Chapter 33 - Not him

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Warning: Swearing

Ever since the race with Monika and the track team the school week had gone by peacefully with not many problems for any of the girls. Monikas parents left early in the morning the day after they arrived, leaving Monika in a happy bliss.

Yuri had been constantly seeing Natsuki, the two of them closer then ever and keeping up on maintenance at their house, regardless of all the times Natsuki told her not to.

Sayori had slowly become a little more comfortable being around her parents. All of them knew they would be facing another club next week, but at this time the girls were spending their Sunday visiting good old Natsuki.

"No way! They tripped you up?!" Gasped Natsuki, obviously angry.

"Relax Natsuki, I still won the race." Said Monika with her arms up defensively, while wearing a simple white, v-neck, short sleeved shirt with a pair of black jeans.

"Yeah but that didn't stop you from getting your knees all cut and bruised!" Exclaimed Sayori almost whimpering at the memory. She wore a pair of blue jeans with her signature short sleeved pink shirt.

"Are you trying to justify their actions or something?! Let me at em! I'll break their knees for revenge!" Said Natsuki swinging her casted hand in the air fiercely. Yuri giggled and helled her casted hand, putting it down before Natsuki could hurt anyone.

"Careful Natsuki, we wouldn't want it getting any worse now would we?" Smiled Yuri kissing her girlfriend on the cheek, making Natsuki blush and nod with puffed up cheeks.

Natsuki was already blushing at Yuri's natural look, with her signature beige turtle neck and leggings that both hugged her god like body perfectly. If Monika and Sayori weren't there she would be drewlling over Yuri right now.

"I can see you two are doing well." Said Monika happily while clapping her hands.

"Well it's been a bit difficult, but it's working so far." Smiled Yuri intertwining her and Natsukis fingers from her free hand.

"So how much longer till your out of the hospital?" Asked Sayori. Natsuki sighed and leaned her head on Yuri's shoulder.

"Four more weeks." Said Natsuki sadly.

"Ugh! That sucks! I'm getting all itchy and fidgety from not being able to eat your cupcakes!" Exclaimed Sayori.

"Nice to see your priorities are straight." Said Natsuki with a smirk.

"AND the clubs just not right without you! Though it is nice to have MC around more often." Said Sayori smiling happily. Natsuki shook her head at that.

"I think you should just kick him out already, I don't like the guy. He's too hormonal and is nothing but a huge dick head towards me!" Almost shouted Natsuki having the urge to punch something just at the thought of that stupid idiots face.

"Hey, don't be like that Natsuki, it's just his sense of humour." Said Sayori.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. But I still don't like him." Stated Natsuki resting her case as she crossed her arms on a huff.

"On a more serious note, I think we need to discuss the future of our club guys." Said Monika seriously, getting everybody undivided attention.

"The person we're fighting against isn't really after the club room, I'm sure if we left and got another room, she'd come and do the same thing wherever we go and it got personal after she got you hospitalised Natsuki. Im next to a hunders percent sure she's bribed students to go after you, meaning I have un-wantingly put you all in danger...I'm sorry guys." Said Monika looking down on her lap where she helled her hands together. A silence fell in the room that no one knew how to stop, all except one.

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