Chapter 17 - Homework

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Warning: swearing

"Fucking bitch." Lowly growled Natsuki, crossing her arms with a huff. Yuri in the mean time was sitting with both hands on her knees unable to look up at how embarrassed she felt.

"Sorry about that Yuri, don't listen to that old hag. You of all people shouldn't suffer from hearing her stupidity." Said Natsuki rubbing the back of her neck.

"I-Its ok." Said Yuri so quiet Natsuki barely heared it.

"I swear it's not a sex cabin Yuri!" Frantically shouted Natsuki, waving her hands in the air defensively.

"I-I know! I-I j-just don't understand why she'd say that!" Whisper yelled Yuri covering her blood red face with both her hands.

"She just likes to take the piss out of me, I'm pretty sure she didn't mean you any harm. I think?" Said Natsuki, clearly very unsure.

'Fuck how hot would it be if that was actually Natsuki's sex cabin? Here have loads of fantasies! They only cost all of your shame!' thought Yuri's. Now Yuri's face was at least 4-5 times more red.

"Holy shit Yuri are you alright?! Do you need some water or something?!" Said Natsuki panicking at the state of her crush.

"Y-Yes, some water would be nice..." Said Yuri with a shaky voice, unable to look at Natsuki in that moment.  Natsuki went to the fridge and got a bottle of water for Yuri.

'The water should be nice and cold, I hope it helps yuri.' thought Natsuki walking over to Yuri handing her the water bottle.

"T-Thank you Natsuki." Quietly stuttered Yuri getting the water bottle and looking at Natsuki, before going wide eyed and looking away. She took a few sips before feeling a dip in the sofa next to her, she looked to see Natsuki staring at her with evil eyes like some sort of angry cat. Yuri felt very intimidated.

"Yuri...what's wrong?" Said Natsuki not giving up on the evil staring. Yuri started to sweat a little.

"N-Nothing!" Said Yuri trying to not get lost in Natsuki's eyes, she had to look away.

"Yeah suuuure, how convincing." Said Natsuki intensing her glare and rolling her eyes. Even though Yuri couldn't see Natsuki, she could tell Natsuki was burning a hole in the side of her head.

"You know if you were embarrassed by Daisy, I wouldn't worry about it, she does it to everyone. Actually that's how we first met, hehe." Said Natsuki now leaning backwards, no longer staring at Yuri with murderous cat eyes.

"How did you guys meet?" Asked Yuri still looking away form Natsuki.

"I was buying some food in this store and one of Daisy's ex's came and she just humiliated him the whole time while he was beging to go out with her again!" Said Natsuki laughing at the memory. Yuri couldn't help but giggle a little herself.

"What happened next?" Asked Yuri, now facing Natsuki.

"Well from what I remember, the guy was keeping up the line and wouldn't stop begging Daisy to have sex with him. Hmm, I don't remember what he said, but whatever it was  pissed me off." Said Natsuki crossing her arms remembering the anger.

"So what did you do?" Asked Yuri.

"Oh! I broke his nose!" Said Natsuki all cheery now that she remembered, tapping her nose joyfully a few time. There was a moment of silence until Yuri burst out laughing, which surprised Natsuki a little.

"What's so funny?!" Said Natsuki begining to feel a little embarrassed.

"S-Sorry! I-It just sounds like something you'd do! Pffff haha!" Said Yuri starting to clench her stomach from laughing a little too hard. Natsuki grew a small blush.

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