Chapter 22 - His intensions

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Warning: Swearing

Natsuki had just made it out of her last lesson still alive somehow, almost dying of bordem since she hated maths and her always melancholy teacher did not help.

When she got to the literature club she was surprised to find no one in there, not even the great Monika herself. Just then Natsuki felt her stomach growl and rubbed it gently.

"Hehe, guess your hungry too." said Natsuki talking to herself as her stomach let out another low grumble as if it was responding her.

Just then Natsuki digged into her blazoure pocket and felt all the coins she found laying around after a humble day of scavenging. She grinned excitedly when Natsuki saw she had more then enough to buy her and her friends a feast from the vending machines.

"Yes! Yuri is going to love this!" With a small skip in her step, Natsuki left her bag on the nearest chair and headed to the vending machines for some crappy snacks.

She walked down the hall and turned a corner before seeing the big red vending machine with all the best snacks and the one vending machine Natsuki could not hack. She put in all her coins and started pressing all the numbers for all the snack she knew her friends would like.

She was about to head back with her arms full of snacks when she heared footsteps and voices coming this way. Not wanting to take the chance this person would steal her snacks, Natsuki hid behind the vending machine where there was more then enough room for her and her snacks. She could hear the footsteps and voices becoming louder and clearer the closer they got.

"Dude! I can't believe you were able to get into that club with nothing but hot chicks!" Said a boy who's voice Natsuki didn't recognise.

"Yeah I know, it was just my luck that my child hood friend happened to be the vise president!" Said an all to fermiliar voice.

'MC...' thought Natsuki trying not to growl and grit her teeth.

"You mean Sayori right? Damn you lucky bastard." Said the other boy.

"Yeah and she confessed to me the other day." Said MC proudly and Natsuki could practically feel his cocky smirk.

"No way! What did you do?!" Asked MC's friend enthusiastically.

"Well I friend zoned her of course, but it's only temporary, when I've had my fun with the others and made them all fall for me i'll date Sayori." Said MC even prouder then before. Natsuki wasn't sure if she heard correctly and prayed to God she didn't because her hands itched at the thought of ringing MCs neck.

"Damn that's cold dude. Who do you plan to date first? Or at least try to?" Asked his friend.

"Hmm... I think at the moment id like to try playing with Natsuki a little." Smirked MC while Natsuki almost threw up in her mouth at the thought.

"Wait you mean the short one? Why?!? She's barely carrying anything! Why not the all mighty Monika? Or the all in one package Yuri?" Asked his friend. Natsuki felt her eyes go blurry with rage at the thought of MC ever daring to touch Yuri.

"They're to easy man, besides Natsukis playing hard to get. It'll be way more fun and interesting going out with her. Plus boobs aside, she's hella cute." Said MC, getting a mmhmm from his friend. That was all Natsuki heared before they disappeared down the hall. Natsuki gaged at him calling her cute, for her it felt like he just threw acid at her rather then a compliment.

"I mean I knew boys were horny at this age, but holy shit." Whispered Natsuki talking to herself as she got out from behind the vending machine, dusted herself off and headed back to the club with nothing but a dangerous glare on her face and some snacks in her arms.

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