Chapter 8 - oh hell no.

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Warning: swearing

On most days it was just Monika and Sayori taking a peaceful walk to the street where they both lived, because they were actually neighbors, literally opposite each other. But today they were walking home with Sayori's childhood friend MC, which Monika didn't like at all. The whole time he was being very self obsessed, making everything in the conversation about him. He was also very blunt and extremely rude, not really caring how he made Sayori feel, even though it was painfully obvious how bad he made her feel. It hurt Monika to see Sayori try so hard to please such an oblivious guy, after all, Monika liked Sayori a little more then she should. But she knew Sayori wouldn't like her in that way, so Monika swore she'd never try anything, It wouldn't be fair on Sayori. So Monika hid how pissed off she was at this guy by doing her signature smile no one could read or see through.

"Hey MC would you mind coming over too my house today? There is something I need to tell you." Politely asked Sayori, in a slightly shy tone, grabbing onto MC's oblivious arm.

"I don't know Sayori, I have some stuff to do." Said MC turning the back of his head, turning it so Sayori couldn't see his smirk.

'That bastard wants her to beg.' Thought Monika now more disgusted then ever.

"Please MC! It will only take a minute! Besides you live next door so it's not like you'll be that far away from your home! Pleeeeaaaasssseeee?" Said Sayori with her puppy dog eyes. Both Monika and MC grew a very faint blush.

"Sure I guess", said MC rolling his eyes and sighing.

"Hey Sayori I thought we were gonna study together today?" Said Monika not sure she wanted them alone together. She saw MC glare at her a little, but she just smiled, bretending to be oblivious.

"Well why don't you just come around after we've finished? I'm sure that won't be a problem, right Sayori?" Innocently asked MC. Sayori looked a little conflicted, but made her choice.

"Ok sure! I'll text you when we're done, then you come with all the revision stuff Moni!" Smiled Sayori.

"Sounds good Sayo." Smiled Monika, secretly feeling sad. The nicknaming got on MCs nerve, causing yet another glare to sprout from his eyes. Before they knew it, they all arrived home. MC went with Sayori to her house while Monika went to hers.

Monika made sure to stay right buy her kitchen window, which had a clear view of Sayori's house, so when he left, Monika would know. Too her surprise, MC left the house not even twenty minutes after he entered. She decided to wait for Sayori to text her, after 10 minutes of waiting, Monika began to worry.

"Hmm... Ok, do t worry Monika, maybe she's just snacking..." Thought Monika putting her phone away.
"If she doesn't text in the next five minutes I'm going over." Said Monika speaking to herself.

Five painfully long minutes finally passed and Monika packed all of the study books, she swiftly made it to Sayori's from door in a mater of seconds and knocked on the door twice as fast. She got no response. Monika knocked again but louder, still no response.

'Ok now I'm worried.' thought Monika as she opened the unlocked door letting herself in, since it was unlocked. On her way in Monika ran into Sayori's younger sister Sophie, who was taller then her sister, but no wear near Monika's height. It was clear Sophie was only just coming to open the door, probably not hearing it before because of the head phones she had hanging round her neck.

"Oh hey Monika." Said Sophie in a melancholy tone, now playing on her phone. Monika knew all about Sayori's family, and her little sister was a spoiled brat to put it politely.

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