Chapter 51 - Hard Call

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Warning: Swearing, lesbians, girls kissing, annoying family

The drive home for Yuri and Natsuki was silent. 

Natsuki looked thoughtlessly out of her window, not fully accepting the reality she had to face.

"We don't have to do this Natsuki." Said Yuri, snapping Natsuki out of her trance.

"Huh-? Do what now..?" Asked Natsuki.

"We don't have to contact him. We can figure out another way to get permission. Forging his signature won't be difficult." Continued Yuri. 

"Haha I won't even ask where you learn't to do that, but no Yuri. If we don't do this the right way, it could blow up in our faces..." Natsuki crossed her arms and leaned more into the car seat, everything felt uncomfortable.

"He may not even answer..." Added Yuri.

"And if that happens, we will do one of your crazy plans." Smiles Natsuki, but the silence and dread returned to fill the moments before they returned home.

Yuri suggested she went and got changed into something more comfortable, and Natsuki did, carefully donning her favorite and most comforting pajamas. When she came back down Yuri had bundled up several blankets and pillows around the sofa, clearly in the process of making some sort of pillow fort.

"Yuri what the heck are you doing?" Asked Natsuki as Yuri walked into the living room from the kitchen, holding a tray with two cups of tea.

"I understand there is no persuading you against calling him, so I wanted to at least make you feel as comfortable as possible for when you do..." Said Yuri walking past Natsuki and placing down the tray on the coffee table.

Within an instance Natsukis arms wrapped around Yuri's waist as she tightly embraced her girlfriend from behind.

"Thank you Yuri..." Whispered Natsuki, trying her hardest to keep her tears at bay while gently kissing along Yuri's upper back and shoulders. Yuri hummed and rested her arms along Natsukis.

"It is the least I could do." 

Yuri turned around and carefully pulled Natsuki into a hug, her arms wrapped around the shorter girls neck, ensuring their closeness even more. They remained incredibly close the entire evening, building the pillow fort, watched a few cartoons, cuddling while surrounded by softness, all these soothing things building up to such an unpleasant task.

Natsukis hands shook as she held her phone in her hand, an all too familiar number already completely typed out, all she had to do was press a button... She hadn't felt like this in what felt like forever...A smile formed when she noticed Yuri scooting in closer to her, bringing a blanket around the both of them with a reassuring expression playing on her beautiful features.

"Remember, if anything happens, I'm right here." The determined look on Yuri's face made Natsukis heart melt as she nodded and wordlessly leaned in to peck her girlfriend on the lips before crawling into her lap and leaned against Yuri.

"Okay...Lets do this.." Firmly huffed Natsuki as she pressed call. Her free hand found its way into Yuri's, the two girl holding each others hands tightly. 

The phone rang for what felt like an eternity until someone picked up.

"Natsuki?" It was cleared, less rugged sounding than the last time she herd it, but it was without a doubt her fathers voice...all her words got trapped in her throat.

"Natsuki...why did you call?" He asked, tone still calm.

"H-Hi Dad..." Stuttered out Natsuki out of fear and instinct, not wanting to anger him, yet cursing at herself internally for stuttering. He hated stuttering.

"Why did you call me? After everything...Natsuki, you shouldn't want anything to do with me." He still sounded... clear, no slurs, sure of himself. 

" sound...different..." Thoughtlessly said Natsuki, confused and overwhelmed.

"You mean Sober? Yeah. Ex military trainer for the security staff here... being doped up is not an option." Explained her father.

"That's... Good?" Questioned Natsuki.

"Yeah... I suppose it is..." A moment of silence fell between them. Yuri squeezed her hand reassuringly. 

"Dad...I-I need you to confirm a consent form so I can testify in court and put away a stalker." Bluntly said Natsuki.

"...I see you've been busy..? Shit...alright, I can do that for you, just send me the stuff." He said with a huff.

Natsuki couldn't think of anything to say while she forwarded the consent forms to her father, there wasn't anything she wanted to ask or know about what her dad was up too, in fact she still didn't really care. He had been sober before, but it never lasted, this time wouldn't be any differen-

"Kid, I'll stay out of your life from here on out. I ain't gunna be a stupid ass and ask for forgiveness for what I've done to you...there ain't no coming back from that..." Natsukis eyes went wide, what the fuck was happening right now?

"I don't give a shit if it's illegal, but I'll give you all my details and business emails so whenever anything like this happens again you can use them to respond to these fucking things and say yes for me. If they call me I'll vouch for whatever you need. Don't call, live a good life as fucking far away from me as possible. And don't worry about the house bills no more." Natsuki didn't have any time to respond before her dad hung up the phone. Completely dumbfounded, Natsuki sat up and off of her girlfriend who looked at her worriedly. 

"Well..? How did it go..?" Asked Yuri.

"I-I don't know...I think he's sober...but like for real this time maybe..? And he agreed to help??" Said Natsuki.

"How...strangely civil of him..." said Yuri

"RIGHT?? LIKE WHAT THE FUCK??" Stated Natsuki loudly out of pure confusion and annoyance.

"All of a sudden he remembers how to be a decent fucking human being??" Natsuki chucked her phone into the other side of the pillow fort.

" could always be worse-" As soon as Yuri finished her sentence, both girls were disturbed by the sounds and vibrations emanating from Yuri's phone, across the fort.

in a rush and without thinking, just wanting the noise to stop, Yuri picked up the phone, unaware of who called her.

"Hello this is Yuri, speaking?" Politely answered Yuri.

"Finally you pick up one of my calls." Said an all too familiar voice.  

"Mother..?" breathed out Yuri as her eyes widened and entire body froze. Natsukis eyes met hers and were just as shocked.

"Are you finally ready to talk? I have important news." Started her mother but after one deep breath and sigh, Yuri interrupted her.

"I picked up the phone by mistake and judging by, well, everything, your not ready to hear what I'd have to say regardless." Stated Yuri coldly. Natsuki shamelessly watched with a small smile as her girlfriends features hardened into a serious expression. 

"Wait Yuri! Please wait!" Pleaded her mother.

"I...I apologize...Yuri I've been worried sick since we last talked...I swear if you come home we will all listen to whatever it is you have to say." Pleaded Yuri's mother.

"We?" Questioned Yuri.

"Well yes, there is me, your father, your sister and your brother! He is returning from oversees! A family reunion would make it an even more special occasion." Yuri pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. 

"You can bring your partner with you...if you'd like, we'd love to meet them." Continues her mother.

"Fine. text me the date and time. I'll let you know if I'm busy." Before her mum could completely respond Yuri hung up the phone, placed it down and crawled back into the pillow fort, berrying herself into Natsukis arms with a groan.

"My love, it appears the time has come I introduce you to my family." 

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