natsukis bed.

"Natsuki what happened?" Asked Yuri in a small voice.

"I dunno, why not ask the fucking pigs  that just came and took my statement or the skeleton masked shit bags that beat me up and left me for dead!" Snapped Natsuki before she began to cry and berried her face in her hand.

"Natsuki it's ok..." Said Yuri as she attempted to hug Natsuki, but Natsuki slapped Yuri's hands away.

"No it's not! They laughed Yuri! They fucking laughed! And the cops started getting real pissed when I couldn't give them names or faces!" Yelled Natsuki out of pure rage, Yuri was shocked.

"Damn it! Things were getting better! Now it's like he never fucking left!" Yelled Natsuki as she grabbed a fistful of her heair and harshly tugged it, clearly trying to do something with her built up fear and stress. Yuri could feel her heart ache and shatter at the sight.

"Natsuki stop! It's going to be ok, I'm here..." Said Yuri, reaching out to remove natsukis hand from her hair, but she couldn't even try to comfort Natsuki before she started yelling again.

"Don't do that! Don't act like you care about me! No one cares about me!"
Shouted Natsuki looking at Yuri with a face full of anger that was just trying to mask the sadness in Natsukis eyes.

"Your wrong Natsuki! Do you even hear yourself?! Of course I care about you! The club cares about you! Even Daisy!" Shouted Yuri in retaliation.

"Shut up! If I was worth any of that then why would any of this happen??! It always! Happens! It's like violence is in my blood! And it burns! And it hurts!! It really fucking hurts!!" Shouted Natsuki, bursting into tears.

"Of course your worth it Natsuki!" Shouted Yuri.

"Why?! Why would you EVER think that?!" Shouted Natsuki.

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