Chapter 23 - Karmasabitch

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Warning: swearing, abuse, violence/assault, threats, vomiting and lots of crying.

(A/n: accidentally pressed publish before I was done editing this chapter, so sorry if the notifications confused you guys 😅 have fun and enjoy the chapter!)

After a nice walk home, Yuri and Natsuki did all their homework at a fast pace thanks to Yuris intligance and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon watching TV and relaxing.

After around an hour of this Yuri felt her phone vibrate, meaning she was getting a call. When Yuri saw the called ID, she felt as if all her happyness built up to this moment was completely flooded with fear.

"Let me guess, it's Kate?" Sighed Natsuki.

"Yeah, if I don't answer it now she'll kill me." Sighed Yuri answering the call.

"H-Hey Kate" said Yuri trying to act happy.


"Wait what?! Why didn't they text or call me?" Asked Yuri, half happy and half sad at the knews.

"How should I know? Just get back here so we can make them something nice to eat when they get back!" Yelled Kate.

"Alright I'll be there shortly." Said Yuri hanging up.

"So you have to go?" Said Natsuki a little sad. Yuri nodded.

"Yeah, my parents are coming home apparently and that is kind of a big deal." Nervously chuckled Yuri as she got all of her bags.

"Want me to walk with you?" Asked Natsuki.

"No, I'll be fine, you've done enough already." Said Yuri putting on her shoes.

"Hug before you go..?" Asked Natsuki blushing a little as she helled her arms out to Yuri.

Yuri looked at her and smiled, putting down her bags before going to hug Natsuki. The lovely warm and comfortable hug was short lived when Yuri pulled away, having to go home. Natsuki watched as Yuri left, getting a bad feeling deep in her gut.

She remembered the time she tried to run away and when her dad couldnt find her he texted Natsuki claiming their her mother had returned and that she wanted to see Natsuki, but it was all a lie to lure Natsuki back into her house.

Boy did she get the beating of her life when she got home.

Natsuki went upstairs and quickly got changed into an oversized black hoodie and blue jeans that she knew made her look like a boy. She didn't have enough time to do her hair so Natsuki just put her hood up before leaving and going after Yuri, not before bringing her pocket knife that she really hoped she wouldn't have to use.

Yuri got to her door and used her keys to get in, placing her bags down at the entrance along with her shoes.

"Hallo? Kate? I'm here, what are we going to do before mum and dad get-" Yuri was cut off, as her hair was harshly pulled by someone from behind, dragging her so she fell on the floor and dragged all the way to the kitchen. Tears began to form in Yuri's eyes as she was forced to stand up by the pull of her hair and then slammed into a wall.

"Took you long enough you little shit." Said Kate no longer holding up her fake smile. Yuri began to panic, Kate hadn't been this violent in a long time, Yuri couldn't help but freeze in fear, feeling like she was locked in that room all over again.

"W-What are you doing Kate?!" Said Yuri trying to shout but it came out as a whimper.

"I know you've been avoiding me and your punishments. I've told you what would happen if you didn't kill yourself by now didn't I?!!" Shouted Kate throwing Yuri onto the floor before harshly digging her foot into Yuri's side.

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