Chapter 5 - Home

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Trigger Warning: Swearing, spelling attempted abuse, drunken behaviour and insults.

Natsuki was finally heading home after she finished her shift at the shop and beat the crap out of Daniel for not listening to her. Natsuki really didn't want to have to go home, she didn't want to have to see him, she still had an hour before he got back but it still didn't stop her from being scared for her life whenever they were in the same room. Natsuki couldn't even call that place her home, not anymore, or more like it never was to begin with, at least that's how she felt.

She made it to her small house with chipping dirty white painted walls, windows so dirty they were no longer see through, a garden which was just as unkept as the house and clearly old and almost wrotten wooden door. Natsuki sighed at the awful state of her so called home and pulled out her keys, unlocking the door and bracing herself for the worse. As she opened the door a horrible smell of alchohl, smoke and mold flooded through her nostrils. A foul stench so horrible that it would make anyone vomit, but having grown up with this, it was the same as breathing regular air to Natsuki.

After hanging her stuff on the coat hangers, she sprinted up the stairs into her room and got changed into the only pyjamas she owned that weren't ruined. It was a grey cat onesie with black ears, a black tail, white stripes on the back, white paw glove things and an OwO as it's face on the hood.

Natsuki a while back discovered that there were a few loose floor boards in her room that lead to an empty space in the floor, this is where she stores all her money, food, manga and het other prised possessions. All she had to do was put a rug over it and her dumb ass dad never found it. Natsuki pulled out a pink envelope Daisy gave her with some money, she counted the money before placing back on the rather big pile of envelopes and writing the amount she got in her little black note book, before returning everything into the compartment underneath the floorboards.

"Dam it. Not enough." Moaned Natsuki while she left her room and went downstairs to star cleaning everything before her papa came home. She started in the kitchen by throwing away all the bear bottles and piling up all the dishes scattered around the house and clean them in the kitchen sink. After cleaning them she made sure she dried them and put them all away in the cupboards, so she wouldn't have to experience a plate being thrown at her head again. Then she wiped down all the surfaces in the kitchen, making it the cleanest thing in the whole house and sweeped the dirt covered floor.

Natsuki moved to sweep under the dining table and living room where the TV and sofa was. She moaned very irritated, finding a lot more dishes and beer bottles in the other rooms.

"Oh come on! How much of a fucking mess did he make while I was in the wardrobe?!" Shouted Natsuki, clenching her hands around the broom tightly. So after sweeping, Natsuki quickly did the rest of the dishes and threw away the bottles, along with the overflowing ash tray piled with cigarettes. However no matter how much she cleaned, that horrible stench never left.

Natsuki retreated back to her room after doing all the cleaning and belly flopped on her horrible IKEA mattress. Natsuki then looked to her left, her face berried into the pillow and looked at her charging phone on the footstool by her bed, only to see she got a text from someone. With a huff she grabbed her phone and looked at the waaaaay too bright screen to see who it was. After reading who it was she instantly shot up from the bed and sat up straight with wide eyes. It was Yuri. She slowly unlocked her phone, clicked on her messages and saw something that shocked her too the core.

Purple bookworm has opened a new chat with Pinker

Purple bookworm:
Hi Natsuki it's Yuri, you can blame Sayori for the nicknames and I didn't want her to make a big deal of us contacting each other so I opened up a chat for just the two of us. I hope you don't mind.

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