Chapter 29 - Good or Bad Monday?

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Warning: violence, briuses, blood and swearing. Sorry its not going to be the happiest of chapters.

Natsuki was perfectly wrapped in her blankets like a little pink burrito on her warm and comfortable bed when something light begin to move her back and forth on her shoulder. Natsuki just turned around so she was on her belly with her face berried in her soft pillow.

"Nooooooooooooo..." Mumbled Natsuki, her voice muffled by the pillow, resulting in and angelic giggle filling the room. The sweet gentle voice then started saying some inaudible words Natsuki blurred out, slowly going back to sleep.

However before she could, the angelic voice sighed and Natsuki felt herself being tickled and jolted with enough force that she could have easily jumped off the bed, but her covers helled her right where she was, making escape impossible. In her shocked state Natsuki tried to scream at the tickler to stop but only bursts of laughter came out of her mouth.

"You ready to get up now~?" Asked Yuri with a sly smile as she continued to tickle Natsuki without mercy.

Natsuki was laughing so hard all she could do was nod as her stomach began to hurt and her eyes began to tear up from laughter. After that Yuri gave a big victorious smile before leaving like nothing happened. Now finally able to breath, Natsuki unraveled herself from the blankets and fell flat onto the floor panting heavily, catching a glimpse of Yuri in her school uniform while she left Natsukis room.

'Damn that women! She knows all my weaknesses! Why didn't she wake me up sooner?! Before she got changed and put on those striped panties?? I could've gone on my morning run!' thought Natsuki huffing and puffing as she began to catch her breath.

Natsuki sat upright rubbing the back of her head that she hit on the floor when she finally realised what she just said.

"Wait a minute..." Said Natsuki her face slowly turning incredibly hot.
"S-S-S-S-Striped..." Whispered Natsuki, covering her red face in shame and embarrassment.

To distract herself from screaming and melting into a pink puddle on the floor Natsuki quickly had a shower and got changed and made sure to have her signature clip in her signature hair style.

She hated to admit it, but she liked that it was cute.

Natsuki made her way downstairs and saw Yuri calmly sipping on a cup of tea while she read the book Natsuki got her.

'Wowie...Yuri looks pretty as usual...' thought Natsuki as she made herself a simple bowl of cereal. Natsuki sat opposite Yuri and while eating she couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of her, Natsuki felt bewitched every time she looked too long.

It didn't help that when she wasn't drinking the tea with cute little sips and the habit Yuri had of licking her finger tips every time she needed to move to the next page.

Natsukis breath suddenly disapeared and any oxygen left got caught up in her throat, wondering how soft those plump lips must be. Feeling the lack of oxygen building up pressure in her dark red cheeks, Natsuki slowly looked down trying to act natural and tried to eat her cereal like she wasn't having a gay panic.

"I am so going to get you back for tickling me." Said Natsuki once she finished her breakfast and managed to to start breathing again.

"I'd like to see you try." Scoffed Yuri.

"I HATE you sometimes, do you know that? I hope you know that." Said Natsuki a she put her bowl and spoon in the sink.

"Why yes Natsuki, I do know that you hate me." Giggled Yuri as she put her dishes in the sink. They both then made there way to the door to get ready for school.

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