Chapter 18 - Preparation

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2æ4ñ8ñg: anoying people, talk about abuse and torture, swearing and homophobic name calling.

As Monday rolled around and hit all the dokis like a truck, they did nothing but wish it was still Sunday so they wouldn't have to deal with school.

|======|@ Sayori's Place: |======|

Sayori usually gets up late, you'd think it was an accident, but no, No it wasn't. The truth is she got up late so she wouldn't have to spend time with her family, the reasons being very personal and something not even MC or Monika knew, she was too scared to tell others.

Her household was very sticked and religious, no tolerance for anything that would be considered a sin or crime against God.

When Sayori was in primary school, with no understanding of sexuality or the hatred her parents secretly helled towards people, she grew a strong crush on a girl with long brown hair and ribbons. Unfortunately Sayori was shy at the time and was only able to slightly become friends with the girl before her first love suddenly moved away for her parents work, it was so sudden Sayori still can't remember the little girls name or face even in the present.

Little Sayori cried and cried, running to her mother and father to tell them the horrible heart break she had just been through... but little did she know Sayori had signed herself up to a world of pain.

She was instantly shipped off to a  conversion therapy institution by her own parents.

But at this camp they physically abused the kids so they'd 'repent'. From starving, to isolation to even whipping. They'd do it all to inocent children all in the name of god.

Sayori knew she needed to get out of there and It didn't take long for her to fool everyone into thinking she had been converted, but when she got home, her little sister had spread rumours about her all throughout the church. Meaning she was forced to go into constant confessions and deal with people out casting her and making fun of her for something she couldn't control.

Sayori's parents obviously favoured her sister over her, it was painfully obvious. Sayori's sister Sarah could do whatever she wanted to Sayori and if Sayori dared to fight back, she'd have to face a whole angry church. Her sister protended to be all religious and a perfect angel at home and at church, but as soon as she left she was nothing but a devil. Horrible to everyone, disrespectful and dressed like a slut.

Even when Sayori's parents were told about their daughters behaviour, they wouldn't believe it.

How could Sayori possibly want to spend time with people like that? How could she even be religious after going through something like that? But the conversion therapy left scars, she was afraid to be anything other then straight now a days.

Unfortunately for Sayori today was different, because she had to get up early to go help everyone take the decorations to school, so seeing her family was inevitable.

"Oh Sayori? Your up early, what a pleasant surprise!" Smiled Sayori's mum sincerely happy since they haven't talked in a while.

"Indeed, have a seat, eat some breakfast."  Ordered her melancholy dad.

"Wow, waking up to go meet your girlfriend?" Scoffed Sarah. Both of her parents gasped and stared at Sayori.

"Sayori is this true!?" Said her mum in shock.

"If so then you've got a lot of explaining to do young lady!!" Yelled her dad getting angry.

"Yeah I heared she joined a club with nothing but lesbians in it. You going to mess with them or something? You know hanging around gay people is going to be a bad influence." Smirked her sister playing on her phone as both her parents looked at Sayori as if they were going to explode from anger. Sayori put on her fake smile and slightly waver her hands in the air defensively.

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