Chapter 28 - Work

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Warning: Swearing, maybe some typos or spelling mistakes sorry if I missed them but I hope you all like the story anyway 😌

Natsuki shot up from her bed at the sound of her alarm clock, waking up with a cold sweat that left her panting.

"Damn. Another dream about papa..." Sighed Natsuki, taking deep breaths to stop her hands from shaking, still scared of her papa even though he wasn't there.

Natsuki got out of bed and began to do her stretches before doing her daily exercise routine on a mat she had layed out. After finishing she got ready and was about to head for her jog when she though Yuri might want to join her, so she slowly entering the purple beauty's room and lightly shaking her awake.

"Hey Yuri, I'm going for my run, wanna come?" Asked Natsuki only to be pulled in under the covers by sleeping Yuri, her face smothered by Yuris chest.

"Yuri what the fuck?! Let me go!!!" Shouted Natsuki blushing beond a regular humans capacity, to which Yuri responded by hugging Natsuki tighter.

"No...stay..." Quietly said Yuri still in deep sleep.
"Please don't go..." Said Yuri in an almost un-audible voice. Natsuki froze at that and found herself hugging Yuri back, wrapping her arms around Yuri's waist.

"I'm here Yuri, I'm here..." Whispered Natsuki as she slithered upwards to Yuri could rest her head on the crook of Natsukis neck and gently hugged Yuri once again. Soon enough, sleep overtook Natsuki.

Natsuki woke up again after god knows how long, only to find herself with n empty stomach and an empty bed. She got up and rubbed her groaning tummy.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get you some food." Said Natsuki as she got up from Yuri's bed, wondering where the purple angel was until she smelled something amazing coming from the kitchen.

She sprinted down the stairs, jumping over the last few and ran to the kitchen until she saw Yuri on her phone waiting for something to finish cooking. Unfortunately she tripped and rolled onto the floor, startling Yuri.

"Morning Yuri." Said Natsuki, quickly rising to her feet bretending she didn't do that.

"G-Good morning Natsuki...are you alright?" Said Yuri dumbfounded.

"Yep totally fine nothing to see here. What are you making?" Said Natsuki quickly changing the subject.

"I'm making waffles, is that ok?" Asked the purple beauty.

"Hell Yeah! That's actually AWSOME." Said Natsuki with her sharp toothed smile.

"I don't mean to be rood Natsuki, but I've realised that you look like a vampire when you smile like that." Giggled Yuri. Natsuki smirked at that holding her arms up like a zombie.

"I vwant to suck your blood!" Said Natsuki.

"You forgot the blah blah blah." Smiled Yuri.

"I don't say blah blah blah!" Said Natsuki stomping her foot in fake frustration. Just then a small egg timer went off.

"Good. The last waffle is ready, Natsuki would you mind putting the drinks and cutlery on the table while I make the plates?" Asked Yuri.

"Sure thing, orange juice or apple juice?" Asked Natsuki as she opened the fridge.

"Apple juice please." Politely said Yuri as she finished making the plates, both of them getting two decent sized waffles. After eating Yuri insisted on doing all the washing, but Natsuki helped anyways.

"So Natsuki... why did I wake up this morning with you next to me in bed..?" Nervously asked Yuri as she put away the last plate with a blush. Natsuki also had a blush.

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