Chapter 41 - Caught

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Warning: Swearing, violence and vengeance.

Monika and Sayori waited together as stiff as bricks against the wall of the corridor, both on edge, waiting for MC to either either turn up or not.

Monika waited with a tight grip on her bag, trying her best to be patient while desperately hoping MC wouldn't turn up.

Sayori was the opposite and nervously looked back and forth across both ends of the hallway, fidgeting with her bag hoping MC would arrive.

Monika glanced down and noticed how  with sadness at the sight of Sayori so distressed that Monikas had to hold back tears.

'Rose you fucking bitch. Why do you have to go after the people I care about most...' Thought Monika as she collected her thoughts through a deep breath.

Monika was about to say they should start heading when the first bell rang throughout the halls, signalling they had less then five minutes to get to class before the second bell rang to signal they were late for class.

The two looked at each other with wide eyes and shocked expressions, not saying a word before they both started sprinting down the almost empty halls.

"What lessons do you have now Sayori?!" Said Moniks running a little ahead of Sayori.

"Math!!" Said Sayori as she tried to keep up with Monika.

"That's on the other side of school!!" Shouted Monika looking at Sayori in disbelief.

"I knooooooooow!!!!" Shouted Sayori in return, still running with all her might.

The two then quickly had to take a sharp tern down a corridor. Monika slowed down and managed to turn in time, while Sayori ran full speed ahead, sliding and almost falling to the floor if Monika didn't grab her hand and pull Sayori along, holding onto it tightly as they sprinted through the school halls to class.

Sayori couldn't help but hold onto Monikas hand tightly and Monika couldn't help but feel happy and warm.

Both Sayori and Monika laughed when either of them accidentally bumped into the nearby walls, doors and and people as they swift made their way around corners of the long corridors. It was as if they were in their own little world of joy and exhilaration.

They got to Sayoris classroom just in time, completely out of breath with smiley red hot faces. They two giggled amongst each other and sighed in relief, at the same time as if they were finally in sync again, knowing they made it to Sayoris classroom in time.

"I guess I'll, *pant* see you here after your lesson?" Asked Monika with a smile, leaning backwards with her arms behind her head to catch her breath.

"Sounds *pant* great! *pant*" huffed and puffed Sayori doing her best to catch her breath while she smiled at Monika, her true self returning as she surprise bear hugged Monika before almost skipping into her classroom. Monika didn't hesitate to hug her back and glare at everyone in the room who usually picked on Sayori, making them all cower in fear.

Monika began calmly walking to her next lesson, smiling to herself as she cherished the memory of Sayoris warm hug. She didn't even care the second bell rang shortly after, signifying she was late.

On the way to her lessons, Monika had the displeasure of walking down the corridor where the student council room was. When she turned the corner to it she saw something that made her eyes go wide.

MC stumbled out of the student council room with his hair and uniform a mess, before turning around to smile drunkly at the other person in the doorway, the student council president Rose.

Monika froze in shock with her eyes wide as she watched and listened intently out of instinct.

"Now be a good boy like you always are and go~" said Rose as she leaned on the doorframe, a flirty smirk prying on her lips.

"Of course Madam president~ text me soon so we can do this again, it's been almost a week." Said MC as he began tucking his shirt back into his trousers.

"Yeah sorry about that pet, I've been busy, but I'll call you soon as usual~" Almost purred Rose as she closed the door.

Mc just chuckled and began walking with a slight waddle down the corridor. Monika wasn't noticed by either of them.

Monika quietly followed MC as he fixed his uniform and waited until they turned the corner before approaching him.

"Hi MC!" Said Monika cheerfully. MC jumped and looked back at Monika before sighing in relief.

"You scared the crap out of me Monika! Don't surprise people like that!" Said MC as he continued walking.

"You shouldn't surprise people either MC." Said Monika with a happy tone to match her smile, fooling MC into thinking everything was fine.

"How the heck did I surprise you? Your the one that jumped me. Did you just not expect to meet me here in a corridor?"  Questioned MC

"Close, I'm just in utter shock you're hooking up with the person that's responsible for Sayoris bullying." Said Monike her expression turning sower as she glared at MC, watching as he avoided eye contact and walked faster.

"W-What the fuck are you on about?" Said MC, trying to fain ignorance.

"I saw you with her MC." Said Monika her expression only showing anger. MC turned slightly pale and went quiet.

"S-So what? Her paying people to bully is just a stupid rumor." Said MC as he walked down  the corridor.

"So I take it her bribing you with sex or money to spy on me and my friends at the literature club, telling her the details of where we are or when we're alone, selling out your childhood best friend to those bullies and playing a part in Natsukis hospitalisation is just a far fetched speculation based on rumors?" Said Monika in a snarky tone, walking right next to MC no matter how hard he tried to scurry away. MC gritted his teeth and carried on walking.

"It all makes sense now, why your so reluctant to get involved with anything to do with the literature club. You sick fuck. You helped them break Natsuki's bones and refused to even visit her. And now your letting them do it again only this time, the one that will be hospitalised because of you is Sayor-"

MC turned and glared back at Monika

"ALL I DID WAS MESSAGE HER A FEW THINGS THAT WAS ALL!! I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BULLYING!!" Shouted MC. Monika gritted her teeth and kicked MC in the stomach, making him fall to the floor, whined and gasping for air, but also unable to scram as Monika grabbed a fistful of his hair and dragged him into an empty corridor, shoving him away and letting him catch his breath again.

"I will only say this once." Growled Monika as she pulled MC up and slammed him against the wall, gripping his neck so he stayed where he was.

"Stay the fuck away from Yuri, don't come anywhere fucking close to Natsuki, NEVER show your face in my fucking club ever again and if you so much as whisper something bad to anyone about Sayori and hurt her again after everything she's done for you, I will KILL you. Understand?" Said Monika, her tone and expression to furious and serious to not be intimidating.

MC nodded while he gasped for air in Monikas tight grip before falling to the floor after she finally let go.

"Good boy. I hope you die so I never have to see you again." Said Monika as she turned away and walked to her class.

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