Chapter 52 - Reciprocate

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Warning: Sayonica, Kissing, swearing, very sorry for the short chapter, I had an incredibly busy week Xx

Monika found herself almost breathless underneath Sayori on her bed, smothered by all of the kisses that showered her the moment the doors closed behind them. 

"S-Sayori wait a minute-" Said Monika, gently pushing Sayori away, finally able to catch her breath.

"Sorry! Did you not want too!?" Asked Sayori, quickly pulling away worriedly.

"No! No I want too! I just needed to catch my breath AND were both still soaking wet from the rain Sayori." Smiled Monika pointing out the trail of water they left on the floor and bed.

"Oh shoot." Said Sayori, face palming in embarrassment.

"Its okay Sayori, I admire the enthusiasm, its cute." Smirked Monika as she gently moved Sayoris hand out of the way and kissed her on the forehead. 

After drying off and changing clothes the two girls sat back down on the bed, Sayori nervous and fidgeting.

"Do we...what do we do now..? I've never had a girlfriend before..." Mumbled Sayori.

"Well, its not that different from having a boyfriend." Said Monika.

"I've...never really had a boyfriend either..." Said Sayori.

"That's surprising given how lovable and adorable you are~" Flirted Monika, kissing Sayori on the cheek. Sayori giggled like a little fool, Monika was finally her girlfriend, she could barely believe it.  

"I...Sayori after everything that's happening between me and Rose, could we take it slow...?" Asked Monika, Sayori very quickly held both of Monikas hands in hers and looked at her intently.

"Monika of course, we absolutely can. I wanted to ask you the same thing because this is my first proper official relationship. Anyone else I was ever involved with just...I don't even know." 

"I do want to kiss you and hold you close, but I don't want to touch in..that way." Said Monika and Sayori nodded.

"That's okay, I'm sorry if I went too far earlier with the kisses..." Apologized Sayori.

"I was worried, feel different, softer and nicer, I didn't feel uncomfortable in any way." Smiled Monika while a feeling of relief washing over Sayori.

"I'm happy to hear that Moni...Could I ask you something?" 

"Of course sweetheart." Sayori's mind glitched for a moment at the sound of her first nickname.

" just thought it was kinda funny we're technically an affair." Mumbled Sayori, to which Monika burst out laughing.

"Holy shit!! You're right!!! Oh lord I didn't even think of that!! If she wouldn't explode into a million annoying stabbing pieces before we can threaten her with our evidence, I would have broken up with her before I kissed you...I'm sorry this is how we started..." Sighed Monika.

"What she's done isn't your fault Moni. This whole situation is messed up... what you two have couldn't possibly count as a relationship." Stated Sayori firmly.

"No. No its been horrible on the best of days...I just...I worried a lot that by having very little perseverance with Rose, you'd worry about my commitments in general..." Said Monika, her voice subconsciously quieting down as she spoke.

"I don't think your the type to typically cheat Monika. It's very out of character for you given how much it hurt you when Rose cheated on you. I know you Monika, I know what I'm getting involved with and I love it all. Every last bit of you I have loved for a very long time...It's only after I thought I'd lost you that I realized it..." Said Sayori avoiding eye contact as Monika looked at her with wide eyes.

'Oh no...did I mess up??? Why did I say the L word?!?'  Thought Sayori in a panic.

"Sayori I love you too." Replied Monika instantly before Pulling Sayori in for a hug.

"Haha!! Sayori I have been in love with you for years!!" Smiled Monika. overjoyed at the notion of true reciprocation. 

"Oh my god!! This is insane!!" Laughed Sayori tightly hugging Monika back.

"We literally just said we'd try to take it slow haha!!" Giggled Sayori

"Touche, but its clear we have a lot of pent up emotions about each other, maybe we should talk about them now that we're girlfriends?" Suggested Monika to which Sayori enthusiastically nodded. 

"You smell of mint and pine all the time, like nature, and it drives me crazy every time, its so nice and comforting and it makes me want to hold you forever." Confessed Sayori.

"I would happily let you hold me forever because you Sayori are soft to the touch like a little pink cloud and that little fact would keep me up at night just thinking about the next time you'd hug me." Confessed Monika, smirking when Sayori began to blush.

"W-Well-! I always admired you whenever you did any kind of physical activity! It made me feel so many things!!" Said Sayori, blushing harder when Monika began to laugh.

"I'd purposefully stay up longer than you at sleepovers so I could grasp your cuteness all too myself when you were asleep and cuddling me." Retorted Monika

"I daydreamed almost every day about running my fingers through your beautiful hair!" Said Sayori.

"I can't look at anything even remotely the same color as your hair without feeling warm and fuzzy at the memory of a certain someone." Smiled Monika, Sayori now refusing to make eye contact.

"I have never felt jealousy as strongly as when I saw that meanie holding onto your arm!"

"I literally kicked the shit out of MC for making you cry!" Confessed Monika, Sayori now looking at Monika with wide eyes.

"Holy wonder he doesn't come around know on top of every other reason..." Mumbled Sayori in astonishment.

"Not my proudest moment, but it felt very very good." Said Monika.

"I wish I could kick rose..." Said Sayori.

"I'd happily watch." Smiled Monika.

"Did you send Daisy the proof you got today?" Asked Sayori.

"Yes I did before I came to find you. We should be able to move forward just as planned." Said Monika.

"Yeah...I can't believe this is finally happening." Said Sayori.

"Indeed, and next time I see her in the cafeteria I'll break up with her. If she gets physical or anything of the sort we will just have even more proof and witnesses." Said Monika, Sayori leaned her head to rest on her girlfriends shoulder with a sigh.

"Moni I don't want you getting hurt anymore..." Said Sayori.

"I won't. You, Natsuki and Yuri are all going to bet there. Not to mention I've gotten on friendly terms with a lot of the others Rose uses, they all hate her to bits. She is completely alone and I am not." Said Monika.

"As Natsuki would say, ain't no fucking way in hell am I leaving you alone every again Monika." Giggled Sayori.

"...the sound of your laughter got me through the toughest of times Sayori." Said Monika, resting her head over Sayoris.

"I could listen to your voice forever and ever..." Sighed Sayori contently.

"Happy to hear it." smiled Monika, finally safe. 

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