Chapter 43 - Choices

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Warning: Swearing, manipulation sadness and omg I did not enjoy writing this and it's whyyy I've put this off for so loooooong... but I hope you lads enjoy it cause my writers block is a bit better now, so hopefully ill be able to update more.

Monika woke up in the dead of night to the unpleasant sound of her phone vibrating. She reached over thinking it could be an emergency, only to be confused when the blue screen lit and an unknown number was messaging her.

Monika felt a cold sweat creep its way onto her skin, her eyes growing wide as worry, shock and dread that filled her to the core. Rose was messaging her.

She was spamming a series of cruel threats and intricate plots to monika, laying them out through a series of messages, with photos and evidence she was threatening to use if Monika didn't comply. Before Monika could even begin screenshot anything through her groggy and tired state, the messages disappeared like they were never sent.

Once the vibrations stopped, once the messages stopped, Monika was left alone with nothing but the silence of night and the ever-growing clump of fear and dread squeezing her heart.

Monika was frozen stiff, her arms falling to her side, the phone slipping from her fingertips and collapsing onto the floor, as she began to wondering what she was going to do, how would she be able to get out of this without Sayori being hurt in all the ways Rose threatened to?

She stayed up all night trying to think of something, but there was nothing that didn't require more time that Rose had oh so graciously stripped away from her.

The next day was torture, a full day of school with only a few hours of sleep made it hard to pretend everything was okay to her fellow clubmates as they worried about Monika, saying she seemed tired, distant and deep in her thoughts a lot.

Every time Sayori would get close because of her genuine worry and care for Monika braught chills down her spine as she worried Rose's eyes were watching. Monika couldn't tell Sayori, she couldn't tell anyone. So by the end of the day after the club ended she took a deep breath and made her choice.

"Sayori for the last time I'm fine, I just didnt sleep well, you don't need to worry." Smiled Monika as Sayori hugged her goodbye.

"Okay...if you say so, but you'll talk to me when something does bother you right?" Asked Sayori as she helled onto Monikas hand tightly. Monika nodded as she opened the taxi door for Sayori.

"When I can I will, just go home for now I'll see you in a couple hours probably." Smiled Monika, letting go of Sayori as she sat in the car.

"I will...but why can't we just go home together?" Almost begged Sayori with puppy eyes.

"I already told you, I'm joining a planning meeting with the student council, the teachers say I can't miss this one." Lied Monika as she said her final goodbyes and watched Sayori drive away safely.

Monika turned her heel and walked back to the school, hearing her footsteps echo in the empty halls braught even more chills down her spine as the dreaded moment of the day had finally arrived.

She opened the door to the student council room and put on her emotionless expression as she saw Rose standing at the head of the table pooring some tea, looking like the prim and proper student she tricked everyone into believing she was.

"Monika~ I'm so happy you could make it~" Said Rose with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Come, sit, we have so much to discuss~" Cooed Rose as she pulled out a chair for Monika.

Monika took a deep breath and cautiously walked her way across the room, siting down on the chair Rose chose for her. She flinched, her shoulders stiffening like bricks when Rose hugged her, wrapping her arms around Monika from behind like a pair of snakes.

"I'm so happy you could make it Moni~" Purred Rose as she kisses Monika on the top of her head.

Monika gritted her teeth and stood up fast and pushed Rose away.

"Don't touch me. After the shit you pulled last night I don't want anything to do with you." Said monika in a calm but firm tone.

"Oh so you've made your choice~? You want me to call my PI to spy on that little bitch and your so called friends? You want me to release everything I've gathered on her already~?" Giggled Rose and Monika turned to look at her with rage.

"Why would you do this? Why go through all this?! Just so we could get back together?!? YOUR THE ONE WHO CHEATED!!!" Shouted Monika.

"AND YOUR THE ONE WHO REFUSES TO FORGIVE ME!!!" Screached Rose in retaliation.

There was a sudden silence between the two, the air thick with tension.

"Please just stop, I'll never forgive you for that and how terribly you treated need to let it go- "but I've changed! I'll never do it again!" Interrupted Rose with a flustered tone as she approached monika and took her hand inside her own. Monika watched, emotionless and tired.

"Let's just try it again!! That's all I want! I love you that's why I did everything!" Said Rose with a desperate tone. Monika closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming down and supressing her anger to try and think clearly again.

"We never worked Rose." Said Monika as she pulled her hands away.
"We argued all the time. Hurt each other. Manipulated each other! You cheating was just the cherry on top of the fucking cake!!!" Shouted monika, taking a few steps away from Rose, only for her to quickly follow and close the space.

"That's why we loved each other! Your the only one who could ever match me! The only one remotely like me! Were PERFECT for each other! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!?" Almost Pleaded Rose in a desperate tone.

"Fuck sake need help..." Said Monika understanding Rose would never listen. She watched as Rose continued to shout empty words of love.

She gently placed her hands on roses shoulders and smiled her perfect fake smile.

"It won't work. I changed. I moved on. This is a warning Rose. It won't work regardless of what you do." Said Monika in a polite and sweet tone.

Rose began swearing and threatening Monika and her friends again, getting into vivid descriptions of everything she could and would do.

"I warned you. But okey, let's do your thing. Let's try again..." Smiled Monika as she came to the realisation she was too unprepared to protect her friends and deal with Rose.

Rose moved in closer, grinning and smiling like her favourite food was right in front of her as she placed her lips ontop of Monikas.

Monika stiffened and closed her eyes thinking of better things, drifting her mind to anywhere but there waiting for the kiss and the crappy conversation to end.

Just end.

Just end.

Just. End.

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