chapter 11 - Locked

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Warning: Swearing, some fluff, groping, getting locked in a room, attempts and mentions of self harm and hopefully happiness to anyone who ships Natsuki and Yuri.

Once the movie was over Natsuki was so quick to put her movie on that Yuri didn't get any time to ask.

'Damn it I missed my chance, I'll just have to ask later.' thought Yuri now more then ever wondering why.
'Could Natsuki smoke? Surely not...' thought Yuri. By the time the movie was over everyone but Natsuki had tear streaks down their cheeks.

"Natsuki that was so saaaad!" Cried Sayori. Natsuki scoffed.

"Please, this is nothing compared to angel beats. Weaklings." Smugly stated Natsuki crossing her arms with a confident smirk.

"At least they got reincarnated at the end..?" Questioned Monika not being the biggest fan of fiction.

"Duh, what are you stupid or something? Of course they got reborn and stuff. Made it easier to jump start the actual series." Said Natsuki.

"Wait... THERES A SERIES?!" Almost screamed Sayori.

"Yeah but don't get your hopes up, it never got a sequel." Sighed Natsuki shrugging her shoulders.

"I-I have to admit, the style off it is amazing, animation sure has come a long way since one piece." Accidentally slipped Yuri, cussing at herself in her mind. She slowly turned her head only my to see Natsuki eyeing her like she had a precious diamond.

"Yuri, how do you know that?" Questioned Natsuki now in super serious mode.

"K-Know what?" Asked Yuri playing dumb.

"How do you know, the name of one of the most famous shonen anime series of all time?" Said Natsuki crossing her arms, while raising an eyebrow, growing huge smug smile on her face.

"M-My brother had the manga a-and we used to r-read it together. S-So when I found out there was an anime, I m-may have w-watched it..." Said Yuri lovering her head and speaking lower and lower with each word. Natsuki burst out into a fit of evil laughter, using her hand to cover her eyes like she was crazy.

"Yuri..." Said Natsuki calmly with a smile after she finally stopped laughing.

"Y-Yes?" Questioned Yuri, now scared for her life.

"You. Are. A. Weeb." Stated Natsuki looking Yuri straight in the eyes. Yuri was just shocked.

"N-No! I am not!" Instantly replied Yuri.

"Are too." Stated Natsuki.

"Am not!" Retaliated Yuri.

"Are too." Said Natsuki smirking.

"Am not!" Shouted Yuri.

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"AM NOT!!!"

"ARE TOO!!!"

This went for a while, longer then I can be bothered to write, until Monika finally broke them apart SO things wouldn't turned violent. It was getting late so they all decided to buy pizza, watch some Riverdale for Sayori's sake and be done with the day.

"So what are you gunna get Natsuki?" Asked Monika with the app pizza app on her phone.

"Large Meatzza!" Instantly answered Natsuki.

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