Chapter 40 - New beginnings

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Warning: I'm sorry everyone, but Sayori will be bullied more in this chapter but since I don't like writing it that much this chapted won't be that long. Luckily there's Sayonika this chapter.

After spending a very lovely weekend together with her friends, Sayori felt more content with herself, seeing less and less clouds around her. The past several weeks of bullying had almost been forgotten until school began again. She was worried sick about what people would do this time when she walked through the corridors. However things were very different this time.

Natsuki, Yuri and Monika stood by her the whole journey to her form room at the start of the day, scaring off anyone who tried to approach Sayori. She noticed some of her bullies walking confidently to where she was only to walk away with their eyes glued to the fool once they saw she wasn't alone.

Unfortunately her friends couldn't stay with her during her classes and unfortunately she sat at the front of the classes for nearly all of them. She spent every lesson having things thrown at her while people insulted Sayori for every little thing she did. What hurt the most was how she would make eye contact with the teachers as they heard and saw everything that was happening, only to watch in horror as they turned around and continued the lesson.

To sayori's only joy was how her friends would be waiting for her, sometimes out of breath from how fast they had to run to get to her outside of every lesson and stop anyone from messing with her in the halls.

Afterschool when Saypri got home, her parents were furious that she hadn't been home for the weekend with no explanation, even though she sent them messages saying where she would be, who she'd be with and when she would be back. Regardless of how clear she explained everything, they still yelled at her, explaining how they had to change their plans because of her to finish all the house chores they usually left her to do.

It all sounded like white noise to her, hearing her parents insulting and slurring at her, it was nothing she hadn't heard before, whether it was her own family, random people from the church or even her own school; It was all too tiring.

"Couldn't Sarah have just handled the chores when I wasn't here? Its not like she's incapable." Blurted out Sayori just loud enough to be heared, looking distantly at the floor before snapping back to reality, too late to take it back.

As she expected, her parents yelled even louder, with her sister joining in, calling her lazy and a waste of space. Sayori kept her head down and just took it, waiting patiently for them to stop and when they did she went to her room like she was told.

She locked her door behind her and layed down on her bed, looking up at the pure white scieling with empty eyes, hearing nothing but an incredibly loud white noise ringing in her ears as she replayed everything that happened over and over again in her mind.

Everything turned blurry as warm tears flooded down her cheeks, Sayori covered her face with her arms in order to keep her whimpers quiet, not wanting to give her family another excuse to yell at her.

She fell asleep from exhaustion and woke up later that evening to a high pitched ring on her phone. Sayori could hear her family happily laughing together and smell the dinner they were enjoying without her.

She took deep breaths before checking her phone, only to sit up in shock when seeing her notifications. Hundreds of unread messages from her friends, asking her how she was and if she was ok, sending her pictures of the homework before the messages slowly turned into random colourful and funny gifs that braught a big grin onto Sayoris face.

She messages a long text explaining why she didn't reply, that she fell asleep after her parents were mad at her for being gone so long. Sayori was answered with nothing but love and care from her friends, widening her grin as she helled the phone close to her chest.

When she told them about everything that happened that day whenever they weren't there, they'd all just listen and give her support, only telling her a solution when she asked. Natsuki suggested thinking about all the good things that happened to her that day, and Sayori gave it a try, messaging everything she recalled doing that day with her friends.

She took a moment to think about the events of the day more deeply, remembering them vividly for several minutes before quickly sitting up after realising the only thing she was thinking about...was Monika.

She could perfectly recal how Monikas hair flowed whenever she walked, the intensity of her glare when she scared any bully away, the warm feeling Sayori got whenever she'd smile, Monikas dazzling eyes that shined brightly in any light, how close she'd get whenever Sayori seemed sad or cloudy, her arms always open and ready for a hug.

Sayori slowly grabbed one of her pillows and hugged it tightly, unable to deny the truth much longer. Sayori blushing furiously at the swirling thoughts whizzing through her head about Monika. Some innocent, some not so innocent.

Sayori screamed into her pillow, glaring a her phone every time it buzzed knowing the girl who was causing her all this grief was probably messaging her right then and there.

After some deep breaths Sayori picked up her phone and began conversing with the others as if she didn't just have a gay panic. Not that her cool facade lasted long.

Everything Monika did seemed to make Sayori flustered, even her dorky text messages. This back and forth emotional rolacoaster Sayori was experiencing lasted the whole night until they all had to go to bed.

Sayori being as drained as she was went out like a light.

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