Chapter 19 - Festival

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Warning: swearing and a very irritating rose.

Yuri and Natsuki waved there friends goodbye as they left their club room to go explore the different clubs, disapearing behind the walls completely away from anyone's line of sight.

Monika was uncomfortable being in the same room with MC without her little pink haired tsundere there to act as security. But it couldn't be helped, Monika was not about to put her own selfishness above others, that's just not how she does things, she'd rather die before she acted like her perents. In the corner of her eyes she saw MC beging to take a few handfuls of sweets and put them in his pocket. Monika sighed and put on her fake smile.

"MC put those back, they're not for you." Firmly ordered Monika.

"Oh come on you've got loads! Taking a few won't hurt." Said MC shoving a sweet into his mouth.

"You can have whatever sweets are left after the festival, now put. Them. Back." Ordered Monika with a glare worse then a thousand deaths, the fact she was still smiling only made it more scary.

MC gulped as he swallowed the sweet and fear filling is mouth. Sayori shivered too but not from fear, but from somewhere else that made her blush.

"J-Jeez, w-what a fucking party pooper! Are you seeing this Sayori?!" Said MC clearly trying to get Sayori on his side.

'You little snake.' thought Monika as she went back to smiling normally without a glare.

"W-Well one sweet couldn't hurt, right Moni?" Said Sayori accidentally using her puppy eyes.

'Sorry Sayori, but if he gets away with it once, he will think he can do it again.' Monika sighed.
"Sorry Sayori, but no means no. You two can have as much as you want from what's left after the festival. That's final." Said Monika strictly. It broke her heart seeing Sayori droop her head down like a sad puppy.
'Damn it if MC wasn't here I'd go hug her.' said Monika going back to some paperwork.

"Your seriously putting strangers over your own club mates? Wow Monika, just wow.", Rudely smirked MC, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. Monika sighed yet again and got back to her work, deciding to try ignore it. rolling her eyes before smiling.

"MC, if you read the club's poster you'd see that every Friday members are allowed to bring in their own food and drinks. I think you'll find Natsuki only fails to deliver cupcakes, cookies or sweets when she's sick. So please, for the sake of the club, can you not eat the treats for once and leave them for other people?" Said Monika with cold eyes, talking to both MC and Sayori. MC started to sweat and rub the back of his head.

"Also keep in mind if we don't get more members the student council president will shut down the club, so not once have I ever not thought about what's best for my club members MC." Growled Monika looking him in the eyes with a glare.

"Tch. What ever." Said MC as he walked over and began to read some of the comic books on the table.

Sayori stood there fiddling with her fingers before walking up to Monika who was sitting in the teachers desk. Monika looked up at Sayori and tilted her head a little

"What's up Sayori?" Asked Monika.
'So cute...' Thought Monika at Sayori's face expression before shaking her head..

"I'm...sorry about that Monika, I shouldn't have-" Sayori was silenced by a soft and slender fingers being pressed against her lips.

"Sayori it's fine, no harm done, even if you took one of two I'm sure it would be fine, I'm just worried how rebellious MC will be if I let him get away with everything. Hehe." Giggled Monika making Sayori's heart flutter.

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