Chapter 9 - BAKA!

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(a/n: sorry I kept you waiting 😅)

Warning: swearing

|~~~~~~~~~~|At School|~~~~~~~~~~|

The nurse was just finishing packing up, finally being able to leave the school on time for once and strutted her way to the door but when she opened it, her good mood was instantly turned bitter and sour. In front of her were three boys who she knew were well known jocks that quite often got into fights, but they next to always won and came out barely scratched. Today on the other hand... they looked like they lost a fight with a group of adults! Or at least, that's what anyone who didn't know Natsuki would think.

At one point the nurse had a huge metal container full of medicine that reached the ceiling. On one faithful day it broke off its hinges that kept it upright on the wall and fell towards the nurse, but lucky for her, Natsuki was just walking in to ask for some pain killers. The nurse stumbled and helled her arms over her face in a defensive manner. But no impact came. When she opened her eyes in confusion she saw Natsuki standing in front of her using her arms to keep the huge, heavy metal wardrobe thing from falling onto her. The nurse was just frozen in shock before Natsuki yelled at the nurse to give her a hand. The nurse almost fainted when she saw the dents on the wardrobe where Natsuki had put her hands.

"Fuck sake Natsuki." Whispered the nurse clenching her hands and teeth tightly. She took a sigh and patched up the three boys.

"Mind telling me what happened? I'm going to have to write about this too the school AND your parents." Said the nurse knowing fully well non of them weren't gonna admit to being beaten by a 5 foot 3 pink haired girl.

"Uh, well you see we um... We had a fight amongst ourselves and it got out of hand! Right boys?!" Said the blonde one I assume was the leader.

"Yeah that's right!" Said the other two in unison. I sighed heavily knowing I had missed my bus and would have to wait a while before the next one came.

"Very well, just get home safely." Said the nurse finally finished watching them up.

"Hey nurse you know you're too dang hot to work at a school right?" Smirked the blonde kid clearly trying to flirt.

"Tell me about it." Said The nurse not affected in the slightest.

"So good looking, what's your name?" She sighed and turned to him smiling trying to hide her frustration.

"Danny, I'm Danny Johnson. And I am not interested in children thank you very much." She didn't listen to anything else they had to say and kicked them out, before also leaving to go home.

|---------------|The Next Day|---------------|

After the long night all the dokie girls arose from their beds, ready for the last day of school before the long awaited weakened. Monika slept over at Sayori's for comfort reasons, only adding to Sayori's sisters conspiracy theory about them dating, while Yuri barely slept even with a locked door, that failed to lock out her worries, about her newly arrived sister. Natsuki on the other hand slept like a baby, even though she was the only one in life threatening danger.

The day was fine, nothing too out of the ordinary happened. Monika and Sayori being popular and beloved by all made their lives very easy in the school and usually spent time together at break and lunch. Unfortunately MC was with them and they all acted like nothing happened. Natsuki always went to the restricted area on the roof where no one dared to go, Yuri just went to her secret reading spot in the library, safely hidden amongst the bookshelves. At the end of the day Natsuki was called to the nurses office just before the last lesson ended, so she headed over there.

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