Chapter 42 - Friends

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Warning: Probably swearing, description of abuse and Natsyuri.

Sayor walked out of her classroom with a smile upon her face for the first time in what seemed like forever. No one bothered her and she was able to catch up on all the notes she missed from her last lesson. She stood by the door waiting for Monika, but Natsuki and Yuri arrived instead. Sayori was a little disappointed, but happy one the less.

"Hello Sayori." Calmy said Yuri.

"Yo! Monika texted on the group chat she got detention for being late to class, so she isn't gunna be at the club for a while." Said Natsuki getting the message up on her phone and showing is to Sayori, knowing fully well she was too much of a goodie-too-shoes to even touch her phone during class.

"Oh that's a bummer..." Said Sayori, before they all walked towards their club room. While walking behind them, Sayori couldn't help but admire how Natsuki and Yuri talked and smiled towards one another.

"H-Hey Natsuki, Yuri, I-I have a question..." Said Sayori Tightly gripping the ends of her sleeves.

"Ask away Sayori!" Said Natsuki.

"H-How do you know...when you like someone i-in a romantic way..?" Asked Sayori trying not to get flustered.

"Hmmm...well, with Yuri she just made me really happy all the time." Said Natsuki bluntly as Yuri moved to look at her with a red face and lightly nudged her shoulder.

"B-But a friend can make you feel happy all the time too!" Said Sayori, clinging onto any denail she could.

"True, but you usually don't picture kissing someone you wanna stay friends with, and you know it's more then a crush when your feelings don't go away after a couple months and only get stronger." Said Natsuki as she opened the door to the clubroom.

"A-And the thought, o-or even a little mention of them potentially dating someone else, hurts a lot on the inside." Added Yuri. Sayori only nodded and blushed as all her fantasies hit her in the face at once.

"How long have you had a crush on this human?" Said Natsuki as she sat on the heared desk and pulled out a packed of crisps. Sayory took a minute to think back to when it all began and she gasped.

"A-A year...maybe longer..." Said Sayori.

"Have they dated anyone since feeling potentially started to bloom?" Asked  Yuri, Sayori could only nod no.

"Then there's hope for ya! They're still single as a pringle! Like you, little troubled pickle!" Giggled Natsuki as she ate her crisps. Sayori just blushed more and sat down as she collected her thoughts.

"Oh shit! Yuri I should write that down for my poem today!" Gasped Natsuki, Yuri chuckled and gave Natsuki her note book.

"Already done that love~" Smiled Yuri, Natsuki smiled back and hugged Yuri, forcefully pulling her closer to where Natsuki was sitting.

Sayori sat in silence, doodling in her note book completely dazed, thinking about a great number of things.

'How could something so wrong...feel so right and make me feel so happy...' thought Sayori as she sketched a little cartoon Monika next to a little cartoon Sayori.

Sayori sighed heavily and payed no attention to the person she heared walk up beside her, placing their hand on the back of her chair, probably looking at what she was drawing, because Sayori assumed it was either Natsuki or Yuri.

"Sayori those are really cute drawings of us." Smiled Monika as she leaned down to get a better look at Sayories drawings, while also moving closer to Sayori, who jumped a little in surprise and blushed as soon as she saw Monika.

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