Chapter 49 - A Promised Reward

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Warning: Smut/lemon, swearing, biting, licking, If it wasn't already obvious by the title, it has leasbians.
(A/N) Enjoy and wish me luck because this is my first smut, and it took me SO LONG to get right until I liked it.

Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori were making their ways home and reached the school gates before Sayori suddenly froze, stopping all movement.

"Sayori, what are you doing?" Asked Natsuki, looking back at her.

"I'm going yo wait for Monika. I just need to see her again." Said Sayori, her eyes determined and serious.

"You are aware Rose will most likely be with Monika, correct?" Asked Yuri. Sayori nodded, her expression never faltering.

"I'll stand outside by the cameras, just until I see her. Even if she just drives by."

"Want us to wait with you?" Asked Natsuki. Sayori shook her head.

"No, I want...I want to do this alone." Almost mumble Sayori, unable to explain her current feelings and motives.

Before Natsuki could argue, Yuri gently put her hand on Natsukis shoulder to stop her.

"Very well. But should anything happen, our phones are at the ready to come and help you." Firmly stated Yuri, gently moving her fingers along the back of Natsukis neck to prevent any sort of disagreement from leaving her lips.

She gently trailed her nails across  Natsukis upper back to down her arms, holding onto her girlfriends hand and dragging her to the car.

By the time Natsuki snapped back to reality from Yuri touching all her weak spots, they were already driving away from the school to Natsukis horror.

"Yuri! What are you fucking doing?! We can't leave her there alone!!" Shouted Natsuki pulling on her seat belt.

"Darling, no. You and I both know they need this reaffirmation. If we stay, we will only get in their way." Stated Yuri.

"But! You- she-!! AHH!!!" shouted Natsuki as she crossed her arms and slouched harshly into her seat.

When the car came to a hault at a red traffic light, Yuri gently tucked Natsukis hair behind her ears and stroked the side of her cheek.

"I know you're worried my love, but we can't interfere too much or nothing will change." Said Yuri.

Natsuki sighed and leaned into Yuris' hand, her expression softening from one of frustration to just worry.

"You're right...I KNOW your right it just- frustrates me how out of fucking control this is. Yuri, what if she hirts them? Like they did to me." Almost whispered Natsuki.

"While I wouldn't put it past Rose to resort to violence, hurting either Monika or Sayori as gravely as what they did to you is too contradictory to Roses' whole motives based on the information we've already gathered." Reassured Yuri, sadly having to move her hand away from Natsuki, needing to pay her attention back onto the road, the red traffic light having turned green.

"I just wanna be there for them... but what if they feel they can't ask for help? Monika already fucking thought that." Said Natsuki.

"True, but Sayori came to us, and judging by what happened today, whatever you said to Monika got through to her. She now knows we're here, and we're ready." Said Yuri, her hands gripping the stearing wheel tightly, her eyes determined.

Natsuki chuckled.

"Haha yeah, it really didn't take long to get some pretty incriminating evidence." Smiled Natsuki.

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